
Industry-Leading Platform for AI-Driven Traffic Studies - Rekor Discover(TM) - Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Industry-Leading Platform for AI-Driven Traffic Studies - Rekor Discover(TM) - Now Available in AWS Marketplace

人工智能驅動交通研究領先平台——Rekor Discover(TM)——現已在AWS Marketplace上推出
Accesswire ·  07/08 19:30

Simplified Procurement Approach Makes It Easier and Faster for States to Accelerate Roadway and Traffic Monitoring Programs


COLUMBIA, MD / ACCESSWIRE / June 8, 2024 / Rekor Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:REKR) (the "Company"), a trusted global authority in developing and delivering roadway intelligence using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), today announced the availability of its leading Rekor Discover Platform, including the Class, Count & Speed and Vehicle Insite applications, in AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software running on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

馬里蘭哥倫比亞 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年6月8日 /納斯達克股票市場:Rekor Systems, Inc.(納斯達克代碼:REKR)("公司"),一家值得信賴的全球領先的人工智能和機器學習(AI/ML)開發和交付路面智能的權威機構,今天宣佈在AWS市場推出其領先的Rekor Discover平台,包括Class,Count & Speed和Vehicle Insite應用程序。 AWS Marketplace是來自獨立軟件供應商的數千個軟件列表的數字目錄,可使客戶輕鬆查找、測試、購買和部署在亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)上運行的軟件。

AWS customers will now have access to Rekor Systems' Rekor Discover directly within AWS Marketplace, providing AWS customers with the ability to streamline the purchase and management of the platform within their AWS Marketplace account. Rekor Discover is part of Rekor's comprehensive suite of roadway intelligence solutions for public safety, urban mobility, and transportation industries. Within AWS Marketplace, customers can also procure Rekor Command for AI-powered traffic management and Rekor Scout for AI-driven vehicle and license plate recognition.

AWS客戶現在可以直接在AWS Marketplace中訪問Rekor Systems的Rekor Discover,這使AWS客戶可以在其AWS Marketplace帳戶內簡化平台的購買和管理。 Rekor Discover是Rekor爲公共安全、城市移動性和交通行業提供的全面路面智能解決方案套件的一部分。在AWS Marketplace中,客戶還可以採購爲基於人工智能的交通管理提供支持的Rekor Command,以及基於人工智能的車輛和車牌識別的Rekor Scout。

"Listing the Discover platform in AWS Marketplace significantly simplifies the procurement process for our customers," said Mike Dunbar, Rekor's Chief Revenue Officer. "This new approach speeds contracting and eliminates the complexities of the typical complex RFP process, making it easier and faster for government agencies at all levels to access Rekor's groundbreaking traffic analytics solution."

Rekor首席營收官邁克·鄧巴(Mike Dunbar)表示:"在AWS Marketplace中列出Discover平台顯著簡化了我們的客戶採購流程。這種新方法加速了合同簽訂,並消除了典型複雜RFP流程的複雜性,使所有級別的政府機構更容易更快地獲取Rekor的開創性交通分析解決方案。"

Rekor Discover | Revolutionizing Traffic Data Collection

Rekor Discover | 革命性交通數據收集

Current traffic data collection methods are outdated, unsafe, costly, and resource-intensive, often limited to single-purpose use. Rekor Discover revolutionizes urban mobility by providing powerful and comprehensive roadway intelligence effortlessly and safely, even in areas beyond the reach of traditional sensors. By leveraging Edge systems, Rekor Discover fully automates traffic and vehicle ground-truth data capture and analysis, offering extensive roadway and traffic insights that empower our customers to plan future roadways more effectively.

當前的交通數據收集方法過時、不安全、昂貴、資源密集,通常僅限於單一用途。 Rekor Discover通過提供強大而全面的路面智能,即使在傳統傳感器範圍之外的區域也可以輕鬆安全地進行,從而使城市移動性革命化。通過利用邊緣系統,Rekor Discover完全自動化了交通和車輛的真實數據捕獲和分析,提供廣泛的道路和交通洞察力,賦予客戶更有效地規劃未來道路的能力。

Rekor Discover | Class, Count & Speed: Fully Automated Traffic Analytics

Rekor Discover | Class,Count & Speed: 全自動交通分析

The Class, Count & Speed Application within Rekor Discover offers powerful, actionable reporting and traffic analytics, transforming roadway data into reliable, measurable insights and knowledge. Customers gain a comprehensive understanding of their roadways and traffic patterns, enabling them to optimize federal funding programs by precisely identifying and reporting on the mix of vehicles traveling their roads and related statistics. Now available in AWS Marketplace, Rekor Discover provides accurate analytics on vehicle counts, FHWA 13-bin classifications, vehicle speeds, and much more without putting roadway workers at risk, cutting into the pavement, or causing traffic disruptions.

