
Premier American Uranium Shifts to Growth Ahead of Schedule at Cebolleta in New Mexico, US

Premier American Uranium Shifts to Growth Ahead of Schedule at Cebolleta in New Mexico, US

GlobeNewswire ·  07/06 05:00

TORONTO, July 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Premier American Uranium Inc. ("PUR", the "Company" or "Premier American Uranium") (TSXV: PUR) (OTCQB: PAUIF) is pleased to announce a shift from resource confirmation to focus primarily on growth and resource expansion following the recent set of milestones achieved by the Company including the NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the Cebolleta Project in New Mexico (see press release dated June 24, 2024), 12 months ahead of schedule.

Premier American Uranium公司(“PUR”,“公司”或“Premier American Uranium”)(TSXV:PUR)(OTCQB:PAUIF)很高興地宣佈,根據公司最近實現的一系列里程碑,包括過去12個月內僅在新墨西哥州斯博萊塔項目(見2024年6月24日新聞稿)完成符合國際43-101資源估計標準的礦物資源估計(“MRE”),公司已經從資源確認轉向主要專注於增長和資源擴張。

The Cebolleta Project holds potential for significant resource expansion, including at the Willie P target, which was not included in the MRE, the underexplored extension of mineralization remaining open along trend, and several other untested areas. The Westwater Canyon Member, the principal host rock for several large historic uranium mines in the Grants Mineral Belt, which contains over 400 million pounds of uranium1, remains largely unexplored on the Cebolleta property, where the current mineral resources are hosted within the shallower Jackpile sandstone.

Cebolleta項目具有重要的資源擴張潛力,包括未包含在MRE中的Willie P目標、礦化物化的未開發延伸和其他幾個未經測試的區域。西迪水槽成員,在格蘭特礦區擁有數處大型歷史鈾礦的主要宿主岩石,其中包含超過40000萬磅的鈾,仍然在斯博萊塔資產中未受到充分開發,現有礦產資源位於Jackpile沙岩中。1由於Cebolleta存在多個未經測試和未開發礦化體,提供了清晰的資源增長路徑,我們很高興提前開始下一步工作,遠超過市場預期的時間表。我們的技術團隊正在評估未來工作方案和許可要求,重點是利用在富饒的格蘭特礦區增加礦量的勢頭。格蘭特礦區生產了超過34700萬磅的鈾(佔美國曆史產量的37%),是世界第四大鈾礦區。

With several untested and underexplored targets at Cebolleta providing a clear path for resource growth, we are excited to initiate next steps well ahead of timelines previously expected by the market. Our technical team is currently assessing future work programs and permitting requirements with a focus on leveraging the momentum gained towards adding pounds in the prolific Grants Mineral Belt district. With +347 million pounds of uranium produced, (37% of all U.S. historical production) the Grants district is 4th largest uranium district in the world.1 The Company will focus on adding pounds near to the past producing Jackpile and Paguate mine complex with historical production of 100 million pounds of uranium, see Figure 1.2

該公司將專注於增加Jackpile和Paguate礦群的鈾量,這兩處礦山的歷史產量爲10000萬磅鈾,請參見圖1。1《研究更新:新墨西哥州格蘭特鈾礦區鈾資源》(Virginia T.McLemore,Brad Hill,Niranjan Khalsa和Susan A.Lucas Kamat,2013)2



1 Uranium resources in the Grants uranium district, New Mexico: An update Virginia T. McLemore, Brad Hill, Niranjan Khalsa, and Susan A. Lucas Kamat 2013
2 The Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine, Grants Uranium District: Changes in perspectives from production to superfund site Virginia T. McLemore, Bonnie A. Frey, Ellane El Hayek, Eshani Hettiarachchi, Reid Brown, Olivia Chavez, Shaylene Paul, and Milton Das

