
Direxion Launches Two New Crypto ETFs: One For Bulls, One For Bears

Direxion Launches Two New Crypto ETFs: One For Bulls, One For Bears

Benzinga ·  07/17 21:00

Direxion, a prominent provider of tradeable and thematic ETFs, has announced the launch of two innovative funds: the Direxion Daily Crypto Industry Bull 2X Shares (NYSE:LMBO) and the Direxion Daily Crypto Industry Bear 1X Shares (NYSE:REKT). These funds offer traders opportunities to capitalize on the crypto industry's rapid growth or hedge against potential downturns.

著名可交易和主題基金提供商Direxion宣佈推出兩隻創新基金:Direxion Daily Crypto Industry Bull 2X Shares (NYSE:LMBO) 和Direxion Daily Crypto Industry Bear 1X Shares (NYSE:REKT)。這些基金爲交易者提供了在加密行業快速成長或對抗潛在下滑的機會。

Leveraged Exposure To Crypto Industry


LMBO and REKT are designed to provide exposure to 200% and -100% of the daily performance of the Solactive Distributed Ledger & Decentralized Payment Tech Index, respectively. This index tracks the performance of U.S.-listed companies engaged in blockchain technology, non-fungible tokens, decentralized finance, and digital asset mining hardware.

LMBO和REKT旨在分別提供200%和-100%的Solactive Distributed Ledger&Decentralized Payment Tech Index每日表現。該指數追蹤從事區塊鏈技術、非同質化代幣、去中心化金融和數字資產礦機的美國上市公司的表現。

"Crypto equities are among the fastest-growing companies in the world, now representing an almost $3 trillion asset class," said Direxion Managing Director Edward Egilinsky. "LMBO and REKT provide focused exposure for traders to express their short-term conviction on companies building the future of a crypto-driven, decentralized economy."

“加密股票是世界上增長最快的公司之一,現在已經成爲了一個約$3萬億的資產類別,”Direxion董事總經理Edward Egilinsky表示。“LMBO和REKT爲交易者提供了專注於表達關於正在建設加密驅動的去中心化經濟的公司的短期信念的機會。”

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Tools To Put Your Crypto Strategy At Play


The introduction of these ETFs comes at a time when the global market landscape is rapidly evolving. The crypto industry continues to show promising growth, and Direxion aims to equip traders with timely tools to navigate the shifting dynamics of the financial markets.


LMBO and REKT offer unique opportunities for traders to align their strategies with the crypto sector's performance. With LMBO, bullish traders can amplify their gains from the sector's upswings, while REKT allows bearish traders to benefit from market corrections. This dual offering provides flexibility and precision in managing investments in an industry known for its volatility and rapid innovation.


As the crypto industry progresses, Direxion offers products that meet the needs of modern traders. Leveraged crypto ETFs, LMBO and REKT, underscore this commitment, providing powerful vehicles for those looking to engage with the future of digital finance.

隨着加密行業的發展,Direxion提供了滿足現代交易者需求的產品。槓桿式加密ETF LMBO和REKT凸顯了這一承諾,爲那些希望參與數字金融未來的人提供了強大的工具。

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