
BeWhere Secures Major Follow-up Order and Engages Industry Veteran Andrew Parker of A F Parker Consulting

BeWhere Secures Major Follow-up Order and Engages Industry Veteran Andrew Parker of A F Parker Consulting

BeWhere獲得重要的跟進訂單,並聘請行業資深人士Andrew Parker擔任A F Parker Consulting的顧問
newsfile ·  07/15 21:38

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 15, 2024) - BeWhere (TSXV: BEW) (OTCQB: BEWFF) ("BeWhere" or the "Company"), a leading Mobile Internet of Things (M-IoT) company, proudly announces that further to the company's November 27, 2023 press release, follow-up orders have been received exceeding 16,000 low-power 5G IoT asset trackers, platform and integration services. The order is to a global Fortune 100 shipping and logistics company. While the identity of our client remains confidential, the additional orders represent both expansion within the original division and deployment to a new division.

多倫多,安大略省--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月15日)-- BeWhere(TSXV: BEW)(OTCQB: BEWFF)(“BeWhere”或“公司”),一家領先的移動物聯網(m-IoT)公司,自豪地宣佈,在公司2023年11月27日的新聞稿後,已收到超過16,000個低功率5G Iot資產跟蹤器、平台和集成服務的後續訂單。這些訂單來自一家全球財富100強的航運和物流公司。儘管我們的客戶身份保密,但這些附加訂單代表了原分部的擴張和新分部的部署。

Brian Boychuk, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing remarked: "This is the outcome of a series of milestone achievements. Notably, a key result of the winter implementation was to demonstrate a 15% savings to a sizeable operational budget investment related to managing peak season activity for one department. But more generally speaking, the project highlights BeWhere's strengths as an end-to-end solution provider and our ability to adapt to rigorous security requirements and to customize to internal business processes."

銷售和市場高級副總裁Brian Boychuk表示:“這是一系列里程碑成就的結果。值得注意的是,冬季實施的一個關鍵結果是爲一個部門管理高峰期活動的相關投資節省了15%的預算。更一般地說,該項目凸顯了BeWhere作爲端到端解決方案提供商的優點以及我們適應嚴格安全要求和定製內部業務流程的能力。”

Alban Hoxha, Chief Technology Officer, emphasized the team's collaborative spirit and technological expertise, stating: "Our partnership model with the client exemplifies our adaptability and flexibility. We successfully navigated stringent security protocols, seamlessly integrated with their enterprise systems, and customized our application to align with their unique workflows. The dedication and skill demonstrated by our Technology teams, both Hardware and Software, have shone throughout this endeavor. Our agility in adapting to the expanding mobile IoT market will continue to be an important differentiator."

首席技術官Alban Hoxha強調了團隊的合作精神和技術專業知識,稱:“我們與客戶的合作模式展示了我們的適應性和靈活性。我們成功地應對了嚴格的安全協議,與他們的企業系統無縫地集成,並定製了我們的應用程序以與其獨特的工作流程相吻合。我們的硬件和軟件技術團隊所展現的專業能力和敬業精神在這個項目中得以體現。我們在適應不斷擴大的移動Iot市場方面的靈活性將繼續成爲一個重要的差異化因素。”

The company further announces the appointment of A F Parker Consulting, a new London-based marketing consultancy, to support marketing activities including communicating its latest solutions and successes.

公司進一步宣佈任命新的倫敦營銷諮詢公司A F Parker Consulting支持市場營銷活動,包括傳達其最新的解決方案和成功案例。

A F Parker Consulting, which is led by telecom marketing industry veteran, Andrew Parker, has a remit to promote BeWhere's innovative mobile tracking solutions and demonstrate their benefits to a wider customer audience. The appointment comes as the demand for BeWhere's low-power 5G wide area tracking solutions continues to soar in North America and worldwide.

由電信營銷行業資深人士Andrew Parker領導的A F Parker Consulting的任務是促進BeWhere的創新移動跟蹤解決方案,並向更廣泛的客戶群體展示其優勢。此次任命是由於BeWhere的低功率5G大範圍跟蹤解決方案在北美和全球範圍內的需求持續飆升。

A F Parker founder, Andrew Parker has over forty years of relevant global marketing experience including roles at Nokia, GSMA, BT, Cable & Wireless and 3UK Hutchison Whampoa.

A F Parker創始人Andrew Parker擁有超過40年的相關全球營銷經驗,曾在諾基亞、GSMA、Bt、Cable & Wireless和3Uk Hutchison Whampoa等公司擔任職務。

Owen Moore, CEO at BeWhere commented, "We're thrilled to be working with Andrew, who brings a wealth of mobile industry experience and an established network of technology experts to the table. His expertise will help us communicate BeWhere's innovative mobile tracking solutions and support us in the next stage of our growth."

