
TAU Intelligence Collaborates With Jardine Matheson and Intel to Pioneer Resource-efficient AI Solutions

TAU Intelligence Collaborates With Jardine Matheson and Intel to Pioneer Resource-efficient AI Solutions

TAU Intelligence與怡和洋行和英特爾合作開創資源高效的人工智能解決方案
怡和控股 ·  07/18 12:00

TAU Intelligence is pleased to announce a promising collaboration with Jardine Matheson and Intel. The strategic collaboration aims to enhance the application of Generative AI by launching two pioneering proofs-of-concept (PoCs) for Jardines, focusing on legal contract review and customer service.

TAU Intelligence很高興宣佈與怡和洋行和英特爾展開有前途的合作。戰略性的合作旨在通過推出兩個針對怡和洋行的創新性概念驗證(PoCs),提升生成式人工智能應用,重點關注法律合同審查和客戶服務。

TAU Intelligence uses a moderate-sized Large Language Model (LLM), which is then customized with on-premises fine-tuning by the Jardines team. This approach sets this collaboration apart from the prevailing approach favoured in many other projects exploring similar use cases for AI. Importantly, this method ensures that data is not used for training or retained by the provider of the underlying LLM.

TAU Intelligence使用中等規模的大型語言模型(LLM),然後由怡和洋行團隊進行本地調整進行定製。這種方法讓這個合作方案與其他許多探索類似人工智能用例的項目的普遍做法有所不同。這種方法的重要性在於確保數據不用於訓練或由提供者保留LLM的基礎。

Preliminary results reveal that this approach not only maintains high levels of accuracy and output quality in terms of reviewing and analyzing legal contract provisions and common user queries, but also offers significant resource efficiency in terms of energy usage and computing power.


Since 2022, TAU's extensive research and development efforts have underscored the challenges posed by large LLMs, particularly their high costs, data security concerns, and environmental impact. Other studies indicate that popular LLMs consume 15 times more energy than a typical web search, raising environmental concerns. TAU's strategy of using smaller and domain-specific LLMs that operate locally within a company's own environment, addresses these issues, ensuring resource-efficient AI and data sovereignty.


The solutions developed within this collaboration will be tested on Intel's next-generation Xeon processors for data centres, cloud, and edge workloads. The collaboration will leverage the Intel Xeon processors to deliver significant advancements in performance with industry-leading Intel accelerator engines and improved performance per watt across key workloads like AI, data analytics, high-performance computing (HPC), and others.


Professor Lam Kwok Yan, Co-founder of TAU Intelligence and a renowned AI Safety researcher based in Singapore, commented, "The approach on these PoCs is distinct from the current trend where LLMs are rapidly expanding in size and consumption of energy and computing power. By focusing on domain-specific knowledge, we can fine-tune AI models in order to deploy smaller LLMs in a safe manner, mitigating the problem of hallucination and ensuring the responsible use of AI. The collaboration with Jardines signifies a focus on the development of responsible and resource-efficient AI solutions by companies, setting a benchmark for innovation and sustainability in the AI industry."

TAU Intelligence共同創始人、國家級人工智能安全專家林國仁教授評論道:“這些PoCs的方法與當前LLM正在迅速擴大規模和消耗能量和計算能力的趨勢有所不同。通過專注於領域特定知識,我們可以對AI模型進行微調,以安全的方式部署較小的LLM,從而緩解認知失真問題,確保負責任地使用AI。與怡和洋行的合作表明,公司專注於發展負責任和資源高效的AI解決方案,爲AI行業的創新和可持續性設定了基準。”

Anne O'Riordan, Group Digital Director at Jardine Matheson, emphasized the significance of this partnership: "This collaboration highlights Jardines' ongoing efforts to develop, test, and deploy AI to position our businesses for the future. These PoCs tackle real business challenges, enhancing operations by combining high-quality output with resource efficiency – while ensuring the security of our proprietary data. We're excited to see the results of this engagement and by the potential for future collaboration."


"TAU Intelligence has a proven track record in deploying impactful AI solutions for key institutions within the region. Its experience in AI safety and dedication to fostering responsible AI strongly align with Jardines' core pillars of innovation and sustainability," said John Koshy, Head of Group Legal Affairs at Jardine Matheson who is leading Jardines' legal contract review PoC.

怡和洋行集團法律事務負責人、負責領導怡和洋行法律合同審查PoC的約翰·科希表示:“TAU Intelligence爲該地區的關鍵機構部署了具有影響力的人工智能解決方案。其在AI安全方面的經驗和致力於培育負責任的AI與怡和洋行的創新和可持續發展核心支柱緊密相連。”

