
PayTomorrow Integrates Katapult Into Its Waterfall Application Process

PayTomorrow Integrates Katapult Into Its Waterfall Application Process

GlobeNewswire ·  07/16 20:00

Partners with Katapult to Unlock Financial Power for Consumers


PLANO, Texas, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Katapult Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: KPLT), an e-commerce-focused financial technology company, today announced a strategic partnership with PayTomorrow, LLC, a premier waterfall financing platform. Through this partnership, PayTomorrow has integrated Katapult's unique, customer-centric lease-to-own (LTO) option into PayTomorrow's suite of financial products, providing consumers with greater flexibility and choice.

2024年7月16日,德克薩斯州普拉諾(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-面向電子商務的金融科技公司Katapult Holdings,Inc.(NASDAQ:KPLT)今日宣佈與PayTomorrow,LLC、一個重要的瀑布式融資平台建立了戰略合作伙伴關係。通過這個合作,PayTomorrow已將Katapult獨特的、以客戶爲中心的租賃購買(LTO)期權集成到了PayTomorrow的金融產品套件中,爲消費者提供更大的靈活性和選擇。

This integration embeds Katapult's innovative LTO within PayTomorrow's platform. PayTomorrow's platform provides merchants with a diverse range of payment options that serve prime, near prime and nonprime consumers. With more than 2,700 merchant partners across multiple categories including automotive, appliances, computers/electronics, and fitness equipment, PayTomorrow seamlessly integrates into merchant point-of-sales systems and ecommerce shopping carts, which simplifies how consumers access financing options, including lease-to-own. The platform adapts to both online and in-store environments, allowing consumers to choose the payment solution and shopping method that best fits their budgets and preferences. Katapult is excited to partner with PayTomorrow, expanding access to its innovative LTO payment solution for both merchants and consumers.


Through this integration, merchants on PayTomorrow's platform are able to leverage Katapult's scalable, omnichannel LTO solution to reach a new consumer base who previously may not have qualified for traditional financing to purchase durable goods. A partnership with Katapult unlocks a range of benefits for merchants, including:


  • Merchants have access to new shoppers who can drive incremental sales
  • Higher conversion rates and lower cart abandonment
  • Opportunities to drive repeat customer purchase rates higher
  • No merchant recourse from customer defaults
  • No interchange costs to the merchant related to transactions
  • No risks from out-of-window returns
  • 商家可以接觸到新的購物者,從而推動增量銷售
  • 更高的轉化率和較低的購物車放棄率
  • 提高重複客戶購買率的機會
  • 沒有因客戶違約而導致商家索賠的後果
  • 沒有關於交易的任何費用,即沒有中轉成本
  • 沒有因超出窗口時間的退貨而導致的任何風險

"We're thrilled to integrate Katapult's innovative solution into our platform," said Tony Amitrano, Chief Revenue Officer of PayTomorrow. "We believe they offer a best-in-class LTO product that will help merchants expand their consumer reach. By providing nonprime consumers with a path to purchasing the durable goods they need, the Katapult LTO allows merchants to tap into this underserved consumer base. In addition, Katapult's LTO aligns with our mission to make financing simple and accessible for all consumers."

"我們很高興把Katapult的創新解決方案集成到我們的平台上," PayTomorrow的首席營收官Tony Amitrano說。"我們相信他們提供了一種最佳的LTO產品,將幫助商家擴大消費者範圍。通過爲非主板消費者提供購買所需耐用品的途徑,Katapult的LTO使商家能夠利用這個未被服務的消費群體。此外,Katapult的LTO與我們的使命相符,我們的使命是讓所有消費者都能簡單而輕鬆地獲得融資。"

"Katapult has been instrumental in driving sales and expanding our customer base because we can offer their transparent LTO payment option at checkout," said Tyler Reilly, Owner of Extreme Customs, a merchant that has a direct integration with Katapult and is on the PayTomorrow platform. "Katapult's new partnership with PayTomorrow should unlock even more value for Extreme Customs because we can now offer additional payment choices to consumers. Whether they choose the LTO checkout payment option or proceed through a waterfall application, we believe we are broadening the purchase options for our nonprime customers. By offering both channels, we provide a smooth and convenient payment experience for all our customers, regardless of their credit profile."

"Katapult一直是推動銷售和擴大我們的客戶群的關鍵因素,因爲我們可以在結賬時提供透明的LTO付款選項,"Katapult和PayTomorrow平台都有直接集成的商家Extreme Customs的所有者Tyler Reilly說。"Katapult與PayTomorrow的新合作伙伴關係應該可以爲Extreme Customs創造更大的價值,因爲我們現在可以向消費者提供更多的付款選擇。無論他們選擇LTO結帳付款選項還是通過瀑布應用程序繼續,我們都認爲我們正在擴大我們的非主板客戶的購買選項。通過提供兩種渠道,我們爲所有客戶提供了流暢方便的付款體驗,無論其信用狀況如何。"

Orlando Zayas, CEO of Katapult, added, "Joining PayTomorrow's waterfall application ecosystem means their merchant partners can tap into an underserved consumer segment, which should translate to new, loyal customers and incremental revenue. Our relationship with Extreme Customs showcases that having a direct LTO option as well as a waterfall process can fill a meaningful gap for consumers. We're excited to expand our reach to more consumers through this partnership, democratizing access to durable goods for nonprime consumers who may face barriers to accessing traditional financing. We look forward to unlocking new growth opportunities for PayTomorrow, their merchants and Katapult."

