
Bayhorse Silver Completes Ground Water Test Well Drilling, Extends Known Silver Bearing Rhyolite Zone 600 Feet West Of The Bayhorse Silver Mine Underground Workings

Bayhorse Silver Completes Ground Water Test Well Drilling, Extends Known Silver Bearing Rhyolite Zone 600 Feet West Of The Bayhorse Silver Mine Underground Workings

Bayhorse Silver完成地下水測試鑽井,並將已知白銀承載流紋岩區東延600英尺至Bayhorse白銀礦井的地下工作。
newsfile ·  07/18 21:24

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 18, 2024) - Bayhorse Silver Inc, (TSXV: BHS) (OTCQB: BHSIF) (FSE: 7KXN) (the "Company" or "Bayhorse") reports that the installation of three groundwater test wells has been completed at its Bayhorse Silver Mine, Oregon, USA as the final part of its baseline studies required for the Company's full Mine Operating Permit.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(新聞稿公司-2024年7月18日)--Bayhorse Silver Inc.(tsxv:BHS)(otcqb:BHSIF)(FSE:7KXN)(“公司”或“Bayhorse”)報告其Bayhorse銀礦,位於美國俄勒岡州,已經完成三口地下水測試井的安裝,這是公司全面礦業操作許可所需的基線調查的最後一部分。

The three test wells, two of +/- 150 foot depth, and one of 750 foot depth, all intersected ground water at a depth of +/- 2080 feet above sea-level, which is the elevation of Idaho Power's Brownlee Hydro Reservoir that the Bayhorse Silver Mine is situated beside.


The deepest test well, at +750 feet, lies 600 feet west of the Bayhorse underground mine workings and within the area of the recent VTEM survey low resistivity signature. This test well was collared at an elevation of 2,886 feet, and was reported to have passed through the known geological lithologies of the Weatherby (schist) and the Huntington (andesite) formations and the silver bearing Rhyolite zone of the Bayhorse Silver Mine. This deep test well confirms the silver bearing rhyolite is present at depth a minimum 600 feet west from the current underground workings.


The test wells were installed under the direction and supervision of HDR Engineering, of Boise, Idaho, through a ground water test plan approved by Oregon's Department of Geological and Mineral Industries ("Dogami").


Figure 1, Groundwater test well drill rig in operation at the Bayhorse Mine with the Pegasus Property in the background


Deep drilling from the underground workings at the Bayhorse Mine is planned to test the extent of the mineralization in this rhyolite area.


Bayhorse CEO, Graeme O'Neill, comments "with completion of the groundwater test wells, the last of the baseline studies work has been completed, and we anticipate completing the final full Mine Operating Permit application as soon as possible. Having confirmation of the projected extent of the silver bearing rhyolite is a pleasant bonus from the test well drilling, and we are looking forward to commence the planned underground drill program to extend the known silver mineralized horizon westwards."

Bayhorse公司CEO Graeme O'Neill表示:“隨着地下水測試井的完工,基線調查工作的所有工作已經完成,我們期待儘快完成最終的全面礦業操作許可申請。確定含銀流紋岩的預計延伸範圍是測試井鑽探的驚喜消息,我們期待開始計劃的地下鑽探項目,向西擴展已知的銀礦化視界。“

The Company announces that, subject to the approval of the TSX-V Exchange, the Company has extended the expiry date of the following warrants (all other terms remain unchanged):


a) Original expiry date of 12,750,000 warrants: August 16, 2024.


b) New expiry date of 12,750,000 warrants: August 16, 2027.


Exercise price of warrants: 10 cents.


This News Release has been prepared on behalf of the Bayhorse Silver Inc. Board of Directors, which accepts full responsibility for its content. Mark Abrams, AIPG, a Qualified Person has prepared, supervised the preparation of, or approved the technical content of this press release.

本新聞稿是代表Bayhorse Silver Inc.董事會準備的,並對其內容負全部責任。 資質認證人Mark Abrams, AIPG已準備、監督本新聞稿的技術內容或已獲批准。

On Behalf of the Board.
Graeme O'Neill, CEO

首席執行官Graeme O'Neill

About Bayhorse Silver Inc.

關於Bayhorse Silver Inc. Bayhorse Silver Inc.是一家探礦和生產公司,其擁有位於美國俄勒岡州的歷史悠久的Bayhorse銀礦100%的權益。憑藉最先進的斯坦納特礦石分選技術,將進入加工流程的廢巖減少了高達85%,我們創建了一家最小化環境影響的設施,每天可開採200噸礦化物,並能夠在附近的愛達荷州佩特縣銑礦設施加工和供應年銷售3600噸含銀/銅/銻精礦,含銀量爲7500-15000 g/t,銅含量爲10-12%,銻含量爲10-12%,鋅含量爲15-18%的有關標準的浮選加工,已與英國海洋合夥人有限公司簽署了合同。該公司還有一項獲得Brandywine加拿大英屬哥倫比亞高品位銀/金物業80%權益的選擇權。該公司擁有一支經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,具有廣泛的採礦探索和建礦經驗。

Bayhorse Silver Inc. is an exploration and production company with a 100% interest in the historic Bayhorse Silver Mine located in Oregon, USA and the Pegasus Project, in Washington County, Idaho. The Bayhorse Silver Mine and the Pegasus Project are 44 km southwest of Hercules Silver's porphyry copper discovery. The Bayhorse Mine includes a state of the art Steinert Ore-Sorting technology reducing waste rock entering the processing stream by up to 85%. The Company has created a minimum environmental impact facility capable of mining 200 tons of mineralization per day and the ability to process and supply 3,600 tons per year of silver/copper concentrate ranging between 7,500 to 15,000 g/t using standard flotation processing at its milling facility in nearby Payette County, Idaho, USA, with an offtake agreement in place with Ocean Partners UK Limited. The Company also has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Brandywine high grade silver/gold property located in B.C. Canada. The Company has an experienced management and technical team with extensive mining expertise in both exploration and building mines.

Bayhorse Silver Inc.是一家勘探和生產公司,持有美國俄勒岡州歷史悠久的Bayhorse銀礦100%的權益以及位於華盛頓縣,愛達荷州的飛馬項目。Bayhorse銀礦和飛馬項目距離Hercules Silver的斑岩銅發現地點44公里,Bayhorse銀礦包括一種最先進的Steinert礦石分選技術,可將處理流中的廢巖減少高達85%。該公司創建了一個最小環境影響的設施,可採礦每天200噸礦物,並在位於靠近寶洛克縣,愛達荷州的選礦設施中使用標準浮選處理,生產和供應介於7500至15000克/噸的銀/銅精礦,與海洋合作伙伴英國有限公司簽訂了離岸協議。該公司還有選項購買位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的BranDywine高品位銀/金礦產權80%的權益。該公司擁有經驗豐富的管理和技術團隊,在勘探和建造礦井方面擁有廣泛的採礦專業知識。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


