
CelcomDigi Marks Milestone In Network Integration, Modernisation

CelcomDigi Marks Milestone In Network Integration, Modernisation

Business Today ·  07/23 16:47

CelcomDigi Berhad ("CelcomDigi") has achieved a significant milestone in its post-merger network integration and modernisation exercise. The company announced today that it has completed upgrades in Penang and surpassed the halfway point nationwide, putting it ahead of schedule in building Malaysia's leading digital network. Within a year, CelcomDigi achieved more than 50% of its targeted nationwide upgrades, a task initially expected to take three years. This accomplishment demonstrates CelcomDigi's ability to rollout mobile network infrastructure projects rapidly and at scale. At the current pace, CelcomDigi is on track to complete 75% of network upgrades by the end of 2024, positioning the company to deploy Malaysia's second 5G network.

CelcomDigi Berhad(“ CelcomDigi ”)在其合併後的網絡整合和現代化項目中取得了重大進展。該公司今天宣佈已完成檳城升級工作,並超過了全國一半的里程碑,使其成爲馬來西亞領先的數字網絡建設提前進度。 CelcomDigi在一年內完成了超過50%的全國範圍升級目標,這是最初預計需要三年完成的任務。這一成就表明CelcomDigi能夠快速且規模化地推出移動網絡基礎設施項目。按照當前的速度,CelcomDigi有望在2024年底完成75%的網絡升級,使其能夠部署馬來西亞第二個5g概念網絡。

CelcomDigi's CEO, Datuk Idham Nawawi, stated, "We remain very committed to building and growing Malaysia's 5G ecosystem, both on the infrastructure and applications layer. By end 2024, more than two-thirds of our network will be modernised, making it the largest, most modern digital network in the country. This 5G-ready network is primed to enable fast deployment of 5G and 5G-Advanced technology across our wide footprint and is ready to be commissioned as one of the largest standalone 5G networks in the region."

CelcomDigi的首席執行官Datuk Idham Nawawi表示:“我們仍然非常致力於建立和發展馬來西亞的5G生態系統,無論是在基礎設施層還是在應用層。到2024年底,我們的網絡中超過三分之二將現代化,使它成爲馬來西亞最大、最現代的數字網絡。這一5g-ready網絡已準備好在我們廣泛的覆蓋範圍內快速部署5g和5g-advanced技術,並準備好作爲該地區最大的獨立5g網絡之一投入使用。”

Looking towards Malaysia's future, CelcomDigi is advancing efforts to accelerate a 5G-AI powered digital nation. The CelcomDigi AI Experience Centre (AiX) is poised to be the epicentre of this ambition, supported by an extensive ecosystem of over 40 global tech players and local partners. The company has invested RM55 million in this state-of-the-art facility to stimulate rapid innovation of 5G and AI solutions. Currently, 13 out of 45 showcased solutions are in live pilots with enterprise customers, showing great promise for adoption. These efforts lay a strong foundation for the fast and efficient deployment of Malaysia's second 5G network, positioning CelcomDigi as the best choice for rollout and an enabler of the nation's transformation into a 5G-AI-powered digital society.

CelcomDigi正着眼於馬來西亞的未來,推進加速建設5g-ai驅動的數字國家的工作。 CelcomDigi人工智能體驗中心(AiX)得到了全球40多家科技公司和本地合作伙伴的大力支持,定位爲這一雄心的中心。該公司已經投資5500萬令吉建設這個最先進的設施,以刺激5G和AI解決方案的快速創新。目前,45個展示解決方案中已有13個正在與企業客戶進行實時試點,顯示出良好的採用前景。這些努力爲馬來西亞的第二個5g概念網絡的快速而高效的部署奠定了堅實的基礎,將CelcomDigi定位爲部署的最佳選擇,從而使該國轉變爲5g-ai驅動的數字社會的推動者。

Strong Foundation for Fast and Efficient Deployment

爲了爲馬來西亞的消費者和企業提供最好的網絡體驗,CelcomDigi部署了名爲Skuad 5G的專業網絡工程師團隊,以全國範圍內嚴格檢測其網絡。這確保服務水平符合客戶對質量和體驗的期望。 Skuad 5G的工作是在已經完成合並後的網絡優化和持續的網絡監控活動的基礎上實施的。 CelcomDigi及其管理層打算繼續密切監視網絡性能,表現出爲所有馬來西亞人提供高質量、一致的網絡體驗的強烈承諾。

CelcomDigi operates the widest 4G LTE and 4G LTE-A network in the country, covering 97% of populated areas nationwide. This network outpaces other mobile network operators' site counts by at least 50%. The company has modernised all components of its network, including RAN, core, and transport, with 5G-ready equipment, making over 90% of its network sites 5G-ready. The ongoing integration and modernisation exercise allows CelcomDigi to synergise its 4G upgrades and 5G activation efforts in a single visit, providing an affordable, efficient, and expedient manner to rollout a 5G network for the country.

