
Apple's Vision Pro Struggles To Find Its 'Killer App' To Justify $3,500 Price Tag: 'Just Not Quite Hit The Imagination Of The Consumer,' Says Analyst

Apple's Vision Pro Struggles To Find Its 'Killer App' To Justify $3,500 Price Tag: 'Just Not Quite Hit The Imagination Of The Consumer,' Says Analyst

蘋果的Vision Pro難以找到其“殺手級應用程序”來證明其3500美元的價格標籤:“未能完全擊中消費者的想象力,”分析師表示。
Benzinga ·  07/12 19:41

The Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Vision Pro headset is reportedly facing challenges in attracting fresh content, with a lack of a "killer app" to justify its $3,500 price tag.

據報道,蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)的Vision Pro頭戴式耳機在吸引新內容方面面臨困難,缺乏證明其3,500美元售價的“殺手級應用”。。

What Happened: According to the report, the Vision Pro has over 2,000 apps available five months after its U.S. debut, a stark contrast to the 20,000 iPad apps and 10,000 iPhone apps available within a similar timeframe after their respective launches, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.

據《金融時報》週四報道,美國首次推出5個月後,Vision Pro已有超過2,000個應用程序,這與iPad應用程序和iPhone應用程序推出後類似時間內推出了20,000個和10,000個應用程序形成鮮明對比。

Market tracker Omdia's analyst, George Jijiashvili, noted that the Vision Pro's launch has been slower than anticipated due to developers dedicating their resources to platforms with billions of users.

市場追蹤公司Omdia的分析師George Jijiashvili指出,Vision Pro的推出速度比預期慢,這是由於開發人員將資源用於擁有數十億用戶的平台。

While the Vision Pro's high price has allowed Apple to capture more than 50% of the total VR headset market by dollar value, IDC analyst Francisco Jeronimo emphasized that the device's success will ultimately depend on the available content.

儘管Vision Pro的高價使蘋果佔據了超過50%的總VR耳機市場份額,但IDC分析師Francisco Jeronimo強調,該設備的成功最終取決於可用的內容。

Wamsi Mohan, equity analyst at Bank of America, said the Vision Pro has "just not quite hit the imagination of the consumer."

美國銀行的股票分析師Wamsi Mohan說,Vision Pro“還沒有完全吸引消費者的想象力。”

Notably, nearly 300 of the top iPhone developers, including Google, Meta, Tencent, Amazon, and Netflix, have not yet brought any of their software or services to Apple's latest device.


Why It Matters: The Vision Pro's struggle to attract fresh content and justify its high price tag has been a recurring theme. As reported in June 2024, Apple was struggling to develop a cheaper version of the headset due to a lack of mainstream appeal. In July, the company was said to be working on major design and price changes for the next generation of the Vision Pro.

Vision Pro吸引新內容並證明其高售價的困難一直是一個反覆出現的主題。據2024年6月的報道,蘋果由於缺乏主流吸引力而難以推出更便宜的頭戴式耳機。在7月份,該公司被稱爲正在爲下一代Vision Pro進行重大設計和價格變化。

Furthermore, Jeronimo recently predicted that Vision Pro sales would fall short of the initial target of 1 million units by 2024, potentially validating criticisms from Meta Platforms Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

此外,Jeronimo最近預測,到2024年Vision Pro的銷售量將低於100萬臺的初始目標,這有可能證實Meta Platforms Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg的批評。

Price Action: Apple was trading 0.14% higher at $227.89 in the pre-market on Friday after the stock closed at $227.57 on Thursday, as per Benzinga Pro.

根據Benzinga Pro的消息,蘋果在週四以227.57美元的價格收盤後,週五盤前報價上漲0.14%,爲227.89美元。

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Image courtesy – Apple


This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Pooja Rajkumari編輯

