
KKR Acquires Houston Logistics Park for $234M, Expanding Industrial Portfolio

KKR Acquires Houston Logistics Park for $234M, Expanding Industrial Portfolio

Benzinga ·  07/15 19:02

KKR, a leading global investment firm, today announced that KKR has completed the acquisition of Park 8Ninety, a 12 building industrial logistics park in Houston, Texas, from Artis Real Estate Investment Trust ("Artis REIT") for approximately $234 million.

全球貨幣領先投資公司KKR今天宣佈已完成從Artis房地產投資信託("Artis REIT")收購位於德克薩斯州休斯頓的12棟工業物流園區Park 8Ninety,交易金額約爲2.34億美元。

The approximately 1.8 million square-foot (SF) master planned park was completed in phases between 2017 and 2022. The 127-acre property boasts a diverse mix of Class A single-tenant and multi-tenant modern logistics buildings, with clear heights ranging from 24 to 36 feet, catering to a variety of industrial uses. The park is strategically located in southwest Houston with direct access to Beltway 8 and other major interstate transportation routes.

這一佔地約127英畝的物流園區名爲Park 8Ninety,總建築面積約爲180萬平方英尺,分2017年至2022年多個階段建成,擁有多種不同類型的A級單租戶和多租戶現代物流建築,淨高從24到36英尺不等,適用於各種工業用途。該園區位於休斯頓西南部,可直接通往Beltway 8和其他主要州際運輸路線。

"Park 8Ninety is a great addition to our national logistics portfolio and expands our footprint in Houston which continues to benefit from strong demand fundamentals and comparatively lower supply than many other markets in the United States," said Ben Brudney, a Managing Director in the Real Estate group at KKR who oversees the firm's industrial investments in the United States. "Park 8Ninety is a high-quality, well-designed, multi-tenant park with a diverse and staggered rent roll."

KKR的房地產業務主管Ben Brudney表示:"Park 8Ninety是我們在全國物流房地產組合中的一個重要部分,並擴大了在休斯頓的業務版圖,休斯頓在美國許多市場中仍具有強勁的需求基本面和相對較低的供應。 Park 8Ninety是一個高品質、設計精良的多租戶園區,租戶來源豐富,租金回報穩步增長。"

KKR is acquiring the park through the KKR Real Estate Partners Americas III fund and capital accounts advised by KKR. Across its strategies in the U.S., KKR has committed or acquired approximately $7.5 billion of logistics assets in the industrial sector since 2018 and currently owns over 48 million SF of industrial real estate in major U.S. metropolitan areas.


