
2024 Venture Awards Celebrate Startups Partnering With Stellantis to Enhance Customer Experience

2024 Venture Awards Celebrate Startups Partnering With Stellantis to Enhance Customer Experience

Stellantis NV ·  07/15 12:00
  • Stellantis leverages an innovative startup ecosystem to drive intuitive, personalized and sustainable mobility solutions
  • The Venture Awards honors five startup partners and two startups backed by the Stellantis Ventures capital fund
  • Startups are crucial to the Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan, which aims to provide customer-centric solutions for clean, safe and affordable mobility
  • Stellantis利用創新的初創企業生態系統推動直觀、個性化和可持續的移動解決方案。
  • 創業投資獎表彰了五個創業合作伙伴和兩個由Stellantis Ventures資本基金支持的初創公司。
  • 初創公司對Dare Forward 2030戰略計劃至關重要,該計劃旨在提供以客戶爲中心的清潔、安全和負擔得起的移動解決方案。

AMSTERDAM – In a celebration of innovation and successful collaborations, Stellantis N.V. has honored seven top-performing technology startups with the third annual Stellantis Venture Awards. These awards highlight Stellantis' commitment to delivering customer-centric technology and features, driving the Dare Forward 2030 vision of clean, safe and affordable mobility.

阿姆斯特丹- Stellantis N.V. 通過第三屆Stellantis Venture Awards向7家技術初創企業頒發獎項,以慶祝創新和成功的合作。這些獎項凸顯了Stellantis致力於推出以客戶爲中心的技術和功能的承諾,推動Dare Forward 2030實現清潔、安全和負擔得起的移動解決方案的願景。

"We are dedicated to creating technologies that seamlessly integrate into people's lives," said Ned Curic, Stellantis Chief Engineering and Technology Officer. "We are truly grateful to the startups that help us deliver technology that delights and enhances our customers' experiences."

Stellantis首席工程和技術官Ned Curic表示:“我們致力於創造能夠無縫融入人們日常生活的技術。我們真的感謝那些幫助我們交付令人愉悅、增強客戶體驗的初創公司。”

This year's honorees were selected based on their impact on the customer experience, the novelty of their technology, and its potential scalability within Stellantis. The 2024 Stellantis Venture Awards recognition includes:

這些年度榮譽獲得者是基於他們對客戶體驗的影響、技術的新穎程度以及在Stellantis內的潛在可擴展性而選擇的。2024年Stellantis Venture Awards的榮譽包括:



  • Glanceable (France) offers an AI-powered solution for customer experience that automatically centralizes, analyzes and helps act on all consumer feedback using an intuitive interface and proprietary AI.
  • Niron Magnetics (United States) advances the manufacturing process for the mass production of permanent magnets based on iron nitride, free of rare earth and other critical materials. By using environmentally friendly materials, this innovation enables a revolution in the design of new electric motors and generators.
  • Glanceable(法國)提供一種AI驅動的客戶體驗解決方案,自動集中、分析和幫助處理所有消費者反饋,使用直觀的界面和專有的AI。
  • Niron Magnetics(美國)推動基於氮化鐵的永磁體批量生產製造工藝,不含稀土和其他關鍵材料。通過使用環保材料,這種創新技術實現了新型電動機和發電機設計的革命。



  • Epitone (United States) is at the forefront of automotive augmented reality innovation with its LiveWindow system, which enhances safety by projecting navigation and other crucial information onto the windshield in the driver's line of sight. This advanced technology fully integrates with various levels of autonomous driving.
  • Voltbras (Brazil) provides companies with innovative white-label electric vehicle charging management software for monitoring and managing the operation of electric vehicle chargers.
  • Ample (United States) offers a modular-designed drop-in battery-swapping system that can be integrated into electric vehicles without requiring a reengineering of the vehicle platform. Ample's modular solution can deliver energy to multiple vehicle platforms using the same low-cost and fast-to-deploy swapping infrastructure.
  • Epitone(美國)位於汽車增強現實創新的前沿,其LiveWindow系統通過將導航和其他關鍵信息投射到駕駛員的視線範圍內的擋風玻璃上,增強了安全性。這種先進技術可以與各種級別的自動駕駛完全整合。
  • Voltbras(巴西)爲企業提供創新的白標電動汽車充電管理軟件,用於監控和管理電動汽車充電器的操作。
  • Ample(美國)提供了一種模塊化的插拔式電池交換系統,可以將其集成到電動汽車中,而無需對汽車平台進行重新設計。Ample的模塊化解決方案可以使用同一低成本、快速部署的交換基礎設施向多個車輛平台提供能源。



