
Samsung Unveils Phones With Gemini AI Integration, But Hikes Prices: Will Customers Budge?

Samsung Unveils Phones With Gemini AI Integration, But Hikes Prices: Will Customers Budge?

三星推出與 Gemini 人工智能整合的手機,但漲價了:顧客會妥協嗎?
Benzinga ·  07/10 22:51

Samsung Electronics Co (OTCPK: SSNLF) kicked off its smartphone and artificial intelligence (AI) integration by unveiling a new phone line with Alphabet Inc's (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Gemini.

三星電子公司(OTCPK:SSNLF)推出了與Alphabet Inc的人工智能(AI)集成的智能手機系列,搭載先進的Gemini功能。

What Happened: Samsung debuted Gemini-integration on its Galaxy Z Fold and Z Flip 6 at its Unpacked 2024 event on Wednesday.

發生了什麼:三星在週三的Unpacked 2024活動上展示了Galaxy Z Fold和Z Flip 6的Gemini集成。

Both phones are both thinner and lighter than previous models, but its headlining feature is its foray into AI.


"The latest Google Gemini app is fully integrated on the new Galaxy Z series, providing your own AI-powered assistant right on your phone. By simply swiping the corner of the screen or saying 'Hey Google', you can bring up Gemini's overlay and get help with writing, learning, or planning," the Samsung press release said.

三星發表新聞稿稱:“最新的Google Gemini應用已完全集成到新的Galaxy Z系列上,可爲您提供內置AI助手。通過在屏幕角落滑動或說出“嗨,Google”,您就可以打開Gemini的浮層,獲得寫作、學習或規劃方面的幫助。”

Google has steadily added Gemini AI features in recent months, including greater integration with AI-powered photo and video searches. Samsung highlighted the integration of Gemini's "Circle to Search" feature.


In addition, Samsung's presentation leaned into its own Galaxy AI features, particularly on the system's notes app and with language translation.

此外,三星的演示注重其自己的Galaxy AI功能,特別是在系統的筆記應用程序和語言翻譯方面。

The Fold will cost $1,900 and the Flip will cost $1,100, both $100 price hikes according to TechCrunch.


Why it Matters: The announcement comes amid pushes by competitors, such as Apple Inc, to integrate AI into operating systems. The Cupertino-based company announced a partnership with OpenAI's ChatGPT to bring AI-integration to Apple phones. Many experts believe that AI features on the iPhone 16 will supercharge demand.

爲什麼它很重要:這一聲明是在Apple Inc等競爭對手推動將人工智能集成到操作系統中的背景下發布的。這家總部位於庫比蒂諾的公司宣稱其與OpenAI的ChatGPt達成合作,將人工智能整合到蘋果手機中。許多專家認爲,iPhone 16上的人工智能功能將推動需求。

The release of AI-powered phones throughout 2024 and 2025 could serve as a litmus test for whether the AI hype has legs. While preliminary evidence shows that customers are not keen on paying for AI, Samsung's price hikes reflect a possible reversal of consumer behavior if the products prove popular.


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