CelcomDigi在全國範圍內擁有覆蓋97%的人口區域的最廣泛的4G LTE和4G LTE-A網絡。這個網絡的站點數至少比其他移動網絡運營商的站點數多50%。該公司使用5g-ready設備升級了其網絡的所有組件,包括RAN、核心和傳輸,使其超過90%的網絡站點已經5g-ready。持續進行的整合和現代化工作可使CelcomDigi將其4G升級和5G激活工作融合爲一次訪問,以提供一種實惠、高效快速的方式來爲該國推出5g網絡。

Additionally, CelcomDigi has established long-term partnerships with over 100 tower and state-backed companies in both Peninsular and East Malaysia, including EDOTCO, Edgepoint Towers Sdn Bhd, and SACOFA Sdn Bhd. These collaborations, reinforced post-merger, emphasise a solid partnership ecosystem with an extensive network tower footprint, capable of deploying new and upgrading existing sites at speed to build a world-class second 5G network for the nation.

此外,CelcomDigi在半島和東馬來西亞與100多個塔和國有公司建立了長期合作伙伴關係,包括EDOTCO、Edgepoint Towers Sdn Bhd和SACOFA Sdn Bhd。這些合作關係,合併後得到了加強,強調了一個具有廣泛網絡塔印記的堅實合作生態系統,能夠快速部署新的並升級現有的站點來爲國家建設世界一流的第二個5g概念網絡。

Complementing 5G Network Rollout with Growing 5G Adoption

除了推出最先進的CelcomDigi AI體驗中心(AiX)以加速5G-AI解決方案的開發之外,CelcomDigi還通過簡化其產品組合來推動5G領導力。該公司提供全新的CelcomDigi Postpaid 5G、Prepaid 5G和Home & Fibre產品系列。這些優惠套餐以最具價值的4G / 5G計劃和融合套餐爲基礎,滿足馬來西亞人逐漸增長的對價格實惠、極速互聯網的需求。客戶對5G服務日益增長的依賴表明了未來5G採用的有前景的機遇。

In addition to launching the state-of-the-art CelcomDigi AI Experience Centre (AiX) to accelerate the development of 5G-AI solutions, CelcomDigi continues to drive 5G leadership by streamlining its product portfolios. The company offers a complete suite of new CelcomDigi Postpaid 5G, Prepaid 5G, and Home & Fibre products. These attractive offers are anchored on best-value 4G/5G plans and converged packages, meeting Malaysians' growing need for affordable, ultra-fast internet. The growing traction of 5G services among customers indicates promising opportunities for 5G adoption in the future.

CelcomDigi不僅以5G網絡部署爲補充,還通過簡化其產品組合來推動5G領導力。該公司提供全新的CelcomDigi Postpaid 5G、Prepaid 5G和Home & Fibre產品系列。這些優惠套餐以最具價值的4G / 5G計劃和融合套餐爲基礎,滿足馬來西亞人逐漸增長的對價格實惠、極速互聯網的需求。客戶對5G服務日益增長的依賴表明了未來5G採用的有前景的機遇。

Focus on Improved Network Experience Post-Consolidation

爲了爲馬來西亞的消費者和企業提供最好的網絡體驗,CelcomDigi部署了名爲Skuad 5G的專業網絡工程師團隊,以全國範圍內嚴格檢測其網絡。這確保服務水平符合客戶對質量和體驗的期望。 Skuad 5G的工作是在已經完成合並後的網絡優化和持續的網絡監控活動的基礎上實施的。 CelcomDigi及其管理層打算繼續密切監視網絡性能,表現出爲所有馬來西亞人提供高質量、一致的網絡體驗的強烈承諾。

To deliver the best network experience for consumers and businesses in Malaysia, CelcomDigi has deployed specialised teams of network engineers, known as Skuad 5G, to rigorously test its network nationwide. This ensures that service levels match the company's ambitions for quality and experience for customers. The efforts of Skuad 5G are implemented in addition to existing post-consolidation network optimisation and ongoing network monitoring activities. The company and its management intend to continue close monitoring of network performance, demonstrating a strong commitment to delivering a high-quality, consistent network experience for all Malaysians.

爲了爲馬來西亞的消費者和企業提供最好的網絡體驗,CelcomDigi部署了名爲Skuad 5G的專業網絡工程師團隊,以全國範圍內嚴格檢測其網絡。這確保服務水平符合客戶對質量和體驗的期望。 Skuad 5G的工作是在已經完成合並後的網絡優化和持續的網絡監控活動的基礎上實施的。 CelcomDigi及其管理層打算繼續密切監視網絡性能,表現出爲所有馬來西亞人提供高質量、一致的網絡體驗的強烈承諾。

Penangites now enjoy improved service experiences across the state, notably in signal strength and network throughput. CelcomDigi's 4G LTE and 4G LTE-A coverage serves close to 99% and 98% of the state's populated areas, respectively. Network integration and modernisation works are also progressing well across the rest of the Northern region, having passed 50% of the company's targeted deployment in Perak, Kedah, and Perlis, which will be completed by 2025.

今天檳城的人現在在整個州都享受到了改善的服務體驗,特別是在信號強度和網絡吞吐量方面。 CelcomDigi的4G LTE和4G LTE-A覆蓋率分別爲該州人口區域的接近99%和98%。 現在公司在全北部地區的網絡整合和現代化工作也在良好地進行中,在霹靂,吉打和森美蘭州完工的部署已超過預期的50%,將於2025年完成。

