
Advanced Gold Exploration Inc. Acquires Additional Copper Exploration Claims at Its Buck Lake Property

Advanced Gold Exploration Inc. Acquires Additional Copper Exploration Claims at Its Buck Lake Property

newsfile ·  07/12 09:19

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 11, 2024) - Advanced Gold Exploration Inc. (CSE: AUEX) ("AUEX" or the "Company") has issued the following press release in response to the worldwide interest in copper, a very important metal in EV development and Greenhouse Gas emission reduction. We believe the future of copper lies in projects in friendly jurisdictions - like Ontario and are continuing to develop and expand our very exciting copper project - Buck Lake Property ("Buck Lake" or the "Property"), see May 8, 2024 Press Release for further details.

安省多倫多-(新聞稿公司-2024年7月11日)-先進黃金勘探公司(CSE:AUEX)("AUEX"或"公司")發表以下新聞稿,以回應全球對銅的關注——一種在電動汽車發展和溫室氣體排放減少方面非常重要的金屬。我們相信銅的未來在於佈滿友好司法管轄區的項目,比如安大略省,我們正在繼續開發和擴大我們非常令人興奮的銅項目——巴克湖地產("Buck Lake"或"地產"),詳情請參見2024年5月8日的新聞稿。



  • Acquired 81 Claims adjacent to Buck Lake Property.
  • Approximately 1,800 Hectares (Ha) added to bring total area of Buck Lake to 6,150 Ha.
  • New claims host indications of altered volcanic rocks and areas of past drilling where massive sulphides were encountered.
  • Other similar areas with geologic potential are present on the newly acquired claims.
  • Report by Sault Ste Marie OGS Resident Geologist Barun Maity credited with indicating the potential of the areas acquired in the new claims.
  • 收購巴克湖地產相鄰的81個索賠。
  • 增加了約1,800公頃的面積,使Buck Lake的總面積達到6,150公頃。
  • 新索賠承載改變的火山岩的跡象和過去鑽探中遇到的大型硫化物的區域。
  • 新收購的索賠中存在其他類似的具有地質潛力的區域。
  • 素有功績的索特聖瑪麗儲量地質學家鮑倫·邁蒂(Barun Maity)的報告認爲,新索賠中蘊含潛力,該報告已被收錄在"2023-2024年勘探建議"的第"建議通稿段"(Dorland,G and Dorado-Troughton萬 2024. Resident Geologist Program Site Visits in Ontario Geological Survey,Resident Geologist Program,Recommendations for Exploration 2023-24)中。該研究概述了Buck Lake地產周邊多個高度改變的火山岩區域。將AUEX已發現的含有已知VMS型礦化的區域的變質模式與OGS研究中概述的變質模式進行比較,可指出其他潛力區域。

The Company is pleased to announce the addition of 81 Claim Units (approximately 1,800 Hectares or 2,600 Acres) to its Buck Lake Property in the Batchawana Greenstone Belt (BGB) of Northern Ontario. Buck Lake is a Copper/Zinc Volcanic Massive Sulfide (VMS) - Type of Deposit similar to others in the Abitibi-Wawa Greenstone Belt.

公司很高興地宣佈,在安大略省北部巴楚瓦納綠巖帶(BGB)的Buck Lake地產上增加了81個索賠單元(約1,800公頃或2,600英畝),使Buck Lake成爲一種銅/鋅火山岩大型硫化物(VMS)-類似於阿比蒂比-瓦瓦綠巖帶中其他地點的沉積物。

The acquisition is in response to a recent Ontario Government report which highlighted the potential of the areas. The report by Sault Ste Marie Resident Geologist Barun Maity titled "Mineral Prospectivity Mapping in the Batchawana Greenstone belt" is in the volume "Recommendations for Exploration 2023-2024" - Reference (Dorland, G and Dorado-Troughton, M 2024. Resident Geologist Program Site Visits in Ontario Geological Survey, Resident Geologist Program, Recommendations for Exploration 2023-24). The study outlined several areas of highly altered volcanic rocks in the vicinity of the Buck Lake Property. Comparing the alteration patterns in the area where AUEX has discovered known VMS-type mineralization to the alteration patterns outlined by the OGS study pointed to other areas of potential.

該收購是對安大略省政府最近發表的一份報告的回應,該報告強調了該地區的潛力。索特聖瑪麗常駐地質學家鮑倫·邁蒂(Barun Maity)的報告題爲"Batchawana綠巖帶的礦產前景映射",收錄在"2023-2024年勘探建議"的第"建議通稿段"中提到。該研究概述了Buck Lake地產周邊多個高度改變的火山岩區域。將AUEX已發現的含有已知VMS型礦化的區域的變質模式與OGS研究中概述的變質模式進行比較,可指出其他潛力區域。

The additional claims bring the area of opportunity on the Property to over 6,150 Hectares (15,000 Acres) and expands the potential of the Property.


