
Tight Aluminium Supply Boon For Press Metal

Tight Aluminium Supply Boon For Press Metal

Business Today ·  07/18 12:00

The aluminium sector is expected to experience continued positive momentum driven by narrowing surplus and increasing demand, as reported by RHB Investment Bank (RHB).


This outlook was underpinned by rising aluminium prices and strong growth momentum forecasted into 2Q24, with an upgrade to a BUY rating for Press Metal from Neutral.

這一前景得到了鋁價上漲和預計到24年第二季度的強勁增長勢頭的支持,Press Metal的評級將從中性上調至買入。

RHB raised its target price for Press Metal to MYR6.67, reflecting an 11% upside potential, due to the company's expected double-digit year-on-year bottom line growth supported by increased aluminium prices and spot premiums. The report transferred coverage of Press Metal to analyst Cindy Lee, who cited the company's favourable positioning amidst rising demand and a narrowing global aluminium surplus.

RhB將Press Metal的目標價格上調至6.67令吉,反映了11%的上漲潛力,這是由於該公司在鋁價和現貨溢價上漲的支持下預計將實現兩位數的同比利潤增長。該報告將對Press Metal的報道轉移給了分析師辛迪·李,他列舉了該公司在需求增長和全球鋁盈餘縮小的情況下所處的有利地位。

The bank highlighted a predicted narrowing aluminium surplus and a potential shift to a deficit by 2025, driven by slow capacity expansions in Indonesia, increased demand from green sectors such as solar and electric vehicles. This supported the upward revision of their FY24F-26F aluminium price forecasts to USD2,350, USD2,400, and USD2,500 per tonne, respectively.

該銀行強調,由於印度尼西亞產能擴張緩慢,太陽能和電動汽車等綠色行業需求增加,預計鋁盈餘將縮小,到2025年可能轉爲赤字。這支持了他們將 FY24F-26F 鋁價格預測分別上調至每噸2350美元、2,400美元和2,500美元。

The analyst noted that Press Metal has hedged its aluminium average selling prices (ASPs) at favourable rates for the coming years, which contributed to increased earnings projections by 6-18%. The bank also included an 8% ESG premium in its target price, indicating Press Metal's commitment to lower-carbon footprint smelting.

該分析師指出,Press Metal已在未來幾年以優惠的利率對其鋁平均銷售價格(ASP)進行了套期保值,這使收益預期增長了6-18%。該銀行還將8%的ESG溢價納入其目標價格,這表明Press Metal致力於降低碳足跡的冶煉。

The outlook for the aluminium market remained optimistic, supported by demand from the EV and solar sectors, global trade recovery, and increased awareness of environmental impact. Investors were encouraged to consider Press Metal for its growth potential and strategic positioning in a strengthening aluminium market.

在電動汽車和太陽能行業的需求、全球貿易復甦以及對環境影響認識的提高的支持下,鋁市場的前景仍然樂觀。鼓勵投資者考慮Press Metal的增長潛力和在鋁市場走強中的戰略定位。

