
How TFSAs Help Regular Canadians Outperform the Rich

How TFSAs Help Regular Canadians Outperform the Rich

The Motley Fool ·  07/19 08:45

Did you know that the tax-free savings account (TFSA) is one of the few aspects of the Canadian tax system that gives regular Canadians an advantage over the rich? It's not widely known, but it's true. With tax-deferred accounts, wealthier Canadians typically get more contribution room than working class Canadians. An effect of this is that the rich are able to put more money in such accounts than regular Canadians are. So, these accounts just end up being another way for the rich to get richer.


It's not so with the TFSA. The TFSA's new contribution limit is the same for everyone each year, and relatively small. As a result, the TFSA allows regular Canadians to shelter a larger percentage of their wealth than rich Canadians. So, a working class Canadian who invests in a TFSA can slowly catch up with one of their rich peers over time.


How the TFSA helps regular Canadians


At first glance, you might think that the annual TFSA contribution room is the same for Canadians over the age of 17. It's the same for everyone, so the end result is the same, right?


No. You see, working class Canadians often have total savings that can fit inside of a maxed out TFSA. Rich Canadians can only put a portion of their savings into a TFSA. So the working class Canadian can have a fully tax-sheltered portfolio. For a rich Canadian, that's not possible â barring fleeing to a foreign country.


TFSA math


To illustrate how a poorer Canadian gets more of a benefit from the TFSA than a richer Canadian, I built a table with three columns. Column one is a $95,000 TFSA balance that represents an entire working class Canadian's lifetime savings. Column two is a $95,000 TFSA belonging to the rich person. Column three is $2 million, which represents the rich person's taxable savings. Each of these columns sees a 10% return each year, but each year the rich person sells enough stock to pay a 5% capital gain tax on the entire portfolio.



As you can see, the working class Canadian ends up with $224,005, while the rich Canadian ends up with $224,005 from the TFSA plus $2.97 million from the taxable account, or $3.19 million in total.

正如您所見,工薪階層加拿大人最終擁有$224,005,而富人從TFSA中獲得$ 224,005,另外再獲得297萬從應納稅帳戶中獲得,或總額319萬。

At the start of the 10 years, the working class Canadian has 4.5% of the rich Canadian's wealth. By the end, he/she has 7% of the rich Canadian's wealth. That's the advantage of having a smaller starting amount. You can put more of it in a TFSA!

在10年的開始,工薪階層加拿大人擁有富人財富的4.5%。到最後,他 / 她擁有富人財富的7%。這就是擁有更少的初始金額的優勢。您可以更多地將其放在TFSA中!

A suggestion


If you want to build wealth at a rate similar to that of the working class Canadian earned above, you might want to invest in dividend stocks. They offer a lot of compounding power.


Take the Canadian National Railway (TSX:CNR) for example. It's a Canadian railroad company that has a 2% dividend yield at today's prices. The dividend might seem small at first glance, but it has grown at 10.5% per year over the last decade. More importantly, CNR has delivered total returns above 10% per year, which makes the math above work.


Can CN Railway keep this going? Potentially, yes. It still has all the advantages it had at the start of its rise. It has only one competitor. It has a 35% profit margin. It has an enviable rail network that touches three coasts. Rail is far cheaper per unit of weight than trucks. So CN Railway may indeed keep the compounding going into future. If it does, then a $95,000 TFSA invested in it could go a long way.

加拿大國家鐵路公司能否保持這種增長?潛在來看,是的。它在上升期開始時仍然具有所有的優勢。它只有一個競爭對手。它有35%的利潤率。它有一個令人羨慕的觸及三個海岸的鐵路網。鐵路比卡車更便宜。所以加拿大國家鐵路公司可能確實會在未來繼續複合增長。如果如此,那麼$ 95,000投資在它的TFSA中可以走得更遠。

The post How TFSAs Help Regular Canadians Outperform the Rich appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

《如何通過TFSA幫助普通加拿大人超越富人》一文最初發佈於The Motley Fool Canada。

