
Johnson & Johnson Q2 Earnings Preview: Can New Drugs Lift Sagging Stock?

Johnson & Johnson Q2 Earnings Preview: Can New Drugs Lift Sagging Stock?

Benzinga ·  03:07
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) was one of the worst-performing Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks in the first half of 2024. Investors and analysts will be looking for the company to show progress from a mixed first quarter when second-quarter financial results are reported Wednesday, July 17.
在2024年上半年,強生(Johnson & Johnson)(NYSE:JNJ)成爲 道瓊斯指數中表現最差的股票之一。當投資者和分析師於7月17日星期三發佈第二季度業績時,期待該公司展現出在第一季度表現不佳後的進步。
Earnings Estimates: Analysts expect Johnson & Johnson to report second-quarter revenue of $22.31 billion, according to data from Benzinga Pro.
盤前數據顯示,根據財經新聞網站Benzinga Pro的數據,分析師預測強生(Johnson & Johnson)第二季度營業收入將達到223.1億美元。
The company reported revenue of $25.53 billion in last year's second quarter, meaning analysts see a revenue decline on a year-over-year basis. Johnson & Johnson has beaten revenue estimates in six...

