
Emotions Play a Critical Role in the Workplace - Emotional Health Is a Priority in the Future of Work, Says Global HR Advisory Firm McLean & Company

Emotions Play a Critical Role in the Workplace - Emotional Health Is a Priority in the Future of Work, Says Global HR Advisory Firm McLean & Company

PR Newswire ·  07/17 00:03

In a new thought leadership resource, global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company highlights that although there has historically been little room for emotions in the workplace, future-focused organizations have a responsibility to drive a healthy emotional culture for employees or else risk impacts to productivity, engagement, and the bottom line.


TORONTO, July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - With the workforce continuing to grapple with a significant degree of uncertainty both in and out of the workplace, global HR research and advisory firm McLean & Company has identified that employee emotions matter more than ever in the future of work. According to a new thought leadership resource from McLean & Company, employees can no longer separate their emotions from work as they contend with blurred boundaries between work and home, heightened exposure to world crises, increasing concerns about the rise of AI, economic uncertainty, and a charged political landscape. Rather than adopting the traditional approach of avoiding emotions altogether, the firm advises that organizations need to be proactive about how emotions and work can coexist to enable workplaces where everyone can thrive. To guide HR and organizational leaders through challenging the perceptions of emotions at work to unlock the potential of a balanced and healthy emotional culture, the firm has published its latest industry resource, Demystifying Emotions in the Workplace.

加拿大多倫多,2024年7月16日/ PR Newswire / - 隨着員工在工作場所內外面臨相當程度的不確定性,全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司麥克林公司已確定員工情感對工作的未來越來越重要。根據麥克林公司的最新思想領導資源,員工不能再將他們的情感與工作分離開來,因爲他們要應對工作和家庭之間的模糊邊界、世界危機的不斷出現、對人工智能的不斷擔憂、經濟不確定因素和政治局勢的緊張。該公司建議,與其採取避免情感的傳統方法,組織需要積極主動地探索情感和工作如何共存,以便創造一個每個人都能茁壯成長的工作場所。爲了幫助人力資源和組織領導者挑戰工作中情感的知覺,以開發出一個平衡和健康的情感文化,該公司發佈了其最新的行業資源《揭秘職場情感》。

According to McLean & Company, every organization has an emotional culture, whether they're aware of it or not. The global HR research and advisory firm's new resource has been designed to support HR and organizational leaders in finding the right balance of cultural norms and values, leadership behaviors, and organizational processes to foster the organization's emotional health. (CNW Group/McLean & Company)

"Creating an emotionally healthy culture founded on inclusion, psychological safety, and conflict resolution is critical to organizational performance and fostering employee engagement." says Grace Ewles, director of HR Research & Advisory Services at McLean & Company. "An emotional culture does not mean emotions run wild. Rather, a healthy emotional culture encourages the appropriate expression and regulation of emotions in line with organizational norms and values."

麥克林公司的HR研究和諮詢服務主管Grace Ewles表示:「建立一個以包容、心理安全和衝突解決爲基礎的情感健康文化對於組織績效和員工參與至關重要。」她說:「情感文化並不意味着情感縱情。相反,一個健康的情感文化鼓勵適當地表達和調節情感,符合組織的規範和價值觀。」

The firm explains in the new resource that organizations are often largely unaware of how to address and navigate emotions in the workplace, which impacts the success of wellbeing and mental health initiatives. McLean & Company suggests that all organizations have an emotional culture, whether they acknowledge it or not. To succeed and compete in the rapidly evolving landscape, the firm notes that organizations have just as much of an obligation to prioritize emotional wellbeing in the workplace as other critical organizational priorities.

