
When To Sell Nvidia--Should You Look at Valuation Or Price Movement?

When To Sell Nvidia--Should You Look at Valuation Or Price Movement?

何時賣出英偉達 —— 應該看估值還是價格走勢?
Benzinga ·  07/08 22:36
The Downside Of "Diamond Hands"
Last week, I finally got around to watching Dumb Money, the movie about Keith "Roaring Kitty" Gill and the epic GameStop Corporation (NYSE:GME) pump of a few years ago.
上週,我終於看了《愚昧之錢》,這是一部關於基思·“Roaring Kitty”吉爾和幾年前史詩般的遊戲驛站股票(NYSE:GME)宣傳的電影。它很有趣,值得一看,但我在這裏提到它的原因是因爲它包含了一個囤股無限期持有並且沒有想過退出的忠告。電影中有一些代表Redditt,Inc.(NYSE:RDDT)用戶的小角色,他們跟隨基思·吉爾轉入GME,包括一名註冊護士。每當電影介紹一個角色時,它會在屏幕上顯示該角色的淨值,並在以後更新。當我們見到護士時,她的淨值爲負六位數(可能是從學校貸款和其他債務中推斷出來的)。
It's entertaining, and worth a watch, but the reason I mention it here is because it includes a cautionary tale about holding a stock indefinitely, with no thought to exiting it. The movie includes a handful of minor characters representing Redditt, Inc. (NYSE:RDDT) users who followed Keith Gill into GME, include one who's a registered nurse. Whenever the movie introduces a character...

