
3 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly

3 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly

The Motley Fool ·  07/18 09:00

Investors can earn a stable passive income by investing in stocks that pay monthly payouts. Here are three monthly-paying dividend stocks that offer high yields and trade at attractive valuations.

投資者可以通過投資一個月分紅的股票獲得穩定的 passsive 收入。以下是三隻付月度股息的分紅股,其股息率高且估值具吸引力。

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT

NorthWest 醫療保健地產信託基金

NorthWest Healthcare Properties (TSX:NWH.UN) owns and operates 210 properties across seven countries, with a gross leasable area of 17.4 million square feet. After two challenging years amid high interest rates and increased leverage, the company has witnessed healthy buying over the last few months. Its stock price has risen by around 30% compared to its 52-week low. Despite the recent buying, its valuation still looks attractive, with its NTM (next 12 months) enterprise value-to-EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization) multiple at 18.3.

NorthWest Healthcare Properties(TSX:NWH.UN)擁有並運營 7 個國家的 210 個物業,可租賃面積達 1740 萬平方英尺。在高利率和槓桿率不斷增加的兩年內,公司在過去幾個月裏迎來了健康的買入,其股價較 52 周低點升高約 30%。儘管最近有買盤入場,但其估值仍然具吸引力,其未來 12 個月企業價值 - 息稅折舊及攤銷倍數爲 18.3。

Meanwhile, NWH continues to enjoy a healthy occupancy and collection rate due to its defensive healthcare asset base, high-quality tenant base, and long-term lease agreements, thus generating stable and predictable cash flows. Besides, it has divested several non-core assets, generating $566.5 million. The company has utilized these net proceeds to pay off high-cost-bearing debts, strengthening its balance sheet. Further, the company has a healthy developmental strategy and focuses on the next-gen assets to deliver long-term earnings growth for its shareholders.

與此同時,NWH 由於其具有防禦性的醫療保健基礎設施、高質量的租戶基礎和長期的租約協議,繼續享有良好的入住和收取率,從而產生穩定可預測的現金流。此外,它還出售了幾個非核心資產,創造了 566.5 萬美元。公司利用這些淨收益償還高成本負擔的債務,強化其資產負債表。此外,該公司有一項健康的發展策略,並專注於下一代資產,爲股東提供長期的盈利增長。

Given its solid underlying business, improving balance sheet, and high growth prospects, NWH is well-positioned to continue rewarding its shareholders with healthy dividends. It currently offers a healthy forward dividend yield of 7.1%, thus making it an ideal buy for income-seeking investors.

鑑於其堅實的基礎業務、不斷改善的資產負債表和高增長前景,NWH 有望繼續爲股東提供豐厚的股息。它目前提供一個健康的前瞻性股息收益率爲 7.1%,對於尋求收入的投資者來說,這是一個理想的買入機會。



Extendicare (TSX:EXE) offers Canadian seniors long-term care (LTC) and home care under various brands. It operates 123 long-term care homes, 52 owned and 71 under management contracts, and provides 10.2 million hours of home care annually. The companyâs operating metrics are improving, with the average occupancy rate of its LTC improving by 90 basis points to 97.5% in the March-ending quarter. Besides, its average daily volume in home healthcare grew by 11.4%

Extendicare(TSX:EXE)在加拿大爲老人提供長期護理和家庭護理,使用各種品牌。它經營着 123 個長期護理住宅,其中 52 個是所有住宅,71 個是管理合同,每年提供 1020 萬個小時的家庭護理。公司的經營指標正在改善,其 LTC 的平均佔用率在截至三月份的季度中提高了 90 個點子,達到了 97.5%。此外,其家庭衛生保健的平均每日成交量增長了 11.4%。

Meanwhile, the demand for Extendicareâs LTC and home care services has been rising amid the aging population. Besides, the company is expanding its asset base through a joint venture, which would redevelop five LTC projects in Ontario to replace 1,121 Class C beds with 1,280 new beds. It is also working on 15 redevelopment projects in Ontario that would replace 2,211 class C beds with 3,032 new beds. Besides, the company had strengthened its financial position by divesting a 256-bed LTC redevelopment project in Orleans, Ontario, and assets of a former Class C LTC home in Sudbury. Considering its healthy growth prospects, I believe Extendicareâs future dividend payouts will be safer.

同時,由於人口老齡化,對 Extendicare 的 LTC 和家庭護理服務的需求不斷增加。此外,公司通過聯合企業擴大其資產基礎設施,重建安大略省的五個 LTC 項目,將 1,121 個 C 級牀位更換爲 1,280 個新的牀位。它還在安大略省開展了 15 個重建項目,將 2,211 個 C 級牀位替換爲 3,032 個新牀位。此外,公司通過出售位於奧爾良斯的一個 256 張牀位的 LTC 重建項目和位於薩德伯裏的一家 C 級 LTC 之前的資產來加強其財務狀況。考慮到其健康的增長前景,我相信 Extendicare 未來的股息支付將更加安全。

Extendicare currently pays a quarterly dividend of $0.04/share, with its forward yield at 6.6%. EXE stock trades at an attractive NTM price-to-earnings multiple of 16.6, making it an excellent buy.

Extendicare 目前每股分紅 0.04 美元,其前瞻性股息收益率爲 6.6%。EXE 股票的預估市盈率爲 16.6,具有較高的性價比。

Pizza Pizza Royalty


Another top monthly dividend stock available at an attractive valuation would be Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA), which operates Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 brand restaurants through franchisees. It collects royalties from the franchisees based on their sales, making its financials less susceptible to inflation. Besides, the company has posted positive same-store sales for 12 consecutive quarters amid menu innovations, value messaging, and promotional brand activities.

另一個以吸引人的估值出售的獲得優質股息的月度股票是披薩皇室 (TSX:PZA),它通過特許經營加盟店經營“Pizza Pizza”和“Pizza 73”品牌的餐廳。它從特許經營商那裏收取根據其銷售收入計算的版權費,從而使其財務狀況不太容易受到通貨膨脹的影響。此外,該公司通過菜單創新、價值傳遞和促銷品牌活動連續 12 個季度實現了同店銷售額的正增長。

Further, the company continues its restaurant expansion initiatives and expects to raise its unit count by 3 to 4% this year. Besides, its old restaurant renovation program, food and technology innovation, and value-oriented menu offerings could continue to support its same-store sales in the coming quarters. Given its asset-light business model and healthy growth prospects, PZAâs future dividend payouts will be safer. PZA currently offers a forward dividend yield of 7% and trades at 13.1 times its projected earnings for the next four quarters.   Â

此外,公司繼續推進其餐廳擴張計劃,預計今年將通過 3% 至 4% 的增長率提高其餐廳數量。此外,其舊餐廳翻新計劃、食品和技術創新、以及以價值爲本的菜單提供可能會繼續支持其來季同店銷售額的增長。鑑於其輕資產業務模式和良好的增長前景,PZA 未來的股息支付將更加安全。PZA 目前提供一個 7% 的前瞻性股息收益率,並以其未來四個季度的預計收益爲基礎交易 13.1 倍。

The post 3 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

3 Affordable Passive-Income Stocks That Pay Monthly

