
Romios Announces $150,000 Non-brokered Offering

Romios Announces $150,000 Non-brokered Offering

newsfile ·  07/11 19:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 11, 2024) - Romios Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: RG) (OTCQB: RMIOF) (FSE: D4R) ("Romios Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it is proceeding with a non-brokered private placement of up to 15 million shares (the "Shares") priced at $0.01 per Share for up to $150,000 (the "Offering").

加拿大安大略省--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月11日)--Romios黃金資源公司(TSXV:RG)(OTCQB:RMIOF)(FSE:D4R)(以下簡稱"Romios Gold"或"該公司")很高興地宣佈,將進行最多1500萬股非經紀人定向增發(以下稱爲"股票"),每股價格爲0.01美元,一共募集高達150000美元(以下稱爲"本次發行")

Funds will be used for exploration and working capital. All securities issued under the Offering are subject to a four month and one day hold period. The transaction is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval. No funds from the sale of the Shares will be used for payments to non-arm's length parties or for investor relations activities. The funds from the sale of the Shares will be allocated as to $50,000 to maintain the Company's property in Nevada and the balance for general working capital.

資金將用於勘探和運營資本。 在本次發行下發行的所有證券均受到四個月和一天的限售期限制。本次交易需得到TSX Venture Exchange的批准。 不會使用任何銷售股票所得款項支付非關聯方或進行投資者關係活動。 銷售股票所得款項將分配爲:50000美元用於維護該公司在內華達州的財產,其餘用於一般運營資本。

Insiders of the Company will subscribe for up to 25% of the Offering. The insider private placements are exempt from the valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 ("MI 61-101") by virtue of the exemptions contained in sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1) (a) of MI 61-101 in that the fair market value of the consideration for the securities of the Company which will be issued to the insiders will not exceed 25% of its market capitalization.

該公司內部人士將認購高達本次發行的25%。 內部人士的定向增發免除了《多邊法案61-101》("MI 61-101")規定的估值和少數股東批准要求,因爲向內部人士發行的證券的作爲對代價的公允市場價值將不會超過該公司的市場價值的25%,並相信該公司有兩項例外規定:MI 61-101的第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)。

The securities described herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws, and accordingly, may not be offered or sold within the United States except in compliance with the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities requirements or pursuant to exemptions therefrom. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction.

以下證券的發售未在美國1933年修正版證券法("U.S. Securities Act")或任何州證券法下進行登記,因此在美國境內不得以任何方式報價或銷售,除非在符合U.S. Securities Act和適用州證券法規定的登記要求或根據豁免規定。此新聞發佈並不構成在任何司法管轄區銷售或購買任何證券的要約。

About Romios Gold Resources Inc.

關於Romios Gold Resources Inc.

Romios Gold Resources Inc. is a progressive Canadian mineral exploration company engaged in precious- and base-metal exploration, focused primarily on gold, copper and silver. It has a 100% interest in the Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu property plus 4 additional claim blocks in northwestern Ontario and extensive claim holdings covering several significant porphyry copper-gold prospects in the "Golden Triangle" of British Columbia. Additional interests include the Kinkaid claims in Nevada covering numerous Au-Ag-Cu workings, and two former producers: the Scossa mine property (Nevada) which is a former high-grade gold producer and the La Corne molybdenum mine property (Quebec). The Company retains an ongoing interest in several properties including a 2% NSR on McEwen Mining's Hislop gold property in Ontario; a 2% NSR on Enduro Metals' Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag property in BC, and the Company has signed a definitive agreement with Copperhead Resources Inc. ("Copperhead") whereby Copperhead can acquire a 75% ownership interest in Romios' Red Line Property in BC.

Romios Gold Resources Inc.是一家持續發展的加拿大礦產勘探公司,專門從事貴重金屬和基礎金屬勘探,主要集中在黃金,銅和銀上。它擁有Lundmark-Akow Lake Au-Cu產權,以及安大略西北部4個附加權利要求塊,並擁有廣泛的權益要求,涵蓋不列顛哥倫比亞省“金三角”的幾個重要斑岩銅金前景。其他利益包括內華達州的Kinkaid權益要求,涵蓋了許多Au-Ag-Cu的作業,以及兩個前生產商:La Corne鉬礦和Scossa金礦,均爲潛在的高品位黃金礦產。該公司保留了對幾個地產的持續利益,包括安大略省Hislop金礦產權的2%NSR;Enduro Metals的BC Newmont Lake Au-Cu-Ag產權的2%NSR,該公司已與Copperhead Resources Inc.("Copperhead")簽署了一份最終協議,根據該協議Copperhead可以獲得Romios Red Line在BC的75%所有權。

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