Mr. Jim Atkinson, CEO of AUEX commented "We are grateful for the effort by Barun, using the publicly available OGS Database of rock samples (MRD 250 Haus and Pauk 2010) to evaluate the lithogeochemical characteristics of samples collected by OGS geologists in the Buck Lake area. The work by Barun pointed to several areas of anomalous values and shows the critical part that the OGS Resident Program can play in mineral exploration in Ontario. As part of our focus on VMS Deposits of copper and zinc at Buck Lake we quickly staked the areas indicated as having potential. We are excited about the new areas and the Buck Lake project overall and will expand our upcoming exploration program to include these new claims. We intend to further the identification of altered volcanic rocks using similar lithogeochemical and statistical methodology".

AUEX的首席執行官吉姆·阿特金森(Jim Atkinson)表示:“我們感激Barun所做的工作,他使用OGS地質學家在巴克湖地區收集的岩石樣品(MRD 250 Haus and Pauk 2010)的公開可用數據庫來評估這些樣品的岩石地球化學特徵。Barun的工作表明瞭幾個異常值的區域,並展示了OGS常駐計劃在安大略省的礦產勘探中可以扮演的關鍵角色。作爲我們關注巴克湖VMS銅和鋅沉積物的焦點,我們迅速放樣標記了具有潛力的區域。我們對新地區和Buck Lake項目總體感到興奮,並將擴大我們未來的勘探計劃以包括這些新索賠。我們打算使用類似的岩石地球化學和統計方法進一步確認變質的火山岩的發現"。



The Property is located approximately 62 linear km northeast of Sault Ste. Marie in the Province of Ontario in within the Batchawana Greenstone Belt ("BGB") that comprises a small portion of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince. The Property now consists of a total of 260 single-cell mining claims that covers 6,150 hectares located in Lunkie and Gapp Townships.

該地產位於安大略省東北部的Sault Ste. Marie以東約62公里處,位於Batchawana Greenstone Belt("BGB")內,該地區佔瓦瓦-阿比蒂比亞省的一小部分。該地產現在總計擁有260個單元採礦權,覆蓋面積爲6,150公頃,位於蘭基和蓋普鎮。

The BGB is an arcuate-shaped, expansive belt located in the southern-central part of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince on the eastern shore of Lake Superior. The BGB is an Archean-aged greenstone belt consisting of a thick succession of supracrustal rocks. The property is situated in the Batchawana Volcanic Domain which hosts prospective sequences of felsic and mafic volcanics with sulphide mineralization.

BGB是位於蘇必利爾湖東岸瓦瓦-阿比蒂比亞州中南部,呈弧形的廣闊地帶,是一個考古時期的綠巖帶,由一系列的上地殼岩石構成。該地產位於Batchawana Volcanic Domain中,該區域是具有硫化物礦化物的斑岩和鎂鐵質巖的有前景的序列。

The Property contains at least 8 areas of VMS potential based on the presence of Base Metal Mineralization identified in historical or recent activities. Including areas of copper and zinc mineralization.


An extensive stripping and channel sampling program over one of the zones in (the Noranda Trend) on the Buck Lake Property in 2022 identified several mineral horizons and provided invaluable clues to the geological environment of Cu-Zn mineralization. Highlights of the channel sampling include 4.94% Zn, 367 ppm Cu, 0.77% Pb and 45.6 g/t Ag over 1.0 m at trench G and 0.01% Zn, 1.58% Cu and 27.4 g/t Ag over 1.1 m.

2022年在Buck Lake Property的Noranda趨勢(the Noranda Trend)的一個區域進行了廣泛的開採和溝道採樣,標識出了數個礦物層,併爲銅-鋅礦化的地質環境提供了寶貴的線索。重點採樣的亮點包括100m處的溝槽G上的4.94%鋅,367ppm銅,0.77%鉛和45.6克/噸銀,110m處的0.01%鋅,1.58%銅和27.4克/噸銀。

These programs were followed-up by diamond drilling in 2022 consisting of 15 diamond drill holes totaling 2,545 m. The objective of the drilling was to test sulphide mineralization documented on surface at depth and along strike of the Noranda trend. The VLF anomalies outlined along the Noranda trend in 2022 were also tested.

這些項目在2022年後由共254500米的鑽孔進行了鑽探。鑽探的目的是測試表層上文檔化的硫化物礦化物,在Noranda趨勢(the Noranda Trend)的深度和伸展中進行,2022年在診斷的V光譜異常線路上的測試。

Highlights of the drill program include 1.51% Cu over 11.75 m in hole BL-22-06 and 2.38% Cu over 2.95 m in hole BL-22-15. Lower grade copper and zinc mineralization was encountered in 13 of the 15 drillholes.


The success of this program prompted the expansion of the property to cover known airborne anomalies and other areas of past drilling which had identified base metal mineralization.


