
Oracle Stock Dives After XAI Cuts Ties, Sources Chips Directly From Nvidia — Did Elon Musk, Larry Ellison Bromance Falter?

Oracle Stock Dives After XAI Cuts Ties, Sources Chips Directly From Nvidia — Did Elon Musk, Larry Ellison Bromance Falter?

Benzinga ·  01:46

Oracle Corp (NYSE:ORCL) shares are diving Tuesday afternoon after Elon Musk's xAI ended talks with Oracle regarding a potential server deal.

納斯達克股票交易所(NASDAQ):Oracle Corp(NYSE:ORCL)股票週二下午下跌,此前Elon Musk的xAI結束了與Oracle的潛在服務器交易的談判.

What To Know: According to a report from The Information, confirmed by Musk, Oracle and xAI have stopped discussions regarding a potential expansion of an existing arrangement in which Musk's AI company would rent specialized NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) chips from Oracle.

需要了解的內容:根據The Information的一份報告(得到Musk的確認),Oracle和xAI停止了關於潛在擴展現有安排的討論,在這個安排中,Musk的人工智能公司將從Oracle租用專門的NVIDIA Corp(NASDAQ:NVDA)芯片。

The report, which cites several people involved in the talks, indicates that xAI now plans to buy chips in an effort to build its own data center. Musk confirmed such in a follow-up post on X.


"xAI contracted for 24k H100s from Oracle and Grok 2 trained on those ... xAI is building the 100k H100 system itself for fastest time to completion. Aiming to begin training later this month. It will be the most powerful training cluster in the world by a large margin," Musk said in an X post.


Oracle chairman Larry Ellison said in September that the company was working on a deal to provide cloud infrastructure to xAI to train its AI models. The Information previously reported that the potential $10 billion deal between the two companies would make xAI one of Oracle's largest customers.

甲骨文公司主席拉里·埃裏森(Larry Ellison)在9月份表示,該公司正在與xAI達成協議,向xAI提供雲基礎設施,以訓練其人工智能模型。據The Information此前的報道,這兩家公司之間的潛在100億美元交易將使xAI成爲甲骨文最大的客戶之一。

On the company's earnings call in December, Ellison used xAI as an example of the enormous demand the company was seeing around AI.


"We got enough Nvidia GPUs for Elon Musk's company, xAI, to bring up the first version — the first available version of their large language model called Grok," Ellison said on the call. "They got that up and running. But boy did they want a lot more, boy did they want a lot more GPUs than we gave them."


Ellison previously described himself as a "close friend" of Musk. He stepped down from Tesla's board in 2022. The move from xAI suggests that business comes first for the Tesla CEO as speed and control are critical factors in the blooming AI revolution.

埃裏森曾自稱是馬斯克的“親密朋友”。 他在2022年辭去了特斯拉的董事會職務。 xAI的行動表明,業務成爲特斯拉CEO的首要任務,因爲速度和控制是蓬勃發展的人工智能革命中至關重要的因素。

"The reason we decided to do the 100k H100 and next major system internally was that our fundamental competitiveness depends on being faster than any other AI company. This is the only way to catch up," Musk continued in the X post.


"Oracle is a great company and there is another company that shows promise also involved in that OpenAI GB200 cluster, but, when our fate depends on being the fastest by far, we must have our own hands on the steering wheel, rather than be a backseat driver."

馬斯克在X上繼續說:“甲骨文是一家偉大的公司,而開放AI GB200群集中還涉及另一家有前途的公司,但是,當我們的命運取決於遠遠超過其他任何人工智能公司時,我們必須放手掌握方向盤,而不是坐在副駕駛位置上。”

ORCL Price Action: Oracle shares turned sharply lower as soon as The Information report surfaced. The stock was down 2.49% at $141.42 at the time of publication Tuesday afternoon, according to Benzinga Pro.

ORCL股價一躍而下,因爲The Information的報道浮出水面時,股價降至每股141.42美元,按照Benzinga Pro的報告在週二下午發表。

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