該公司在新的資源中解釋稱,組織通常很難解決和處理工作場所中的情感問題,這會影響福利和心理健康倡議的成功。 麥克林公司建議,所有組織都有一種情感文化,無論他們是否承認。爲了在快速發展的環境中成功和競爭,該公司指出,組織除了必須優先考慮其他重要組織任務之外,還要優先考慮工作場所的情感健康。

In the resource, McLean & Company explains that organizations may fall under three emotional culture categories:


  1. Emotionally suppressive. Indicators of an emotionally suppressive organization include retributive behaviors, toxic positivity, burnout, and avoidance.
  2. Emotionally healthy. In an emotionally healthy organization, employees are supported through psychological safety, effective conflict resolution, holistic approaches to wellbeing, and inclusion and belonging.
  3. Emotionally unregulated. When an organization is emotionally unregulated, the culture is often impacted by impulsive behaviors, gossip, disrespect, and a lack of boundaries.
  1. 情感壓抑。情感壓抑的組織指標包括報復性行爲、毒性積極性、倦怠和逃避。
  2. 情感健康。在情感健康的組織中,員工通過心理安全、有效的衝突解決、全面的健康方法,以及包容和歸屬得到支持。
  3. 情感失控。當一個組織的情感失控時,文化通常會受到衝動行爲、八卦、不尊重和缺乏界限的影響。

The firm's insights suggest that, to achieve an emotionally healthy work environment, HR and people leaders must find the right balance between three cultural elements: leadership behaviors, cultural norms and values, and organizational processes.

該公司的見解表明,爲了實現情感健康的工作環境,人力資源和組織領導者必須在三個文化要素 - 領導行爲、文化規範和價值觀以及組織流程之間找到正確的平衡。

However, HR is not the be-all and end-all for a healthy emotional culture in the workplace, McLean & Company advises. Improving and sustaining the emotional health of an organization is a shared accountability and requires a collective effort from individuals, teams, and organizational leaders. From executive leadership to frontline employees, every person contributes to the health of the emotional culture. It is not, and cannot be, up to HR alone.


"When we understand what emotions are and what they are not, we're less likely to misinterpret our own emotions and reinforce negative thoughts around them or mislabel and stereotype others based on their emotions," explains Ewles. "For example, feeling sad doesn't have to mean someone is in a bad mood, while having a bad day doesn't necessarily mean someone is a negative person. Recognizing these differences in ourselves and others can create empathy and understanding in the workplace and contribute to a healthier emotional culture."


To access the full thought leadership resource, please visit Demystifying Emotions in the Workplace.


To attend upcoming free webinars on a variety of topics or explore the publicly available archive of recorded sessions, please visit McLean & Company's webinars page.


McLean Signature 2024


To register for Signature, the premier industry conference for future-focused HR leaders hosted by McLean & Company from October 27 to 29 at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, please visit the official Signature event page.

要註冊麥克林公司於10月27日至29日在內華達州拉斯維加斯的Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa舉辦的面向未來的HR領導者的首要行業會議Signature,請訪問官方簽名活動頁面。

Media interested in connecting with McLean & Company analysts for exclusive, research-backed insights and commentary on generative AI in HR, HR trends in 2024, the future of work, and more can contact Senior Communications Manager Kelsey King at [email protected].

希望與麥克林公司的分析師聯繫,以獲取獨家的基於研究的洞察和評論,包括HR中的生成AI、2024年的HR趨勢、未來的工作等等,可以聯繫高級通信經理Kelsey King [email protected]。

About McLean & Company

McLean & Company將基於證據的研究和立即可用的工具與深刻的人力資源專業知識相結合,爲組織定位以滿足當今的需求,併爲未來做好準備。全球人力資源研究和諮詢公司的會員組織享有全面的資源、全套診斷、研討會、行動計劃和諮詢服務,可爲各級人力資源專業人士塑造一個每個人都能茁壯成長的工作場所。

McLean & Company pairs evidence-based research and immediately applicable tools with deep HR expertise to position organizations to meet today's needs and prepare for the future. The global HR research and advisory firm's member organizations enjoy comprehensive resources, full-service diagnostics, workshops, action plans, and advisory services for all levels of HR professionals, from executive leadership to HR leaders to HR team members, that help shape workplaces where everyone thrives.


McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group.


Media professionals can register for unrestricted access to research across IT, HR, and software and hundreds of industry analysts through the firm's Media Insiders program. To gain access, contact [email protected].

媒體專業人士可以通過該公司的媒體內幕計劃獲得跨IT,HR和軟件以及數百名行業分析師的研究。要獲取訪問權限,請聯繫[email protected]。

SOURCE McLean & Company