Katapult的首席執行官Orlando Zayas補充說: "加入PayTomorrow的瀑布應用程序生態系統意味着他們的商家合作伙伴可以進入一些未被服務的消費群體,這應該會轉化爲新的、忠實的客戶和增加的收入。我們與Extreme Customs的合作關係展示了,直接具有LTO選項和一個瀑布過程可以填補一個重要的缺口。我們很高興通過這個合作伙伴關係擴大我們的消費者範圍,爲原來無法獲取傳統融資的非主板消費者提供持久品的購買選擇。我們期待爲PayTomorrow,他們的商家和Katapult帶來新的增長機會。"

If you are a merchant interested in PayTomorrow's platform or offering Katapult's LTO solution through a broad option of integrations including in-store, online and via Katapult Pay, to boost your business and customer base, please contact Consumers interested in unlocking financial purchasing power through personalized lease-to-own plans can download our app in the Apple App Store or Google Play. For more information on our LTO offering, consumers can also visit our website.

如果您是商家,有興趣在PayTomorrow的平台上或通過廣泛的集成,包括實體店、在線和通過Katapult Pay提供Katapult的LTO解決方案,以促進您的業務和客戶群,請聯繫。有興趣通過個性化租賃購買計劃釋放財務採購力量的消費者可以在Apple App Store或Google Play上下載我們的應用程序。有關我們的LTO產品的更多信息,消費者也可以訪問我們的網站。

About Katapult
Katapult is a technology driven lease-to-own platform that integrates with omnichannel retailers and e-commerce platforms to power the purchasing of everyday durable goods for underserved U.S. nonprime consumers. Through our point-of-sale (POS) integrations and innovative mobile app featuring Katapult Pay, consumers who may be unable to access traditional financing can shop a growing network of merchant partners. Our process is simple, fast, and transparent. We believe that seeing the good in people is good for business, humanizing the way underserved consumers get the things they need with payment solutions based on fairness and dignity. For more information on Katapult, visit .

Katapult是一個技術驅動的租賃購買平台,與全渠道零售商和電子商務平台集成,爲美國未被服務的非主板消費者購買日常耐用品提供動力。通過我們的銷售點(POS)集成和配備Katapult Pay的創新移動應用程序,可能無法接觸到傳統融資的消費者可以在一個不斷增加的商家合作伙伴網絡中進行購物。我們的過程簡單、快速、透明。我們認爲,看到人們的好處對業務是有好處的,我們的融資方案基於公正和尊嚴。有關Katapult的更多信息,請訪問網站。

Katapult's LTO solution provides significant benefits to consumers including:


  • Customers understand the full cost of the product ownership up-front. There are no surprise fees or compounding interest payments. In fact, there are no late fees, ever.
  • No long-term obligations for the customer – they can either make recurring payments toward owning the purchase outright or return it at any time.
  • Financial flexibility that can make an LTO purchase more attractive and accessible than traditional financing.
  • 客戶事先了解擁有產品的全部費用。不會有任何令人驚訝的費用或複利支付。實際上,永遠不會有滯納金。
  • 客戶沒有長期義務,他們可以決定是通過定期付款來全額擁有商品,還是隨時退貨。
  • 與傳統融資相比,提供財務靈活性的LTO購買可能更具吸引力和可訪問性。

About PayTomorrow
PayTomorrow is a trusted financial waterfall provider enabling businesses, both in-store and online, to provide consumers with multiple financing and flexible payment solutions through a single application at the point of sale. PayTomorrow's unique technology aligns lenders with customers, ensuring customers receive the best available offer based on that specific customer's credit profile, helping customers access financing and helping merchants maximize sales. PayTomorrow integrates into most off-the-shelf eCommerce platforms, custom platforms/shopping carts, in-store POS systems and standalone applications. If you are a merchant interested in offering Katapult's LTO solution through the PayTomorrow platform, please contact

PayTomorrow 是一家值得信賴的金融服務提供商,允許商家在線或實體店中通過單一應用程序提供消費者多種金融和靈活的付款方案。PayTomorrow 的獨特技術將貸方與客戶相結合,確保客戶根據其具體的信用檔案獲得最好的可用報價,幫助客戶獲得融資,幫助商家最大化銷售額。PayTomorrow 集成了大多數現成的電子商務平台、自定義平台/購物車、實體店鋪 POS 系統和獨立應用程序。如果您是一位商家,有興趣通過 PayTomorrow 平台提供 Katapult 的 LTO 解決方案,請聯繫。

Media Inquiries:
Jennifer Kull

Jennifer Kull

