


FUSION CBD產品通過社區合作分享CBD的好處
PR Newswire ·  07/16 07:30

MIAMI, July 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fusion CBD Products is no stranger to the school of hard knocks—in fact, this American CBD retailer has found its niche as an official sponsor of the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship by sponsoring athletes and events, helping to bring some of the best action in combat sports to mixed-martial arts fans everywhere. But it's not just about pro-athletes—through its advocacy, outreach and donations, Fusion CBD Products has been supporting its community and customers in improving their active lifestyles for over four years.

Fusion CBD Products作爲贊助商幫助運動迷在混合武術比賽中尋找最好的表現,通過發起、推廣和捐贈等方式支持社區和客戶改善他們的積極生活方式已有四年之久。

Start living a Healthy and Active Lifestyle with Fusion CBD Products.

使用Fusion CBD Products,開始健康而積極的生活方式。

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Luis Palomino with Danny Campolargo.
Luis Palomino和Danny Campolargo。

Fusion CBD Products is an online CBD company founded by Danny Campolargo in 2019, and it's been a partner of the BKFC for almost as long as both organizations have existed. In 2018, the promotion became the first of its kind to be sanctioned and legal in the United States since 1889, and Fusion CBD Products came onboard as a sponsor the very next year. Since then, the BKFC has held over 82 events, and most recently made headlines when UFC star Conor McGregor became a part owner in April 2024. This development came only a few months after McGregor announced his intention of competing in the BKFC, and is expected to increase the promotion's profile even further.

Fusion CBD Products是一家在線CBD公司,成立於2019年,幾乎與BKFC一起成立,在成爲美國1889年以來第一個得到制裁和合法化的團隊的2018年,Fusion CBD Products成爲贊助商。自那時以來,BKFC已經舉辦了82場比賽,在今年四月,這家公司因UFC巨星Conor McGregor成爲股東而成爲新聞頭條。此舉是在McGregor宣佈打比賽的幾個月後進行的,預計將進一步提高宣傳的影響。

Beyond helping to bring BKFC fights to life, Fusion CBD Products has also sponsored several top UFC and MMA fighters, helping them be their very best in and outside the ring. According to its website, Fusion's mission is to support these athletes "not only through sponsorship but by helping bare knuckle fighters achieve peak athletic performance and safe recovery". This is echoed by the sponsored athletes themselves, as many of the fighters who use Fusion CBD Products in their workout and pre-fight regimens credit the CBD products for helping to boost their energy levels, focus, mental clarity, rest, recovery, and performance. Past and current sponsored athletes include:

除了幫助推動BKFC比賽之外,Fusion CBD Products還贊助了幾名頂級UFC和MMA戰鬥機,幫助他們在比賽場內外表現最佳。根據其網站,Fusion的使命是支持這些運動員“不僅通過贊助來幫助裸拳鬥士達到巔峯的運動表現和安全恢復,資助他們展示他們的個人品牌,”這一點也得到了贊助運動員們的反響,許多在工作和比賽前使用Fusion CBD Products的拳手都讚譽其產品,因爲這有助於提高他們的能量水平、關注力、心態清晰度、恢復和性能。過去和現在的贊助運動員包括:

  • Luis "Baboon" Palomino: Miami-based, Peruvian-born street fighter Luis Palomino is a past winner of the Police Gazette Diamond Championship belt and a BKFC world champion. He uses Fusion CBD Products for energy and to help speed his injury recovery.
  • Colby "Chaos" Colvington: This all-American wrestling champion uses Fusion CBD Products to relieve discomfort and muscle soreness. He's a welterweight who currently ranks #4 in the UFC.
  • Ariane Lipski, "The Queen of Violence": Hailing from Curitiba, Brazil, Ariane is #13 in the UFC's flyweight division and embraces Fusion CBD Products to speed recovery and manage stress.
  • Luis“ Baboon ”Palomino:母雞基地的秘魯街頭拳擊手Luis Palomino曾贏得Police Gazette Diamond Championship皮帶併成爲BKFC世界冠軍。他使用Fusion CBD Products以獲得能量和幫助加速受傷恢復。
  • Colby“ Chaos ”Colvington:這位全美摔跤冠軍使用Fusion CBD Products緩解不適和肌肉痠痛。他是目前排名第4的UFC牛仔級選手。
  • Ariane Lipski,“暴力女王”:來自巴西庫裏蒂巴的Ariane是UFC蒼蠅量級的第13名,並使用Fusion CBD Products加速恢復並管理壓力。

