
PodcastOne And 2 Other Stocks Under $2 Insiders Are Buying

PodcastOne And 2 Other Stocks Under $2 Insiders Are Buying

Benzinga ·  07/18 21:01

The Dow Jones index closed higher by more than 200 points on Wednesday. When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.


Below is a look at a few recent notable insider transactions for penny stocks. For more, check out Benzinga's insider transactions platform.


LuxUrban Hotels

LuxUrban Hotels

  • The Trade: LuxUrban Hotels Inc. (NASDAQ:LUXH) CFO Michael C James bought a total of 352,941 shares at an average price of $0.17. To acquire these shares, it cost around $60,000. LuxUrban's other Directors also bought shares of the company.
  • What's Happening: On July 16, LuxUrban Hotels announced the closing of public offering of securities.
  • What LuxUrban Hotels Does: LuxUrban Hotels Inc utilizes a long term lease, asset-light business model to acquire and manage a growing portfolio of short-term rental properties in metropolitan cities.
  • 交易:LuxUrban Hotels Inc. (納斯達克股票代碼:LUXH)首席財務官Michael C James以每股0.17美元的平均價格購買了總計352,941股。公司其他董事也購買了該公司的股份。
  • 正在發生的事情:7月16日,LuxUrban Hotels宣佈完成證券公開發行。
  • LuxUrban Hotels Inc是一家採用長期租賃、輕資產模式的公司,旨在收購和管理在大都市中心的短期租賃物業組合。



  • The Trade: Tecogen Inc. (OTC:TGEN) Director Earl R Lewis acquired a total of 10,000 shares at an average price of $0.68. To acquire these shares, it cost around $6,800.
  • What's Happening: On May 8, Tecogen reported revenues of $6.2 million and net loss of $1.1 million for the quarter ended March 31.
  • What Tecogen Does: Tecogen Inc, designs, manufactures, markets, and maintains high-efficiency, ultra-clean cogeneration products. It operates in three business segments, namely Products, Services, and Energy Production.
  • 交易:Tecogen Inc. (場外交易證券代碼:TGEN)董事Earl R Lewis以每股0.68美元的平均價格購買了總計10,000股。要獲得這些股份,它的成本約爲6,800美元。
  • 正在發生什麼:5月8日,Tecogen報告了截至3月31日的季度收入爲620萬美元,淨虧損爲110萬美元。
  • Tecogen Inc是一家設計、製造、銷售和維護高效、超潔淨的熱電聯產產品的公司。它分爲三個業務板塊: 產品、服務和能源生產。



  • The Trade: PodcastOne, Inc. (NASDAQ:PODC) Director D Jonathan Merriman acquired a total of 28,000 shares at an average price of $1.56. The insider spent around $43,680 to buy those shares.
  • What's Happening: On July 16, PodcastOne said it sees quarterly revenue of $13 million for the first quarter.
  • What PodcastOne Does: PodcastOne Inc is a podcast platform and publisher that makes its content available to audiences via all podcasting distribution platforms, including its website, its PodcastOne app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more.
  • 交易:PodcastOne, Inc. (納斯達克股票代碼:PODC)董事D Jonathan Merriman以每股1.56美元的平均價格購買了總共28,000股。內部人士花費約43,680美元購買這些股份。
  • 正在發生的事情:7月16日,PodcastOne稱其第一季度的營業收入爲1300萬美元。
  • PodcastOne Inc是一個播客平台和出版商,讓它的內容通過包括其網站、其PodcastOne應用、Apple Podcasts、Spotify、Amazon Music等所有播客分發平台向受衆提供。

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