Rekor Discover中的Class,Count & Speed應用程序提供強大的可執行報告和交通分析,將道路數據轉化爲可靠的、可衡量的洞察和知識。客戶可以全面了解他們的道路和交通模式,通過精確識別並報告通過其道路行駛的車輛混合物和相關統計數據,使客戶能夠優化聯邦資金計劃。現在在AWS Marketplace中提供,Rekor Discover在不危及道路工人、不切割路面或不造成交通中斷的情況下提供有關車輛計數、FHWA 13個分類、車輛速度等精確的分析。

In addition to multiple other State DOTs, Rekor also announced the Discover platform is now also deployed across the state of New Mexico for the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT). NMDOT leverages Rekor Discover to aggregate, transform, and securely deliver comprehensive traffic insights to NMDOT in real time. Additionally, NMDOT benefits from Rekor Discover data integrated with MS2, the newest partner in the Rekor Partner Network (RPN) ecosystem. MS2's software suite is utilized by the majority of state departments of transportation, as well as metropolitan planning organizations, counties, cities, and institutions, as the system of record for continuous transportation data management.

除了多個其他的州DOT之外,Rekor還宣佈Discover平台現在也在新墨西哥州爲新墨西哥州交通部(NMDOT)部署。 NMDOt利用Rekor Discover實時聚合、轉換和安全地提供了綜合的交通洞察力。此外,NMDOt受益於與Rekor合作伙伴網絡(RPN)生態系統中最新的合作伙伴MS2集成的Rekor Discover數據。大多數州的交通部門、都市規劃組織、縣、城市和機構都使用MS2軟件套件作爲持續交通數據管理的系統記錄。

Rekor Discover | Vehicle Insite: Powerful Vehicle Intelligence

Rekor Discover | Vehicle Insite: 強大的車輛智能

Enhancing the understanding of vehicles traveling across roadways and their impact on the environment is a critical requirement for both government and commercial entities. Also now available in AWS Marketplace, Vehicle Insite is a next-generation vehicle intelligence application that fully automates the capture and reporting of traffic analytics, such as vehicle characteristics, air quality reporting, electric vehicle (EV) statistics, and average vehicle tonnage across roadway segments, all off of the same sensor. With Vehicle Insite, customers are armed with data-driven insights for their transportation, maintenance, and sustainability planning projects to better support their objectives of delivering smarter, safer, greener roadways and communities.

增強對行駛在道路上的車輛及其對環境的影響的了解是政府和商業實體的重要需求。作爲在AWS Marketplace中提供的應用程序,Vehicle Insite是一種全新的車輛智能應用程序,完全自動化地捕獲和報告交通分析數據,例如車輛特徵、空氣質量報告、電動車(EV)統計數據以及道路段上的平均車輛噸位,所有這些數據都可從同一傳感器中獲取。藉助Vehicle Insite,客戶可以得到數據驅動的交通服務洞察,更好地支持他們交通、維護和可持續規劃項目的目標,以更有效地提供更智能、更安全、更環保的道路和社區。

For example, the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), Philadelphia's public-private economic development corporation and master developer of Philadelphia's historic Navy Yard, selected Rekor for its AI expertise and commitment to creating more innovative, safer cities through roadway intelligence. PIDC utilizes the Vehicle Insite application as part of the Rekor Discover AI-driven traffic analytics platform. This next-generation roadway intelligence solution delivers a real-time understanding of vehicles and traffic flowing through the campus, empowering well-informed decisions that ensure visitors' seamless and enriched experience.

例如,費城工業發展公司(PIDC)是費城市的公私經濟發展公司和費城歷史悠久的海軍造船廠的總開發商,他們選擇Rekor作爲其人工智能專業知識和通過路面智能創建更多創新、更安全的城市的承諾證明。PIDC將Vehicle Insite應用程序作爲Rekor Discover基於人工智能的交通分析平台的一部分。這種新一代路面智能解決方案提供了對校園內流動的車輛和交通的實時理解,賦予了做出明智決策的權利,以確保訪問者的無縫和豐富的體驗。

Kate McNamara, PIDC Senior Vice President at the Navy Yard, stated, "The Navy Yard is a growing 1,200-acre dynamic business campus, home to more than 150 companies and 15,000 employees. With our new $6B redevelopment plan projected to bring an additional 12,000 plus jobs and thousands of residents to the campus, we needed a platform to effectively monitor and analyze vehicle patterns to make better-informed decisions on future development. Our partnership with Rekor will allow us to gain insights from their platforms to optimize daily management of our campus and inform longer-term planning as we create a brand-new community in Philadelphia."

