
GenAI Must Generate $600B A Year To Justify Hardware Costs, Sequoia Estimates: How Much Does Google Search Make?

GenAI Must Generate $600B A Year To Justify Hardware Costs, Sequoia Estimates: How Much Does Google Search Make?

GenAI每年必須產生6000億美元以證明硬件成本的合理性, Sequoia估計:Google搜索賺了多少錢?
Benzinga ·  04:27

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the markets by storm, catapulting several AI-related stocks to all-time highs.


Amid concerns that AI's rally is a "bubble," a new report from Sequoia Capital cast doubt on whether firms will ever be able to recoup hardware costs.

在人們擔心AI的漲勢是一個"泡沫"的同時,Sequoia Capital的一份新報告拋出了疑問,即公司是否能夠收回硬件成本。

Sequoia's Report: A report from Sequoia Capital written by David Cahn estimated that AI needs to generate $600 billion a year to justify its immense hardware costs.

Sequoia Capital的一份報告,由David Cahn撰寫,估計AI每年需要創造6000億美元的收入才能證明其巨大的硬件成本。

Cahn arrived at the $600 billion number by taking NVIDIA Corp's (NASDAQ:NVDA) fourth-quarter GPU revenue of $150 billion and doubling it to account for the cost of AI data centers. Cahn doubled the resulting $300 billion to account for a 50% gross margin for the end-user of the GPU.

Cahn通過將NVIDIA Corp的(納斯達克股票代碼:NVDA)第四季度的GPU芯片營業收入1500億美元翻倍,以考慮AI數據中心的成本。 Cahn將結果爲3000億美元翻倍,以考慮GPU最終用戶的50%毛利潤。

GPU stockpiles have steadily increased as supply shortages have diminished.


Cahn assumes that Alphabet Inc, Microsoft Corp, Apple Inc, Meta Platforms Inc, Oracle Corp, ByteDance, Alibaba Group, Tencent Holdings, X and Tesla Inc will generate a combined $100 billion from new AI-related revenue each year. The estimate creates a $500 billion gap between revenue and cost.

Cahn認爲Alphabet Inc、Microsoft Corp、Apple Inc、meta platforms Inc、Oracle Corp、ByteDance、阿里巴巴(臨時代碼)、騰訊控股、PDD和特斯拉公司每年將從新的AI相關收入中共計創造1000億美元。該估計將產生5000億美元的收入和成本之間的差距。

What About Google Search?: Alphabet Inc's flagship Google Search made $175 billion in 2023, according to company filings. Google is the world's preeminent search engine and captures a gigantic market share.

那麼Google搜索呢?據公司申報文件顯示,Alphabet Inc旗下的Google搜索在2023年創造了1750億美元的收入。Google是全球最重要的搜索引擎,佔據着巨大的市場份額。

Therefore, generative AI must generate nearly 3.5 times the annual revenue of Google Search to turn a profit, a tall task indeed.


Market Implications: While some signs are encouraging that AI will eventually prove valuable to consumers, it is no sure thing that it will ever turn a profit over GPU stockpile costs.


In determining the industry's prospects, experts (such as Forbes' Peter Cohan) have noted the importance of an "AI killer," a use case that is a clear, highly desirable value-add for consumers. A historical example is spreadsheets during the personal computing revolution.


No such feature exists yet, as customers currently seem reluctant to spend money on AI. It may be months or years before a killer use case exists, if ever. The release of OpenAI's long-awaited GPT-5 could serve as a potential catalyst if the release lives up to lofty expectations. Alternatively, AI's future use case may be far from our current expectations.


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