
Apple Plans Plastic Casing Watch SE To Take On Samsung Galaxy Watch FE, Says Expert

Apple Plans Plastic Casing Watch SE To Take On Samsung Galaxy Watch FE, Says Expert

專家稱,蘋果計劃推出塑料外殼的Watch SE以應對三星Galaxy Watch FE。
Benzinga ·  10:06

In a move to cut costs, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is said to be developing a new version of its Watch SE, which will feature a plastic casing.

據稱,爲了削減成本,蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)正在開發其Watch SE的新版本,該版本將採用塑料外殼。

What Happened: In his latest weekly "Power On" newsletter, Bloomberg columnist Mark Gurman reported that Cupertino is creating a new Apple Watch SE model incorporating a sturdy plastic casing instead of anodized aluminum.

據彭博專欄作家馬克·古曼最新的《Power On》週刊報道,Cupertino正在推出一個新的蘋果手錶SE型號,該型號將採用堅固的塑料外殼而不是陽極氧化鋁。

"Perhaps it's looking to get the cost down to something that could better rival Samsung's cheapest watch" he stated. The existing Apple Watch SE is priced at $249, while the Galaxy Watch FE, the most affordable competitor from Samsung, is available for $199.

他說:"也許它正在考慮將成本降低到與三星最便宜的手錶更好地競爭"。現有的蘋果手錶SE售價爲249美元,而三星最便宜的競爭對手Galaxy Watch FE售價爲199美元。

This development comes on the heels of rumors about Apple's 10th-anniversary special edition watch, the Apple Watch X or Series 10. Previously, it was reported that the new model would feature the largest display yet on an Apple Watch, with a 2-inch screen.

在此之前,有傳言稱,蘋果公司的十週年特別版手錶,即Apple Watch X或Series 10,將擁有迄今爲止蘋果手錶最大的顯示屏,即2英寸的屏幕。

The device was said to be larger than the current Series 9 but smaller than the Ultra. Gurman also reiterated this report saying, "The device also will be thinner, though the design itself is unlikely to look much different."

據稱,該設備將比當前的Series 9更大,但比Ultra更小。古曼重申了這份報告,並稱:"該設備也將更薄,不過設計本身不太可能有太大的變化。"

Moreover, the Series 10 and the new Ultra 3 will feature a new chip, potentially paving the way for future AI enhancements, Gurman noted, adding that there are no plans to extend the full suite of AI features to the Apple Watch for now.

古曼指出,此外,Series 10和新的Ultra 3將配備一個新芯片,可能爲未來的人工智能增強鋪平道路,但目前沒有計劃將整套人工智能功能擴展到Apple Watch上。

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Why It Matters: Apple has a history of releasing products with plastic casings, such as the iPhone 5C in 2013. This device, which featured a polycarbonate exterior in a range of bright colors, received mixed reviews.

爲了削減成本,蘋果曾推出過採用塑料外殼的產品,比如2013年推出的iPhone 5C。這款設備採用聚碳酸酯外殼,並有各種鮮豔的顏色可供選擇,但受到了褒貶不一的評價。

Critics felt that the plastic casing was a step down from the premium metal finishes of earlier models, and some customers believed the device was overpriced for what they saw as a lesser product, reported MacRumors.


Image Credits – Apple


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