
Berjaya Rail Joins MARIC

Berjaya Rail Joins MARIC

Berjaya Rail加入了MARIC
Business Today ·  07/17 18:57

Malaysia Rail Industry Corporation (MARIC) welcomed Berjaya Rail Sdn Bhd (Berjaya Rail) as a new member in a ceremony held in Cyberjaya to drive advancements in the rail industry, aligning with the national vision of becoming a leading rail hub in the region and contributing to the overall economic development of Malaysia.

馬來西亞鐵路工業公司(MARIC)在賽城舉行的儀式上歡迎Berjaya Rail Sdn Bhd(Berjaya Rail)成爲新成員,該儀式旨在推動鐵路行業的進步,符合成爲該地區領先的鐵路樞紐併爲馬來西亞整體經濟發展做出貢獻的國家願景。

Berjaya Rail is a subsidiary of Berjaya Land Berhad, a company listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities with local and international business presence.

Berjaya Rail是Berjaya Land Berhad的子公司,該公司在馬來西亞證券交易所主板上市,擁有本地和國際業務業務。

Berjaya Rail has expanded its core business to include transport and is currently actively participating in the Request for Information (RFI) by MyHSR Corp for the KL-SG High-Speed Rail (HSR) project.

Berjaya Rail已將其核心業務擴展到包括運輸,目前正在積極參與myHSR Corp對KL-SG高速鐵路(HSR)項目的信息請求(RFI)。

Syed Ali Shahul Hameed, Group CEO of Berjaya Land Berhad and Board Member of Berjaya Rail, said, "Berjaya Rail is committed to working closely with stakeholders such as MARIC to enhance and develop local rail industry capabilities to create a robust ecosystem where local companies can thrive and compete on a global scale, especially in the HSR related field."

Berjaya Land Berhad集團首席執行官兼Berjaya Rail董事會成員賽義德·阿里·沙胡爾·哈米德表示:“Berjaya Rail致力於與MARIC等利益相關者密切合作,增強和發展當地鐵路行業的能力,創建一個強大的生態系統,使本地公司可以在全球範圍內蓬勃發展和競爭,尤其是在高鐵相關領域。”

While, Datuk Dr. Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman, President of MARIC, said, "MARIC has always been at the forefront of driving initiatives that strengthen the local rail industry. The inclusion of Berjaya Rail into our network underscores our commitment to fostering a collaborative environment that benefits all stakeholders."

同時,拿督MARIC總裁莫哈德·尤索夫·蘇萊曼博士表示:“MARIC一直站在推動加強當地鐵路行業舉措的最前沿。將Berjaya Rail納入我們的網絡凸顯了我們對營造有利於所有利益相關者的協作環境的承諾。”

Farizul Baharom, CEO of Berjaya Rail, received the membership confirmation letter and certificate of membership from MARIC.

Berjaya Rail首席執行官法裏祖爾·巴哈羅姆收到了MARIC的會員確認信和會員證書。

