
Microbot Medical With The Addition Of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Gets IRB Approval And Completes Enrollment Of Clinical Sites In Its Pivotal Human Clinical Trial

Microbot Medical With The Addition Of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Gets IRB Approval And Completes Enrollment Of Clinical Sites In Its Pivotal Human Clinical Trial

由於紀念斯隆凱特琳癌症中心的加入,Microbot Medical獲得了IRB批准並完成了關鍵的人類臨床試驗的招募
Benzinga ·  07/18 20:42

Microbot Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:MBOT), developer of the innovative LIBERTY Endovascular Robotic Surgical System, today announces it has received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and signed a clinical trial agreement with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, located in New York City, New York. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will conduct the clinical trial as part of the Investigational Device Exemption ("IDE") for LIBERTY, and the Company expects its results will support the future marketing submission to the FDA and subsequent commercialization.

Microbot Medical Inc.(納斯達克:MBOT),創新的LIBERTY內膜血管機器人手術系統開發者,今天宣佈已獲得紐約市紀念斯隆凱特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)的機構審查委員會(IRB)批准,簽署了臨床試驗協議。 紀念斯隆凱特琳癌症中心將作爲LIBERTY調查設備豁免的一部分進行臨床試驗,公司預計其結果將支持未來向FDA提交營銷申請和隨後的商業化。

The clinical trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center will be led by Francois Cornelis, MD, PhD. "I'm a great believer in the future of robotics for interventional procedures and the value robotics can bring to physicians and our patients. I am excited to participate in the LIBERTY clinical trial." said Dr. Cornelis. Dr. Cornelis will also serve as principal investigator for the overall LIBERTY clinical trial.

紀念斯隆凱特琳癌症中心的臨床試驗將由Francois Cornelis, MD, PhD領導。 Cornelis博士表示:"我非常相信介入性手術的機器人技術的未來以及機器人技術對於醫生和患者所帶來的價值。我很高興能參加LIBERTY臨床試驗。" Cornelis博士還將擔任LIBERTY臨床試驗的首席研究員。

