Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) Unveils New Marketing Campaign
Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) Unveils New Marketing Campaign
Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) Unveils New Marketing Campaign
Star Jets International, Inc.(場外交易:JETR)推出新的營銷活動。
NEW YORK, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) ("Company"), a leading provider of private jet charter services, is pleased to announce the launch of an ambitious new marketing campaign designed to enhance brand visibility, increase investor awareness and drive growth.
2024年7月11日紐約,環球新聞社——領先的私人包機服務提供商Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR)(以下簡稱公司)很高興宣佈推出一項雄心勃勃的新營銷活動,旨在增強品牌知名度,提高投資者意識並推動增長。
The campaign, which will roll out over the coming months, includes a variety of strategic initiatives designed to increase the Company's visibility and engagement with existing and potential customers. These initiatives include:
- Digital Marketing: Expanding our presence across social media platforms, leveraging email marketing, and creating engaging content to reach a broader audience.
- Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with key industry influencers and businesses to strengthen our market position and increase brand awareness.
- Targeted Advertising: Utilizing various media channels, including online advertising, print, and broadcast, to reach our target demographic.
- Exclusive Promotions: Hosting special events, promotions, speaking engagements, and webinars to connect with our community and showcase our premium services.
- 數字營銷:擴大我們在社交媒體平台上的存在感,利用電子郵件營銷,創造有吸引力的內容,以觸及更廣泛的受衆。
- 戰略合作:與關鍵行業影響者和企業合作,以加強我們的市場地位並提高品牌知名度。
- 定向廣告:利用各種媒體渠道(包括在線廣告、印刷和廣播)以達到我們的目標人群。
- 獨家促銷:主辦特殊活動、促銷、演講和網絡研討會,與我們的社區聯繫並展示我們的高端服務。
"Our team is thrilled to launch this new marketing campaign," said Ricky Sitomer, CEO of Star Jets International. "We believe these efforts will significantly boost our brand recognition and market presence, ultimately driving shareholder value. We are committed to delivering our clients innovative solutions, new technology, and exceptional service. This campaign underscores our commitment to innovation and excellence in the private jet charter industry."
“我們的團隊很高興推出這個新的營銷活動,”說道“我們相信這些努力將大大增強我們的品牌認知和市場存在感,最終推動股東價值。我們致力於爲客戶提供創新解決方案、新技術和出色服務。這項活動彰顯了我們在私人包機行業的創新和卓越承諾。”Star Jets International已經成爲豪華航空旅行的領導者超過七年時間,一直滿足我們挑剔客戶的高要求。通過這項營銷計劃,公司旨在鞏固我們作爲行業領導者的地位,並利用新的增長機會。如需了解更多關於我們營銷活動的信息和更新,請訪問Star Jets International, Inc.或關注我們的社交媒體渠道。Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR
Star Jets International has been at the forefront of luxury air travel for over seven years, consistently meeting the high expectations of our discerning clientele. With this marketing initiative, the Company aims to reinforce our status as an industry leader and tap into new growth opportunities.
多年來,執行人員對分數所有權的高成本、市場上缺乏包機飛機選擇以及其他大多數私人航空公司提供的會員制推銷方法感到沮喪。分數所有權計劃和其他會員計劃幫助機主將他們的飛機放入空中。Star Jets International爲您、客戶工作,而非飛機所有人,以確保爲您提供已經在奢華航空旅行領域領先七年以上,一直滿足我們挑剔客戶的高需求。公司通過這個營銷倡議,旨在強化我們作爲行業板塊領導者的地位並開拓新的創業板機遇。
For more information and updates on our marketing campaign, please visit Star Jets International, Inc. or follow us on our social media channels.
。有關我們營銷活動的更多信息和更新,請訪問Star Jets International, Inc。Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR)Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR)的更多信息
About Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR):
關於 現已退出科創板,標誌着公司邁入了全新的發展階段。):
Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR) was started by executives frustrated with the high cost of fractional ownership, the lack of charter jet aircraft options in the marketplace, and the membership gimmicks offered by most other private aviation companies. Fractional Ownership programs and other membership programs help aircraft owners get their planes in the air. Star Jets International works for you, the client, not the aircraft owner, to secure the BEST AIRCRAFT at the BEST VALUE. JETR also offers the most FLEXIBILITY in the marketplace by allowing passengers to change aircraft for specific needs for each flight. Whatever the need, JETGR will secure the best aircraft at the best prices and provide clients with multiple options. Star Jets International offers premium private jet charter services, ensuring safe, efficient, and luxurious travel experiences. JETR's commitment to exceptional client service and industry innovation sets us apart in private aviation - .
Star Jets International, Inc. (OTC: JETR)始於2022年,Star Jets International在圈內頗負盛名,業務包括提供包機服務、飛機的管理與代售、銷售客戶私有飛機、爲客戶選擇合適的飛機等。公司致力於成爲一流的私人飛行服務提供商。最佳飛機Roland-Garros(法國網球公開賽)的“官方合作伙伴”最佳價值JETR在市場上提供最靈活的選項,允許乘客爲每個航班的特定需求更換飛機。無論什麼需求,JETGR都會以最優惠的價格保障最佳飛機,併爲客戶提供多種選擇。Star Jets International 提供高端的私人飛機租賃服務,確保安全、高效、豪華的旅行體驗。JETR致力於卓越的客戶服務和行業創新,使我們在私人航空領域中獨樹一幟。.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of when such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at
本新聞稿包含根據修正後的《1933年證券法》第27A條和《1934年證券交易法》第21E條提前的表述。在某些情況下,您可以使用以下單詞來確定前瞻性表述:“預期”,“相信”,“繼續”,“可能”,“估計”,“期望”,“打算”,“可能,“持續,”計劃,“潛力”,“預測,“項目,“應該”,“將,“會 “或這些術語的否定形式或其他可比術語。但並非所有前瞻性聲明都包含這些單詞。前瞻性聲明並不保證未來業績或結果,也不一定是實現這種業績或結果的準確指標。本新聞稿應在所有公司的備案中考慮,這些公司包含在證券交易委員會的Edgar檔案中,網址爲。
Ricky Sitomer
Star Jets International Inc.
International Plaza
750 Lexington Avenue, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Ricky Sitomer
Star Jets International Inc.
750 Lexington Avenue, 6th Floor
紐約,NY 10022
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at