
Gulf Resources Receives Extension From NASDAQ to Regain Compliance

Gulf Resources Receives Extension From NASDAQ to Regain Compliance

GlobeNewswire ·  07/08 20:30

SHOUGUANG, China, July  08, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gulf Resources, Inc. (Nasdaq: GURE) ("Gulf Resources", "we," or the "Company"), a leading manufacturer of bromine, crude salt and specialty chemical products in China, today announced it had received a letter from NASDAQ granting the Company an extension until October 14, 2024 to regain compliance with NASDAQ's listing rules.

中國壽光,2024年7月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——中國領先的溴、原鹽和特種化學品製造商海灣資源公司(納斯達克股票代碼:GURE)(“海灣資源”,“我們” 或 “公司”)今天宣佈,它已收到納斯達克的一封信,允許該公司延長至2024年10月14日,以恢復對納斯達克上市規則的遵守。

As previously disclosed, on April 18, 2024 and May 21, 2024, the Company received letters from NASDAQ indicating that that it did not comply with NASDAQ's filing requirements (the "Rule") because it had not filed its Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2023 (the "10-K") and Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2024 (the "10-Q", and together with the 10-K, the "Delinquent Reports").

正如先前披露的那樣,該公司在2024年4月18日和2024年5月21日收到納斯達克的信函,表明其沒有遵守納斯達克的申報要求(“規則”),因爲它沒有提交截至2023年12月31日期間的10-k表格(“10-K”)和截至2024年3月31日期間的10-Q表格(“10-Q”),以及10-k的 “違規報告””)。

The Company and its current auditor GGF CPA LIMITED ("GGF") have been working diligently to complete the 2023 year-end audit, the 10-K, as well the 10-Qs for both the first and the second quarters of 2024.

公司及其現任核數師GGF CPA LIMITED(“GGF”)一直在努力完成2023年年終審計、10k審計以及2024年第一和第二季度的10-Q。

Gulf Resources has submitted the materials to NASDAQ, detailing the steps to be taken and the progress being made to regain compliance.


Based on NASDAQ's further review and the materials submitted by the Company, NASDAQ has granted the Company an extension until October 14, 2024 to file the Delinquent Reports, as required by the Rule.


"We regret the delay in filing our 10-K and 10-Q reports," stated Mr. Xiaobin Liu, the CEO of Gulf Resources. "When we dismissed WWC, P.C. Certified Public Accountants, our prior auditor, on April 16, 2024 and engaged GGF, GGF had to start the audit process from scratch."

海灣資源首席執行官劉曉斌表示:“我們對延遲提交10K和10季度報告感到遺憾。”“當我們在2024年4月16日解僱我們的前任核數師WWC,P.C. 註冊會計師事務所並聘請了GGF時,GGF不得不從頭開始審計流程。”

"We believe the Company and GGF are making excellent progress," Mr. Liu continued. "We expect to be able to file the 10-K as well as the 10-Qs for both the first and the second quarters of 2024 by October 14, 2024, as requested by NASDAQ."