These pro fighters are discovering the power of CBD for energy and mental focus, but they're not the only athletes using CBD to boost wellbeing. Fusion CBD Products has also partnered with past pro-athletes to share the benefits for CBD with the world at large, and among them is ex-NFL placekicker-turned-sports-announcer Benny Ricardo.

這些職業選手正在發現CBD對於能量和注意力的影響,但並非是唯一使用CBD提高健康的運動員。Fusion CBD Products還與過去的職業運動員合作,以與廣大群衆分享CBD的好處,其中包括前NFL成員陸地Ricardo轉型爲體育評論員。

Last year, Mr. Ricardo endorsed the Fusion CBD Products he uses for mental focus and relieving physical discomfort, stating: "I use their French vanilla flavor maximum-strength CBD oil, and I take an inch drop before going to bed and when I first wake up. I walk around playing pro-level tennis without a single pain in my body". The former athlete, who is now a stand-up comedian and bilingual sports announcer for ESPN, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, and CBS, went on to say that Fusion CBD Products give him "energy and focus" in an email to Dr. David Levine.

去年,Mr. Ricardo認可他使用的Fusion CBD Products對於關注度提高和緩解身體不適的作用,並表示:“我使用他們的法式香草味道極強的CBD油,在睡覺前和起牀時,吃一英寸。我左右走動打職業級別的網球,身體沒有一點疼痛。”曾經是身體的運動員,現在是ESPN,CBS Sports,Fox Sports和CBS的雙語體育評論員的前運動員繼續在電子郵件中對Dr. David Levine說,Fusion CBD Products讓他有“能量和關注”。

This endorsement from Mr. Ricardo prompted Fusion CBD Products to reach out directly to Dr. Levine, who is a chiropractic physician based in New Jersey. Dr. Levine's holistic approach to physical and mental wellness inspired the company to send him several samples of their CBD products, including CBD gummies, cryo relief spray, flavored broad-spectrum CBD oil, and hemp protein powder.

Mr. Ricardo的認可促使Fusion CBD Products直接與David Levine博士聯繫。David Levine博士是新澤西州的脊醫,他的整體方法對身體和精神健康的影響慕名而來。該公司向他發送了幾件CBD產品的樣品,包括CBD軟糖,冷凍緩解噴霧,味道廣闊的全光譜CBD油和大麻蛋白粉。

Dr. Levine has been a personal doctor for several professional athletes, and has been credited with improving not only their physical symptoms, but also their mental focus and readiness before sporting events. He treats army veterans and athletes who live with varying levels of discomfort, and he made headlines in 2022 when he successfully treated World Champion boxer Zab Judah for chronic elbow pain.

Levine博士曾是幾位職業運動員的私人醫生,他不僅改善了他們的身體症狀,還改善了他們賽前精神狀態和準備工作。他治療體育退役軍人和生活中不同程度的不適運動員,他因爲成功治療了世界拳擊冠軍Zab Judah的慢性肘部疼痛而在2022年成爲新聞頭條。

That same year marked the beginning of Fusion's series of donations to the Miami Dolphins Foundation. This organization benefits the South Florida community—where Fusion CBD Products is based—in several ways, including supporting education through grant programs, uplifting local minority-owned restaurants, and supporting cancer research. According to the company's website, its "devotion to producing high-quality products is mirrored in its dedication to helping the community". To further encourage community participation and engagement in athletics, Fusion CBD Products also donated free NFL tickets to its customers.

