
Zilliqa Makes Blockchain History by Buying a Racehorse

Zilliqa Makes Blockchain History by Buying a Racehorse

PR Newswire ·  2024/07/17 20:00

SINGAPORE, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zilliqa, the long-established layer-1 blockchain and market leader in Web3 sports and entertainment, is proud to announce its venture into the world of horse racing through the acquisition of a racehorse.

2024年7月17日新加坡/ PRNewswire / - Zilliqa, 長期以來的基礎層區塊鏈和Web3體育娛樂市場領導者, 通過收購賽馬進軍賽馬世界, 感到自豪.

Aptly named "The HRSE Horse", the racehorse's unique moniker is a nod to $HRSE, the recently-launched fan token of The Winners Circle, an innovative new loyalty platform that uses Web3 to redefine the racing fan experience.

賽馬名爲「 The HRSE Horse」,其獨特的名字是對 The Winners Circle 最近推出的粉絲代幣 $HRSE 的致敬,The Winners Circle 是一種創新的、使用 Web3 重新定義賽馬粉絲經驗的忠誠度平台.

The ownership will see The HRSE Horse sporting community-selected colours and branding when racing, generating mainstream exposure for both The Winners Circle and the Zilliqa blockchain.

Zilliqa 區塊鏈和 The Winners Circle 將擁有 The HRSE Horse 運動社區選擇的顏色和品牌,在比賽時進行品牌推廣,爲 The Winners Circle 和 Zilliqa 區塊鏈帶來更多曝光率.

The HRSE Horse is the first racehorse to ever be owned by a blockchain company, and its unusual name was not chosen only to prick up the ears of the established horse racing community, but also to demonstrate how The Winners Circle is combining the physical world of horse racing with its core tenet of digital ownership unlocked by harnessing the capabilities of the Zilliqa network.

The HRSE Horse 是第一匹被區塊鏈公司擁有的賽馬,其不尋常的名字不僅是爲了吸引已經存在的賽馬界人士的注意,還爲了展示 The Winners Circle 如何將馬術運動的物理世界與數字擁有權結合起來,解鎖了 Zilliqa 網絡的能力.

Launched by Racing League and powered by Zilliqa, The Winners Circle is a fan engagement platform supercharged by Web3 that features a free-to-play prediction game where fans are rewarded with $HRSE tokens by correctly choosing the winners of real-world horse races. These tokens can then be used to influence the decisions of teams competing in the exciting Racing League competition while also unlocking exciting features such as discounts on racehorse ownership shares, tickets, merchandise, and more..

由 Racing League 推出,由 Zilliqa 提供技術支持的 The Winners Circle 是一個忠誠度平台,這個平台使用 Web3 技術進行超級加速,擁有一個免費的預測遊戲,粉絲可以通過正確地選擇真實的馬賽獲勝者而獲得 $HRSE 代幣作爲獎勵。這些代幣可以用於影響參加 Racing League 比賽的團隊的決策,並解鎖令人興奮的功能,如賽馬所有權份額折扣、門票、商品等等。

The Token Generation Event (TGE) for $HRSE was concluded on July 17th, with the token now listed on participating exchanges such as MEXC and Pancake Swap.

$HRSE 的代幣生成活動(TGE)已於7月17日結束,該代幣現在已上市交易所,如 MEXC 和 Pancake Swap。

Zilliqa's foray into horse racing goes beyond sport; it is an opportunity to bridge the gap between physical and digital realms, echoing The Winners Circle's vision of embracing opportunities in both spheres.

Zilliqa 進軍賽馬界不僅僅是爲了體育競技;它還是一個機會,可以彌合物理和數字領域之間的差距,回應 The Winners Circle 擁抱兩個領域的機會的願景。

The HRSE Horse is trained by former National Hunt jockey and globally renowned racehorse trainer Jamie Osborne, whose mission to reinvigorate the world of horse racing and attract a younger demographic is aligned with the innovative fan-first approach taken by The Winners Circle that leverages Web3 to redefine the fan experience. Osborne's extensive knowledge of horse racing and bright sense of humour birthed the idea of finding a horse for Zilliqa to own and naming it The HRSE Horse.

