
Lithium Ionic Completes US$20 Million Royalty Agreement With Appian Capital

Lithium Ionic Completes US$20 Million Royalty Agreement With Appian Capital

GlobeNewswire ·  07/19 00:09

TORONTO, July 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lithium Ionic Corp. (TSXV: LTH; OTCQX: LTHCF; FSE: H3N) ("Lithium Ionic" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful completion of the previously announced royalty agreement with Appian Capital Advisory LLP ("Appian").

2024年7月18日多倫多(Globe Newswire)——Lithium Ionic公司(TSXV:LTH;OTCQX:LTHCF;FSE:H3N)(以下簡稱“Lithium Ionic”或“公司”)高興地宣佈已成功完成此前與Appian Capital Advisory LLP(以下簡稱“Appian”)宣佈的版稅協議。

Lithium Ionic Bandeira Corp. (the "Grantor") has executed a definitive royalty agreement (the "Royalty Agreement") with ANRF LI (JSY) Ltd., an affiliate of Appian, granting a 2.25% gross revenue royalty in exchange for upfront cash consideration of US$20,000,000. This agreement aligns with the terms outlined in the Company's news releases dated May 30, 2024, and June 28, 2024. Appian is an investment advisor to long-term, value-focused private capital funds that invest exclusively in mining and mining-related companies.

Lithium Ionic Bandeira Corp.(以下簡稱“出讓方”)已與Appian子公司ANRF LI(JSY)有限公司簽署了一份明確的版稅協議(以下簡稱“版稅協議”),出讓方授權因提前收到2000萬美元現金而賦予2.25%的總收入版稅。此協議遵循了該公司2024年5月30日和2024年6月28日公佈的條款。Appian是一家長期價值投資的私募資本基金的投資顧問,其專門投資於礦業和礦業相關公司。

Lithium Ionic intends to use the proceeds from the Royalty to advance the development and construction of its world-class Bandeira Lithium Project ("Bandeira" or the "Project"), located within the Lithium Valley in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Additionally, funds will be allocated for general corporate purposes and working capital requirements. The Lithium Valley is renowned for its significant concentration of lithium-bearing pegmatites and has become a globally significant lithium production center.


Key Terms of the Royalty Agreement


  • A 2.25% Life-of-Mine gross revenue royalty on the Bandeira Project.
  • Upfront purchase price of US$20,000,000 payable to the Grantor.
  • An option for the Company to fully buy-back the Royalty within the first five years for a fee of US$67,500,000.
  • The Royalty obligations will be secured by charges and share pledges over substantially all current and future assets relating to the Project.
  • 2.25%的終身總收入版稅用於Bandeira Project。
  • 授予方將獲得2000萬美元的現金作爲售價。
  • 不超過五年內,公司有權全額回購該版稅,回購費爲6750萬美元。
  • 版稅義務將由與該項目相關的當前和未來資產的收益和股份質押擔保。

About Lithium Ionic Corp.


Lithium Ionic is a Canadian mining company exploring and developing its lithium properties in Brazil. Its Itinga group of properties, which hosts its flagship Bandeira Lithium Project, as well as its Salinas group pf properties cover ~14,000 hectares in the northeastern part of Minas Gerais state, a mining-friendly jurisdiction that is quickly emerging as a world-class hard-rock lithium district. The Bandeira Project is situated in the same region as CBL's Cachoeira lithium mine, which has produced lithium for +30 years, as well as Sigma Lithium Corp.'s Grota do Cirilo project, which hosts the largest hard-rock lithium deposit in the Americas.