PIDC海軍造船廠高級副總裁凱特·麥克納馬拉(Kate McNamara)表示:"海軍造船廠是一個不斷增長的1,200英畝的動態商業校園,擁有150多家公司和15,000名員工。隨着我們新的60億美元的重建計劃預計將爲該校園帶來超過12,000個以上的工作和數千名居民,我們需要一個平台來有效地監測和分析車輛模式,以便更明智地決策未來的發展。我們與Rekor的合作將使我們能夠從他們的平台中獲取洞察,以優化我們校園的日常管理,並在我們在費城創建全新社區的過程中進行更長遠的規劃。"

Powered by and built on AWS, Rekor Discover leverages a suite of AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Kinesis, and AWS Lambda, to operate AI/ML, security, privacy, storage, streaming, and analytics at a global scale.

Rekor Discover基於AWS構建,利用了一套AWS服務,包括Amazon Elastic Containers服務(Amazon ECS), Amazon關係型數據庫服務(Amazon RDS), Amazon Kinesis和AWS Lambda,以在全球範圍內運營AI/ML、安全性、隱私性、存儲、流媒體和分析等功能。

About Rekor Systems, Inc.

關於Rekor Systems,Inc.

Rekor Systems, Inc., (NASDAQ: REKR) is a trusted global authority in developing and delivering roadway intelligence utilizing state-of-the-art AI and machine learning. Pioneering the implementation of digital infrastructure in our communities, Rekor is redefining infrastructure by collecting, connecting, and organizing the world's mobility data - laying the foundation for a digital-enabled operating system for the road. With our Rekor One Roadway Intelligence Engine at the foundation of our technology, we aggregate and transform trillions of data points into intelligence through proprietary computer vision, machine learning, and big data analytics that power our platforms and applications. Our solutions provide actionable insights that give governments and businesses a comprehensive picture of roadways while providing a collaborative environment that drives the world to be safer, greener, and more efficient. To learn more, please visit our website: , and follow Rekor on social media on LinkedIn, Twitter, Threads and Facebook.

Rekor Systems, Inc.(納斯達克:REKR)是一家值得信賴的全球領先的人工智能和機器學習交通智能開發和交付廠商。通過將數字基礎設施引入我們的社區,Rekor正在通過收集、連接和組織全球移動性數據以重新定義基礎設施,爲道路、河流和空氣提供數字化的操作系統。以我們的Rekor One Roadway Intelligence Engine技術爲基礎,我們將通過專有的計算機視覺、機器學習和大數據分析,聚合和轉化數萬億的數據點爲智慧,以推動我們的平台和應用程序。我們的解決方案提供了行之有效的洞察,爲政府和企業提供了道路的全面畫像,同時還提供了一個推動世界更安全、更環保、更高效的協作環境。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,以及關注我們在LinkedIn、Twitter、Threads和Facebook等社交媒體上的動態。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release and its links and attachments contain statements concerning Rekor Systems, Inc. and its future expectations, plans, and prospects that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding the impact of Rekor's core suite of AI-powered technology and the size and shape of the global market for ALPR systems. Such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For this purpose, any statements that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," or "continue," by the negative of these terms or by other similar expressions. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to many risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual circumstances, events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, particularly as a result of various risks and other factors identified in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made and are based on management's assumptions and estimates as of such date. We do not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of the receipt of new information, the occurrence of future events, or otherwise.

本新聞稿及其鏈接和附件包含關於Rekor Systems,Inc.及其未來期望、計劃和前景的聲明,構成《1933年證券法修正案》第27A條和《1934年證券交易法》第21E條內涵的“前瞻性聲明”,包括關於Rekor的核心人工智能技術套件的影響以及汽車牌照識別系統全球市場的規模和形態等聲明。此類前瞻性聲明根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》的安全港條款進行。爲此,任何非歷史事實的聲明都可能被視爲前瞻性聲明。在某些情況下,通過“可能”、“應該”、“期望”、“計劃”、“預測”、“可以”、“意圖”、“目標”、“計劃”、“考慮”、“認爲”、“估計”、“預測”、“潛在”或“繼續”等詞語,或通過這些詞語的否定或其他類似表達方式,可以識別前瞻性聲明。請注意,此類聲明可能面臨許多風險和不確定因素,這些風險和不確定因素可能導致未來情況、事件或結果與前瞻性聲明中預期的情況、事件或結果大不相同,特別是由於各種風險和其他因素在我們向證券交易委員會提交的文件中,我們已經識別出這些風險。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性聲明僅代表發表之日的管理層的假設和估計。我們不承擔任何公開更新任何前瞻性聲明的義務,無論是因爲獲得新信息、未來事件的發生還是其他原因。

Media & Investor Relations Contact:


Rekor Systems, Inc.
Charles Degliomini

Rekor Systems, Inc.
Charles Degliomini

SOURCE: Rekor Systems, Inc.

SOURCE: Rekor Systems,Inc.

