
TARGET HOSPITALITY INVESTORS: Kaskela Law LLC Announces Investigation of Target Hospitality Corp. (NASDAQ: TH) and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm

TARGET HOSPITALITY INVESTORS: Kaskela Law LLC Announces Investigation of Target Hospitality Corp. (NASDAQ: TH) and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm

target hospitality投資人:Kaskela律師事務所宣佈調查target hospitality股份有限公司(納斯達克:TH),並鼓勵投資人聯繫該公司。
PR Newswire ·  07/08 20:00

PHILADELPHIA, July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kaskela Law LLC announces that it is investigating Target Hospitality Corp. (NASDAQ: TH) on behalf of the company's shareholders.

Kaskela Law LLC宣佈,其代表該公司股東調查Target Hospitality Corp.(納斯達克股票代碼:TH)。

On June 11, 2024, Target Hospitality disclosed that "the U.S. government intends to terminate the existing South Texas Family Residential Center services agreement with Target's migrant programming partner, effective in 60 days." The company further reported that, given the notice of termination "and the remaining operational logistics associated with the notice," Target Hospitality would be providing updates to its operational and financial guidance.

2024年6月11日,Target Hospitality披露“美國政府打算終止現有的南德克薩斯家庭居住中心服務協議,並與Target的移民編程合作伙伴解除合同,這會提醒Remaining operational logistics associated with the notice。該公司進一步報告說,鑑於終止通知“以及與通知相關的其餘操作物流”,Target Hospitality將提供其運營和財務指引的更新。

Following this news, shares of Target Hospitality's common stock declined $3.30 per share, or over 31% in value, to close on June 11, 2024 at $7.20 per share, on unusually heavy trading volume.

在此消息後,Target Hospitality的普通股股價下跌3.30美元/股,價值下降超過31%,在異常活躍的交易量下,2024年6月11日收於7.20美元/股。

The investigation seeks to determine whether Target Hospitality and/or the company's officers and directors violated the securities laws or breached their fiduciary duties to the company's shareholders.

該調查旨在確定Target Hospitality和/或公司的高管和董事是否違反了證券法或違反了其對公司股東的受託責任。

Target Hospitality shareholders are encouraged to contact Kaskela Law LLC (D. Seamus Kaskela, Esq. or Adrienne Bell, Esq.) for additional information about this investigation and their legal rights and options at (484) 229 – 0750, or by clicking on the following link (or if necessary, copying and pasting the link into your browser):

Kaskela Law LLC鼓勵Target Hospitality股東通過以下鏈接(或必要時複製並粘貼鏈接到瀏覽器中)聯繫Kaskela Law LLC(D. Seamus Kaskela,律師或Adrienne Bell,律師) ,以獲取有關此調查以及他們的法定權利和選擇的其他信息:

Kaskela Law LLC exclusively represents investors in securities fraud, corporate governance, and merger & acquisition litigation on a contingent basis. For additional information about Kaskela Law LLC please visit .

Kaskela Law LLC專門代表投資者進行證券欺詐、公司治理和併購訴訟,以計提方式收取費用。有關Kaskela Law LLC的詳細信息,請訪問。



D. Seamus Kaskela, Esq.
([email protected])
Adrienne Bell, Esq.
([email protected])
18 Campus Blvd., Suite 100
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(888) 715 – 1740
(484) 229 – 0750

D. Seamus Kaskela,Esq。
Adrienne Bell,Esq。
18 Campus Blvd.,Suite 100
Newtown Square,PA 19073
(888) 715 – 1740
(484) 229 – 0750

This notice may constitute attorney advertising in certain jurisdictions.


SOURCE Kaskela Law LLC

Kaskela Law LLC來源

