
Driven Technologies Recognized by Palo Alto Networks as a NextWave Diamond Innovator

Driven Technologies Recognized by Palo Alto Networks as a NextWave Diamond Innovator

被Palo Alto Networks認可爲下一波創新磚石獎得主的Driven Technologies
PR Newswire ·  07/23 03:45

NEW YORK, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Driven Tech, Inc. DBA Driven Technologies today announced it has achieved the coveted Palo Alto Networks NextWave Diamond Innovator status. Driven Technologies joins a select group of channel partners who have met the Diamond Innovator performance, capabilities, and business requirements of the Palo Alto Networks NextWave Partner Program.

2024年7月22日,紐約 / PRNewswire — Driven Tech,Inc. DBA Driven Technologies 今天宣佈已取得備受推崇的 Palo Alto Networks NextWave 金剛石創新者身份。Driven Technologies 加入了一批符合 Palo Alto Networks NextWave 合作伙伴計劃鑽石創新者績效、能力和業務要求的精選渠道合作伙伴。

Palo Alto Networks NextWave Diamond Innovator
Palo Alto Networks NextWave 金剛石創新者

The recognition comes as Driven Technologies continues to expand its best-in-class cybersecurity suite of offerings, providing tailored and powerful solutions that span all areas of cybersecurity, including AI-infused managed services.

當 Driven Technologies 繼續擴展其最佳網絡安全套件的同時獲得了這一認可,爲網絡安全的所有領域提供量身定製的、強大的解決方案,包括 AI 引入的管理服務。

"We are always excited to receive recognition from our partners, and in particular from Palo Alto Networks. This Nextwave Diamond Innovator status reinforces to our clients that our teams continue to be among the most forward-thinking security professionals in the industry, maximizing the capabilities and flexibility that Palo Alto Networks puts at our fingertips," commented Rudy Casasola, Driven Technologies CEO.
"NextWave partners play a critical role throughout the customer lifecycle, from the initial qualifying stage to ultimately ensuring successful deployment and adoption of our technology," said Tom Evans, VP of Worldwide Channel Sales at Palo Alto Networks. "As a NextWave Diamond Innovator, Driven Technologies is a cybersecurity advisor our customers can trust."

Driven Technologies CEO Rudy Casasola 表示:“我們總是很高興收到合作伙伴、特別是 Palo Alto Networks 的認可。這個 NextWave 鑽石創新者身份強化了我們的客戶,讓我們的團隊成爲行業內思維最前沿的安全專業人員之一,最大限度地發揮了 Palo Alto Networks 技術的能力和靈活性。”
“NextWave 合作伙伴在客戶生命週期中扮演着關鍵角色,從最初的資格認證階段到最終確保我們的技術成功部署和採納,”Palo Alto Networks 全球渠道銷售副總裁 Tom Evans 說。 “作爲 NextWave 鑽石創新者,Driven Technologies 是我們客戶可信賴的網絡安全顧問。”

"Our customers need cyber experts that can help them achieve better security outcomes, protecting them from today's sophisticated threats," said Anar Desai, VP of Americas Channel Sales at Palo Alto Networks. "Our Diamond Innovator NextWave partners have deep Palo Alto Networks expertise to help solve complex security challenges with robust solutions and services. As a NextWave Diamond Innovator, Driven Technologies is helping redefine what it means to be secure."

Palo Alto Networks 美洲區渠道銷售副總裁 Anar Desai 表示:“我們的客戶需要網絡安全專家,幫助他們取得更好的安全成果,保護他們免受今天的複雜威脅。” “我們的金剛石創新者 NextWave 合作伙伴擁有深厚的 Palo Alto Networks 經驗,以強大的解決方案和服務幫助解決複雜的安全難題。作爲 NextWave 鑽石創新者,Driven Technologies 正在重新定義安全的含義。”

About the NextWave Partner Program
The Palo Alto Networks NextWave partner program encompasses an innovative ecosystem of partners who help customers around the world succeed with Palo Alto Networks technology and solutions, redefining what it means to be secure.

關於 NextWave 合作伙伴計劃
Palo Alto Networks NextWave 合作伙伴計劃涵蓋了一個創新的生態系統,這個生態系統的合作伙伴幫助世界各地的客戶成功利用 Palo Alto Networks 技術和解決方案,重新定義安全的含義。

Palo Alto Networks continues to invest in, grow with, and optimize for partners with one partner program that offers five paths to capitalize on what's next in security. The evolving NextWave program embraces all partner types, providing partners with a clear blueprint for success to enhance profitability, enable differentiation, and expand opportunities.

Palo Alto Networks 繼續投資、成長和優化合作夥伴,在一個合作伙伴計劃中提供五條成長之路,以資本化安全領域的未來。不斷髮展的 NextWave 計劃涵蓋了所有合作伙伴類型,爲合作伙伴提供成功的清晰藍圖,以增強盈利能力、實現差異化和擴大機會。

About Driven Technologies
Driven Technologies is a cloud-native service provider dedicated to revolutionizing how companies harness technology to enhance business operations by securing, modernizing, and connecting applications, users, and data. Backed by Columbia Capital, Driven Technologies is committed to adapting and evolving alongside the dynamic IT landscape, empowering organizations to navigate the complexities of modern technology environments effectively.

關於 Driven Technologies
Driven Technologies 是一家雲本地服務提供商,致力於通過保護、現代化和連接應用程序、用戶和數據,革新企業如何利用技術增強業務運營。 Driven Technologies 得到 Columbia Capital 的支持,致力於適應和發展動態的 IT 環境,幫助企業有效應對現代技術環境的複雜性。







Tripper Allen
Oxford + Bond
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Tripper Allen
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SOURCE Driven Technologies

來源:Driven Technologies