鋰離子是一家加拿大礦業公司,正在探索和開發其在巴西的鋰礦物產業。其Itinga物業組,其中包括其旗艦Bandeira鋰項目的託管物業,以及其Salinas物業組,覆蓋了米納斯吉拉斯州東北部約14,000公頃,是一個礦業友好型管轄區,正在迅速崛起爲世界級的硬巖鋰地區。Bandeira項目位於與CBL的Cachoeira鋰礦相同的地區,後者已生產了30年的鋰礦,以及Sigma Lithium Corp.的Grota do Cirilo項目,後者擁有美洲最大的硬巖鋰礦牀。

About Appian Capital Advisory LLP

關於Appian Capital Advisory LLP

Appian Capital Advisory LLP is the investment advisor to long-term value-focused private capital funds that invest solely in mining and mining-related companies. Appian is a leading investment advisor in the metals and mining industry, with global experience across South America, North America, Australia, and Africa and a successful track record of supporting companies to achieve their development targets. Appian has a global team of over 75 experienced professionals with presences in London, New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Lima, Belo Horizonte, Montreal, Dubai, Johannesburg, and Perth.

Appian Capital Advisory LLP是投資於礦業和礦業相關公司的長期價值投資的私募資本基金的投資顧問。Appian是貴金屬和礦業行業的領先投資顧問,在南美洲、北美洲、澳大利亞和非洲擁有全球經驗,併成功支持公司實現其發展目標。Appian在全球擁有超過75位經驗豐富的專業人士,分別駐紮在倫敦、紐約、多倫多、溫哥華、利馬、貝洛奧裏藏特、蒙特利爾、迪拜、約翰內斯堡和珀斯。

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Lithium Ionic Corp.


Blake Hylands
Chief Executive Officer, Director


Investor and Media Inquiries:
+1 647.316.2500

+1 647.316.2500

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-statements." Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes, in light of the experience of its officers and directors, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered appropriate that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. When used in this press release, the words "estimate", "project", "belief", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" and the negative of these words or such variations thereon or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements and information. The forward-looking statements and information in this press release include information relating to the prospectivity of the Company's mineral properties including Bandeira and Salinas, the Company's ability to produce a NI 43-101 compliant Feasibility study and the timing thereof, the Company's ability to obtain the requisite licences and permits, the economic viability of the Bandeira Project, the Company's ability to obtain adequate financing, the mineralization and development of the Company's mineral properties, the Company's exploration program and other mining projects and prospects thereof and the Company's future plans. Such statements and information reflect the current view of the Company. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in those forward-looking statements and information. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新聞發佈包含構成“前瞻性聲明”的陳述。此類前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素,可能導致公司的實際結果,表現或成就或發展與所預期的結果,表現或成就或表達或暗示的那樣不同前瞻性陳述。雖然公司認爲,根據其管理層經驗和意見,當前狀況和預期未來發展和已經被認爲適當的其他因素,本前瞻性信息所反映的預期是合理的,但不應過度依賴它們,因爲公司無法保證其將被證明是正確的。本新聞發佈中使用“估計”、“項目”、“信念”、“預計”、“打算”、“期望”、“計劃”、“預測”、“可能”或“應該”以及這些單詞的否定形式或這些單詞或類似術語的變體,旨在識別前瞻性陳述和信息。本新聞發佈中包含的前瞻性聲明和信息包括有關公司礦產包括班迪拉和薩利納斯的發現前景,公司能夠製作符合NI 43-101規範的可行性研究以及其時機,公司能否獲得必要的許可和許可證,班迪拉項目的經濟可行性,公司能否獲得足夠的融資,公司的礦產的礦化和開發,公司的勘探活動和其他採礦項目以及其前景以及公司的未來計劃。此類聲明和信息反映了公司的當前觀點。可能導致實際結果與本前瞻信息的預期不同的風險和不確定性。由其性質,前瞻性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致我們的實際結果,表現或成就或其他未來事件與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來結果,表現或成就實質上不同。本新聞發佈的前瞻信息反映了公司的觀點截至本新聞發佈日。因此,在此之後,本信息可能發生變化。讀者不應賦予前瞻信息過度重要性,並且不應依賴本信息以及其他任何日期的信息。本公司不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述的義務,如果管理層的信仰,估計或意見或其他因素髮生變化,則也不承擔更新的義務。

[Information and links in this press release relating to other mineral resource companies are from their sources believed to be reliable, but that have not been independently verified by the Company]


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