The HRSE Horse 由前國家狩獵騎手和全球知名賽馬訓練師 Jamie Osborne 進行培訓,他的使命是重振賽馬世界,吸引年輕人群,與 The Winners Circle 採取的以粉絲爲先的創新方法相吻合,該方法利用 Web3 技術重新定義粉絲經驗。 Osborne 對馬術運動的廣泛知識和獨特幽默感促使他想到給 Zilliqa 找到一匹馬並將其命名爲 The HRSE Horse。

With a global presence amplified by the audience of this thrilling sport, Zilliqa aims to capture the imagination of communities worldwide, celebrating the spectacle of horse racing while promoting meaningful innovation powered by the Zilliqa blockchain and The Winners Circle.

作爲一個引人入勝的體育賽事, Zilliqa 在全球範圍內擁有廣泛的影響力,既慶祝賽馬的壯麗景象,又通過 Zilliqa 區塊鏈和 The Winners Circle 推動有意義的創新。

Commenting on the announcement, Zilliqa CEO Matt Dyer, said:

在宣佈中,Zilliqa CEO Matt Dyer 說:

"We are thrilled to announce our ownership of The HRSE Horse, who we hope will turn heads for his speed as well as his unique name. In becoming the first blockchain to own a racehorse, not only do we showcase the potential for The Winners Circle to redefine fan engagement in this age-old sport, but we also demonstrate how the HRSE token brings the real and digital worlds together. We've bought a racehorse, and by signing up for The Winners Circle, fans can have the chance to own a share of one, too."

“我們很高興宣佈擁有 The HRSE Horse,希望它能因其速度和獨特之處而引人注目。 作爲第一個擁有賽馬的區塊鏈, 我們不僅展示了 The Winners Circle 重新定義這個古老運動的粉絲參與度的潛力,而且還展示了 HRSE 代幣如何將現實和數字世界聯繫到一起。 我們買了一匹賽馬,通過加入 The Winners Circle,粉絲也可以有機會擁有其中的一部分。

Commenting on the announcement, Trainer Jamie Osborne, said

在聲明中,教練 Jamie Osborne 表示

"I am excited by Zilliqa's ownership of The HRSE Horse and excited to see him perform on the race track. Horse racing needs to embrace new technologies to attract a younger demographic, and I believe The Winners Circle has the potential to drive a new generation of racing fans to this thrilling sport, which is why I've supported their mission from the start. Hopefully The HRSE Horse and Zilliqa will achieve great success and make this season be remembered as the Zilliqa summer, on and off the track."

“我對 Zilliqa 擁有 The HRSE Horse 的所有權感到興奮,也很期待在賽道上看到他的表現。 賽馬運動需要採用新技術吸引年輕人群,我相信 The Winners Circle 有潛力帶領新一代的賽馬粉絲進入這個激動人心的運動,這就是爲什麼我從一開始就支持他們的使命。 希望 The HRSE Horse 和 Zilliqa 能夠取得巨大成功,使這個賽季被銘記爲 Zilliqa 的夏天,無論是在賽道上還是賽場外。

About Zilliqa


Zilliqa, the industry-recognised layer-1 blockchain founded in Singapore in 2018 is a high-performance, high-security, and low-fee blockchain platform. Designed to scale with the demands of global businesses, the blockchain serves as a versatile foundation that facilitates a broad array of Web3 applications and services across a multitude of sectors, providing a robust platform for emerging developers and established enterprises alike. The next evolution of the network, Zilliqa 2.0, is currently under development and offers a user-centric platform designed for ease of use and customisability.

SOURCE Zilliqa Research Pte. Ltd.

SOURCE Zilliqa Research Pte. Ltd.