  • (Norway) robotics and IoT company that offers a pioneering solution to indoor mobility, specializing in autonomous wheels. By transforming existing infrastructure into self-driving robots, they help businesses enhance efficiency and productivity on their automation journeys.
  • Emotiva (Italy) is dedicated to deciphering human attention and emotions with AI-powered technology that analyzes customer reactions to enhance advertising effectiveness.
  • Emotiva(意大利)致力於使用AI驅動技術來解讀人類注意力和情感,分析客戶反應以增強廣告效果。

In addition, Stellantis congratulates the other 22 finalists and their projects: 4Screen, Bioxegy, Chunjian, Comet ML, Deep ESG, Deep legal analytics, DeepHawk, Fleeti, Forge 3D, Gaming, Gnani, Hevo, HMRexpert, Hubject, Inbolt, Minviro, Mira, Myelin, Nebula Link, Proovstation, Sowhen, Volix.

此外,Stellantis也祝賀其他22個入圍者及其項目:4Screen,Bioxegy,Chunjian,Comet ML,Deep ESG,Deep legal analytics,DeepHawk,Fleeti,Forge 3D,Gaming,Gnani,Hevo,HMRexpert,Hubject,Inbolt,Minviro,Mira,Myelin,Nebula Link,Proovstation,Sowhen,Volix。

Stellantis collaborates with startups in two primary ways:


As a partner: Stellantis promotes innovation through the rapid implementation of startups' innovative solutions, having signed over 150 partnership contracts with startups in the past three years.


As an investor: With an initial investment of €300 million, the Stellantis Ventures capital fund focuses on early and later-stage startup companies developing cutting-edge technologies for the automotive and mobility sector. Since its inception two years ago, Stellantis Ventures has completed 14 investments, including new investments this year in Tiamat, a France-based company that is developing and commercializing sodium-ion battery technology and Steerlight, the developer of a new generation of high-performance LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensing technology.

作爲投資者:Stellantis Ventures資本基金最初投資了3億歐元,專注於開發汽車和移動行業的尖端技術的早期和後期初創公司。自兩年前成立以來,Stellantis Ventures已經完成了14項投資,包括今年在Tiamat(一家正在開發和銷售鈉離子電池技術的法國公司)和Steerlight(新一代高性能激光雷達(Light Detection and Ranging)感應技術的開發者)進行的新投資。

About Stellantis


Stellantis N.V. (NYSE: STLA / Euronext Milan: STLAM / Euronext Paris: STLAP) is one of the world's leading automakers aiming to provide clean, safe and affordable freedom of mobility to all. It's best known for its unique portfolio of iconic and innovative brands including Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, DS Automobiles, FIAT, Jeep, Lancia, Maserati, Opel, Peugeot, Ram, Vauxhall, Free2move and Leasys. Stellantis is executing its Dare Forward 2030, a bold strategic plan that paves the way to achieve the ambitious target of becoming a carbon net zero mobility tech company by 2038, with single-digit percentage compensation of the remaining emissions, while creating added value for all stakeholders. For more information, .

Stellantis N.V.(紐交所:STLA/Euronext Milan:STLAm/Euronext Paris:STLAP)是世界領先的汽車製造商之一,旨在爲所有人提供清潔、安全和經濟實惠的出行自由。公司以其獨特的標誌性和創新品牌組合而聞名,包括Abarth, Alfa Romeo, 克萊斯勒, Citroën, 道奇, DS汽車, 菲亞特, 吉普, Lancia, 瑪莎拉蒂, 歐寶, 標緻, 爲東, 通用汽車金融公司和Leasys。Stellantis正在執行其Dare Forward 2030的大膽戰略計劃,爲實現到2038年成爲一家碳淨零移動科技公司的雄心壯志鋪平了道路,實現剩餘排放的個位數補償,併爲所有利益相關者創造增值。了解更多信息,請。

