
Arbor Realty Trust (ABR) Faces Reported DOJ/FBI Investigation, Stock Tanks - Hagens Berman

Arbor Realty Trust (ABR) Faces Reported DOJ/FBI Investigation, Stock Tanks - Hagens Berman

阿博蘭地產投資信託(ABR)面臨據報道的DOJ/FBI調查,股價暴跌 - Hagens Berman
newsfile ·  07/19 02:30

San Francisco, California--(Newsfile Corp. - July 18, 2024) - Hagens Berman urges Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: ABR) investors who suffered substantial losses to submit your losses now.

Hagens Berman敦促遭受實質性損失的Arbor Realty Trust股東(NYSE:ABR)現在提交您的損失。

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Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (ABR) Investigation:

Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. (ABR)調查:

Arbor Realty Trust faces mounting pressure as federal authorities reportedly investigate its lending practices and loan book performance, according to sources cited by Bloomberg on July 12, 2024. This news sent Arbor's stock price tumbling over 20% during intraday trading.

據Bloomberg 2024年7月12日引述的消息來源稱,聯邦當局正在調查Arbor Realty Trust的放貸業務和貸款業績,這使得Arbor的股價在盤中下跌了超過20%。

The investigation follows a series of critical reports published by Viceroy Research, a forensic financial research group. Since November 16, 2023, Viceroy has issued 22 reports on Arbor, raising concerns about the company's financial health and the value of its loan portfolio.

這項調查緊隨Forensic financial research group Viceroy Research發佈了一系列批評性報告。自2023年11月16日以來,Viceroy已發佈了22份關於Arbor的報告,引發了市場對於公司財務健康和貸款組合價值的擔憂。

Viceroy's initial report, "Arbor Realty - Slumlord Millionaires," labeled Arbor's stock "uninvestable" due to its allegedly poor loan quality and overvalued collateral. The report further claimed that Arbor's entire loan book is distressed and unlikely to be refinanced elsewhere.

Viceroy的最初報告“Arbor Realty- Slumlord millionaires”認爲Arbor的股票“不適宜投資”由於其貸款品質和高估的抵押品。該報告進一步聲稱,Arbor的整個貸款組合處於困境之中,不可能在其他地方獲得再融資。

More recently, Viceroy's May 9, 2024 report, titled "Arbor Realty Trust - Fraud," alleged that Arbor has engaged in a "con" by financing purchases of its foreclosed assets through off-balance sheet entities controlled by former Arbor associates. These purchases were reportedly financed with Arbor's own equity capital and loans originated by Arbor itself.

更近來,Viceroy於2024年5月9日發佈了題爲“Arbor Realty Trust - Fraud”的報告,聲稱Arbor通過由以前的Arbor聯繫人控制的場外實體融資其被查封資產的購買,從而參與了一種“欺詐”。這些購買據報是通過Arbor自己的股本和貸款獲得的。

Viceroy has also directed its criticism towards Arbor's auditor, Ernst & Young (EY). In a July 11, 2024 email to EY, Viceroy reportedly highlighted "overwhelming evidence" suggesting Arbor's loan book is significantly impaired. The email further accuses Arbor of manipulating delinquency rates through loan modifications and financing structures that appear to be self-serving.


Arbor has not yet responded publicly to the latest federal investigation or Viceroy's specific allegations. The company previously maintained the accuracy of its financial statements and declined to comment on short seller reports. Over the past year, Arbor's stock is down over 18 percent.


These developments have prompted shareholder rights firm Hagens Berman to commence an investigation into potential violations of the securities laws.

這些發展促使股東維權律師事務所Hagens Berman開始調查可能違反證券法的行爲。

"We are investigating whether Arbor may have concealed distressed deals and other assets," said Reed Kathrein, the Hagens Berman partner leading the investigation.

“我們正在調查Arbor是否隱瞞了不良交易和其他資產,”領導此項調查的Hagens Berman合夥人Reed Kathrein說。

If you invested in Arbor and have substantial losses, or have knowledge that may assist the firm's investigation, submit your losses now »


If you'd like more information and answers to frequently asked questions about the Arbor investigation, read more »


Whistleblowers: Persons with non-public information regarding Arbor should consider their options to help in the investigation or take advantage of the SEC Whistleblower program. Under the new program, whistleblowers who provide original information may receive rewards totaling up to 30 percent of any successful recovery made by the SEC. For more information, call Reed Kathrein at 844-916-0895 or email

告密人:擁有關於Arbor的非公開信息的個人應考慮幫助調查或利用SEC告密人計劃。根據新計劃,提供原始信息的告密人可以獲得SEC取得的成功收益總額高達30%的獎勵。有關更多信息,請致電844-916-0895聯繫Reed Kathrein或發送電子郵件至。

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Hagens Berman is a global plaintiffs' rights complex litigation firm focusing on corporate accountability. The firm is home to a robust practice and represents investors as well as whistleblowers, workers, consumers and others in cases achieving real results for those harmed by corporate negligence and other wrongdoings. Hagens Berman's team has secured more than $2.9 billion in this area of law. More about the firm and its successes can be found at Follow the firm for updates and news at @ClassActionLaw.

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Reed Kathrein, 844-916-0895