同年,Fusion開始一系列對邁阿密海豚基金會的捐贈。這個機構通過補助計劃支持社區的多種形式,其中包括支持教育,昇華當地的少數民族餐廳,支持抗癌醫藥研究等。據公司網站稱,其“生產高質量產品的熱忱與其致力於幫助社區的熱情相呼應,”爲了進一步鼓勵社區參與和參與體育活動,Fusion CBD Products還向客戶捐贈了免費的NFL門票。

The decision to donate to the Miami Dolphins Foundation was largely driven by Fusion CBD Products' focus on supporting health in all its forms. "Our CBD products support people's mental and physical health", said Fusion CBD Products founder and CEO, Danny Campolargo, speaking about the donation, "but we know that health goes further than that. Health is about how we feel, and it's also about where we live and the world around us, and building healthy communities is a part of that. As a CBD retailer, we want to support Americans' health in every way we can, and particularly in the sports space."

Fusion CBD Products決定向邁阿密海豚基金會捐贈主要是基於其關注支持所有健康的形式。Fusion CBD Products的創始人兼首席執行官Danny Campolargo談到捐贈時說:“我們的CBD產品支持人們的心理和身體健康,但是我們知道健康並不止於此。健康不僅關乎我們感覺如何,而且關乎我們生活的地方和周圍的世界,建立健康的社區是其中的一部分。作爲一家CBD零售商,我們希望以任何可能的方式支持美國人的健康,特別是在體育領域。”

Whether they're current fighters training to win their next match, past fighters staying sharp in a new phase of their career, or casual gym-goers trying to improve their lives one day at a time, Fusion's partners and customers all prove one thing: CBD is for all lifestyles, and all levels of athletics. This is why Fusion CBD Products' mission to provide safe, effective and natural CBD products online doesn't end with the professionals: the brand proclaims that its products can help sustain and enhance all different types of active lifestyles, from sidewalk strollers to body builders training to break a new record.

無論是現在正在訓練以贏得下一場比賽的職業拳擊手,還是過去的拳擊手在職業生涯的新階段中保持清醒,或是偶爾去健身房試圖一天天改善自己的生活方式,Fusion的合作伙伴和客戶都證明了一個事實:CBD適用於所有的生活方式,以及所有級別的運動。這就是爲什麼Fusion CBD Products的使命是在線提供安全,有效和自然的CBD產品,其銷售的產品包括注入CBD的運動飲料,純CBD油,針對恢復的冷/熱CBD肌肉摩擦劑,適用於每種活動水平和每種生活方式的CBD產品。要了解有關Fusion贊助的運動員的更多信息併購買純CBD,請訪問其網站並瀏覽其產品部分。

From CBD-infused sports water to pure CBD oil to cold/hot CBD muscle rub for recovery, Fusion CBD Products offers a broad range of online CBD products for sale that fit every level of activity, and every lifestyle. To learn more about Fusion's sponsored athletes and to shop pure CBD, visit their website and explore their products section.

Fusion CBD Products使用僅100%有機和非轉基因的大麻提取物在美國銷售安全而純正的CBD,在任何運動中,其含量都爲零THC,無麩質且適合素食主義者。該公司的所有產品(包括全光譜CBD油,霧化果汁,蛋白粉,維生素軟糖,膠囊和外用藥物)都經過HPLC分析的第三方檢測,以確保安全和純度,並與FDA批准的設施中的製造商合作制定。該公司總部位於邁阿密。

Fusion CBD Products sells safe, all-American CBD online using only 100% organic and non-GMO hemp extract that contains zero THC and is gluten-free and vegan-friendly. All the company's products, including broad-spectrum CBD oils, vape juices, protein powders, vitamin gummies, capsules, and topicals are third-party tested using HPLC analysis to ensure safety and purity, and are formulated in partnership with manufacturers in FDA-approved facilities. The company operates out of Miami.

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