
Andreessen Horowitz-Backed 'Godmother Of AI' Fei-Fei Li Quietly Builds $1B Startup In 4 Months

Andreessen Horowitz-Backed 'Godmother Of AI' Fei-Fei Li Quietly Builds $1B Startup In 4 Months

Benzinga ·  07/18 18:03

Fei-Fei Li, a prominent figure in the field of artificial intelligence and co-director of Stanford University's Human-Centered AI Institute, has swiftly established a billion-dollar startup, adding to the intense competition in the tech industry to commercialize AI.


What Happened: In just four months, Li, who is often referred to as the "godmother of AI," founded a company named World Labs, reported Financial Times on Wednesday. The startup has already secured significant funding from prominent tech investors, including Andreessen Horowitz and AI fund Radical Ventures, valuing the business at over $1 billion.

消息稱,在短短的四個月內被譽爲“人工智能教母”的李飛飛成立了一家名爲World Labs的公司。根據英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)週三的報道,這家初創公司已經獲得了來自安德烈森·霍洛維茨(Andreessen Horowitz)和人工智能基金Radical Ventures等知名科技投資者的重要資金支持,使公司的估值超過10億美元。

World Labs recently completed a funding round, raising approximately $100 million. The startup is focused on developing "spatial intelligence" in AI by creating human-like processing of visual data, a field Li discussed in a TED talk in April.

World Labs最近完成了一輪融資,籌集了約1,000萬美元。該初創公司的重點在於開發人工智能中的“空間智能”,通過創建類似於人類對視覺數據的處理方式,這是李飛飛四月份在一次TED演講中所討論的領域。

Investor interest in AI has surged following OpenAI's launch of the ChatGPT chatbot in November 2022, with over $27 billion being invested in U.S. AI startups in the last three months alone, accounting for about half of all startup funding in that period.


Li, who is on partial leave from Stanford, where she co-directs the Human-Centered AI Institute, has contributed to the development of ImageNet, a large image dataset that advanced computer vision technology.


Why It Matters: The rapid valuation of World Labs underscores the intense interest and investment in the AI sector. This trend is not isolated. Recently, Jeff Bezos-backed Anthropic and Menlo Ventures launched a $100 million fund to support early-stage AI startups, increasing competition with OpenAI.

World Labs的快速估值凸顯了人工智能領域的濃厚興趣和投資活動。此趨勢並非孤立的。最近,由傑夫·貝佐斯支持的Anthropic和Menlo Ventures共同推出了一支價值1億美元的基金,以支持早期人工智能初創公司,與OpenAI競爭加劇。

Bezos and Masayoshi Son's SoftBank Group led a $300 million funding round for Skild AI, a startup developing a "general-purpose brain" for AI systems. This investment highlights the growing focus on foundational AI technologies.

貝佐斯和孫正義的軟銀集團在Skild AI上領導了一輪3億美元的融資,該初創公司正在開發用於人工智能系統的“通用大腦”。這一投資凸顯了對基礎人工智能技術的越來越關注。

Moreover, SoftBank's acquisition of Graphcore, a UK-based chipmaker, further emphasizes the importance of AI infrastructure.


Earlier this month, private equity firm Index Ventures secured over $2 billion for AI-focused investments, reflecting the bullish sentiment in the AI investment climate.

本月早些時候,私募股權公司Index Ventures爲人工智能投資籌集了超過20億美元,反映了人工智能投資氛圍的看好情緒。

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