BeWhere的CEO Owen Moore表示:“我們非常高興能與Andrew合作,他帶來了豐富的移動行業經驗和一個技術專家網絡。他的專業知識將有助於我們傳達BeWhere的創新移動跟蹤解決方案,並支持我們在成長的下一個階段。”

Andrew Parker, Founder and CEO at A F Consulting added, "5G IoT is rapidly reshaping our world, offering unprecedented benefits to businesses and consumers. Success in this dynamic market hinges on effectively communicating not just the technology, but its real-world impact. BeWhere are successful market leaders, in low-power wide area 5G IoT tracking, with a proven business model. I'm excited to be working with the BeWhere team to help them grow even faster."

A F Consulting的創始人兼CEO Andrew Parker補充說:“5G Iot正在迅速改變我們的世界,爲企業和消費者提供前所未有的好處。在這個充滿活力的市場上取得成功,關鍵在於有效地傳達不僅是技術,而且是其在現實世界中的影響。BeWhere在低功率廣域5G Iot跟蹤方面是成功的市場領導者,具有成熟的商業模式。我很高興與BeWhere團隊合作,幫助他們更快地成長。”

Grant of Options - The Company has granted an aggregate of 100,000 options each to purchase 100,000 Common Shares at an exercise price of $0.45 per share which options will expire on July 12, 2029, to two independent directors.


Non-IFRS Measures


Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure and does not have standardized meaning as it relates to performance measures and may not be comparable to other issuer disclosures of similar performance measures. The Company has provided a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to IFRS profit (loss) in the Management's Discussion and Analysis for the period ended December 31, 2023. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest income, taxes, depreciation and amortization, share-based compensation, and other non-recurring gains and losses. Management believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful measure that facilitates period to period operating comparisons. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered superior to IFRS net income (loss).

調整後的稅息折舊及攤銷前利潤(Adjusted EBITDA)是一項非IFRS指標,與績效指標相關,可能與其他發行人類似的績效指標披露不可比。本公司已在截至2023年12月31日的管理層討論和分析中提供了Adjusted EBITDA與IFRS利潤(虧損)的對比。Adjusted EBITDA被定義爲利息收入、稅金、折舊和攤銷、股份支付和其他非經常性收益和損失之前的收益。管理層認爲,Adjusted EBITDA是一個有用的措施,有利於期間內的運營比較。Adjusted EBITDA不應被視爲優於IFRS淨利潤(虧損)。

About BeWhere


BeWhere (TSXV: BEW) (OTCQB: BEWFF) is a Mobile Internet of Things ("M-IoT") solutions company that designs and sells self-powered hardware with sensors and software applications. Our solutions serve two main markets: (1) Asset Tracking, consisting of remote location tracking various non-powered fixed and movable assets such as trailers, dry vans etc., and (2) Connected Sensors, to remotely track information on assets for water pressure, water detection and soil moisture. BeWhere's devices use the latest available cellular technologies (LTE-M and NB-IoT) to transmit collected data into mobile applications and cloud-based platforms, at a much lower cost than traditional cellular networks. BeWhere also offers solutions that can be fully integrated with existing software, and white-labeled. BeWhere' solutions are innovative, offering low-cost sophisticated technology which allows customers to deploy remote tracking technology where cost was previously prohibitive.

BeWhere(TSXV:BEW)(OTCQB:BEWFF)是一家設計和銷售帶有傳感器和軟件應用程序的自供電硬件的物聯網移動互聯(M-IoT)解決方案公司。我們的解決方案服務於兩個主要市場:(1)資產跟蹤,包括遠程位置跟蹤各種非動力固定和可移動資產,如拖車、幹van等;(2)連接傳感器,以遠程跟蹤資產的水壓、水檢測和土壤溼度信息。BeWhere的需要通過最新可用的蜂窩技術(LTE-M和NB-IoT)來將收集到的數據傳輸到移動應用程序和基於雲的平台,這要比傳統蜂窩網絡便宜得多。 BeWhere還提供可以完全與現有軟件集成的解決方案,並可在白標化的基礎上提供解決方案。 BeWhere的解決方案創新,提供低成本的複雜技術,允許客戶在先前成本過高的情況下部署遠程跟蹤技術。

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BeWhere Inc.
Margaux Berry, VP Strategy and Growth
1 (844) 229-4373 x 107

BeWhere Inc.
戰略發展副總裁Margaux Berry
1(844)229-4373 x 107

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information


Certain statements in this press release constitute forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations, or beliefs of future performance, are "forward-looking statements".


We caution you that such "forward-looking statements" involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual and future events to differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.


Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to commercial operations, including technology development, anticipated revenues, projected size of market, and other information that is based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management.


BeWhere Holdings Inc. (the "Company") does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements except as required by law. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties relating to, among other things, technology development and marketing activities, the Company's historical experience with technology development, uninsured risks. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

BeWhere Holdings Inc.(“公司”)並不打算並且不承擔任何義務更新這些前瞻性陳述,除非法律要求。這些前瞻性陳述涉及技術發展和市場活動、公司在技術開發歷史上的經驗、未投保的風險等方面的風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與此類前瞻性陳述所表達的或暗示的結果有所不同。

The Company's audited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, together with its corresponding Management's discussion and analysis can be found under the Company's profile on SEDAR at and on the Company's website at .

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