Mr. Jim Atkinson CEO of AUEX notes that "The Author of the 43-101 Technical Report has reviewed the available information on the property and has stated in the Report 'that the following salient features of the Buck Lake Property makes this a property of high merit for VMS-type Cu-Zn deposits:

AUEX首席執行官吉姆·阿特金森(Jim Atkinson)指出,“43-101技術報告的作者已經評估了該地產的可用信息,並在報告中指出,Buck Lake Property具有高水平的VMS型Cu-Zn礦牀”的以下幾個顯著特點:

  1. A greenstone belt hosting supracrustal Archean-aged rocks within the metal endowed Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince.
  2. A geological environment consistent with other VMS deposits of the Wawa-Abitibi Subprovince which includes felsic to intermediate volcanics, dacitic flows, tuffs and breccias and sediments in an extensional arc environment.
  3. Confirmed Cu-Zn bearing massive sulphide mineralization in surface channel sampling and diamond drilling.
  4. Cu-Zn bearing +/- massive pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization stratigraphically proximal to cherty exhalative horizons.
  5. Limited modern-day VMS-deposit model exploration.
  1. 銅礦和鋅礦沉積地位於金屬富含的瓦瓦-阿比蒂比亞州的Wawa-Abitibi亞省內,該省爲基治時期的上地殼和剪切結構,具有廣泛的綠巖帶及礦牀特徵。
  2. 與Wawa-Abitibi亞區的其他VMS礦牀一致的地質環境,包括斑岩至中性火山岩、流紋岩、火山碎屑和斷陷弧環境的沉積物。
  3. 確認了表層水道採樣和鑽探中的Cu-Zn軸承硫化物礦化。
  4. 靠近石英質呼吸層地平面的Cu-Zn軸承+/-碩大黃鐵礦-輝鐵礦礦化。
  5. 有限的現代VMS礦牀模型勘探。

This is very positive for the project. The author goes on to say. "It is of the Author's opinion that the Property be continued to be explored for VMS-type massive sulphide deposits as indications are favorable for success."




James Atkinson M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person ("QP") as such term is defined in NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release. The Qualified Person supervised the work completed by AUEX but has not completed sufficient work to verify all historic information on the Property, particularly with regards to historical sampling, drill results, and technical work provided by others. The Qualified Person assumes that past sampling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.

加拿大礦產勘探公司Advanced Gold Exploration(原Advance United Holdings Inc.)的合格人士(“QP”)James Atkinson m.Sc.,P. Geo.,審核並批准了本新聞發佈所報告的地質信息。資格審核人監督了AUEX完成的工作,但尚未完成足夠的工作以驗證有關物業的所有歷史信息,尤其是關於由他人提供的歷史取樣、鑽探結果和技術工作。資格審核人假定過去的取樣和分析結果已按行業標準的慣例完成。該信息提供了物業的勘探潛力的指示,但可能不代表預期結果。


關於Advanced Gold Exploration Inc.(愛文思控股)

Advanced Gold Exploration (Formerly Advance United Holdings Inc.) is a Canadian mineral exploration company. We've acquired a portfolio of undervalued gold and copper properties and are increasing their value through the application of modern technology, new ideas and systematic exploration. We have a growing pipeline of similar properties that we are looking to acquire. We are involved exclusively in the acquisition and advancement of past projects - with no intent to bring them back into production or to mine them ourselves. Our expertise is in identifying and acquiring undervalued properties with significant historical work, which were uneconomic at the time. We believe we can enhance their economic value at today's prices. We fund the re-working historic data and applying modern technology to underwrite new qualified reports, document quantifiable resources and reserves to current standards, thereby recognizing the current value. Our purpose is to bring immediate and long-term value to our partners and shareholders while seeking to reduce exploration risk, so that we can all advance in the shortest possible time frame.

Advanced Gold Exploration(Advance United Holdings Inc.)是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司。我們已經收購了一組低估的黃金和銅礦產,通過應用現代技術、新思路和系統性勘探來增加它們的價值。我們擁有一系列類似的物業,正在尋求收購。我們僅參與收購和推進過去的項目-沒有意圖將其重新投入生產或自己開採。我們的專業是識別並收購在當時經濟不景氣的重要歷史工作等不足資本價值的物業。我們相信,在今天的價格下,我們可以增加它們的經濟價值。我們資助重做歷史數據並應用現代技術來保證新的合格報告,記錄可量化的資源和儲量到當前標準,從而認可當前價值。我們的目的是在尋求儘可能短的時間內爲我們的合作伙伴和股東帶來即時和長期的價值,同時試圖降低勘探風險。

For additional information about us, our projects, or to find out how we can assist in the advancement of your project contact our CEO.


Contact Information
James Atkinson, M.Sc., P. Geo.,
CEO Advanced Gold Exploration Inc.
Tel: (647) 278-7502

Advanced Gold Exploration Inc.首席執行官James Atkinson萬.Sc.,P. Geo.,
Advanced Gold Exploration Inc.首席執行官
電話:(647) 278-7502

Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements


This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "would", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements are only predictions. Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the information is provided, and is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change, unless required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.