1《Jackpile-Paguate鈾礦,格蘭特鈾礦區:從產量到超級基金站點的視角變化》(Virginia T.McLemore,Bonnie A.Frey,Ellane El Hayek,Eshani Hettiarachchi,Reid Brown,Olivia Chavez,Shaylene Paul和Milton Das)

Figure 1: Plan View Map of the Cebolleta Uranium Project and Uranium Deposits

PUR首席執行官Colin Healey向股東們發表了以下訊息:

Colin Healey, CEO of PUR shares the following message with shareholders:


Dear Shareholders,


As we enter a new period of growth following the completion of our acquisition of American Future Fuel Corporation (the "Arrangement") in late June 2024, I wanted to take a moment to substantiate our significant progress over the last few months and set out our objectives for the remainder of the year and beyond.


Executing the Business Model


PUR was established to acquire, explore, and develop uranium projects in the US to address a structural supply shortfall, particularly evident in the domestic supply chain, which is undergoing a marked renaissance as the US prioritizes energy independence, climate and emissions targets. This consolidation strategy was successfully executed in prior cycles by the same teams that have created and backed PUR, which previously resulted in outstanding shareholder returns. With the Arrangement now complete, we believe PUR is poised to generate value in the next step of its strategy: exploring and developing its key projects. PUR now has a strong foothold in three of the top uranium districts in the US, including New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado. Going forward, we expect to focus much of our efforts on project-level work, while continuing to evaluate opportunistic M&A to compliment our portfolio.


Preparing for Advanced Exploration with Bolstered Uranium Inventory

上週,我們公佈了新墨西哥州Cebolleta項目符合國際43-101資源評估標準的礦物資源估計(“MRE”)(見2024年6月24日新聞稿)。MRE顯示,截至2024年4月30日,指明資源中包含1860萬磅eU(660萬短噸,平均品位爲0.14% eU),暗示資源中包含490萬磅eU(260萬短噸,平均品位爲0.10% eU)。與2014年曆史估計相比,新的MRE在規模和質量上均有增加,其中80%的以前的暗示資源升級爲指明資源。重要的是,更新後的MRE成本極小,我們相信早期實現這一里程碑將爲PUR提供快速跟蹤的機會,重點放在資源擴張和重點目標測試上,而不是如先前預期那樣的廣泛確認工作。

Last week, we announced an NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the Cebolleta Project in New Mexico (see press release dated June 24, 2024). The MRE details 18.6 million pounds of eU3O8 (6.6 million short tons at an average grade of 0.14% eU3O8) in Indicated Resources and 4.9 million pounds of eU3O8 (2.6 million short tons at an average grade of 0.10% eU3O8) in Inferred Resources, effective as of April 30, 2024. Compared to the historic 2014 estimate, the new MRE has increased in both size and quality, with 80% of the previous Inferred Resources upgraded to Indicated Resources. Importantly, the updated MRE came at minimal cost, and we believe the early achievement of this milestone positions PUR to fast track, focusing efforts on resource expansion and priority target testing, rather than extensive confirmation work as previously anticipated.

《鈾資源在新墨西哥州的格蘭特鈾礦區:研究更新》(Virginia T.McLemore、Brad Hill、Niranjan Khalsa和Susan A.Lucas Kamat,2013)3O8元素鈾(eU)的外延,這裏以百萬磅爲單位3O8元素鈾(eU)的外延,這裏以百萬磅爲單位3O8元素鈾(eU)的外延,這裏以百萬磅爲單位3O8基於上文,“eU”意思是“相當於元素鈾”

Additionally, we are gearing up to commence exploration and drilling at the Cyclone Project in Wyoming, where we hold a significant land position with in-situ recovery potential. Previous drilling at the Cyclone Project from 2007 to 2008 encountered typical grades and thicknesses of uranium deposits found elsewhere in the Great Divide Basin.


Strong Ability to Lever Assets Enhanced by Additions to Board and Technical Team


The addition of Jon Indall and Michael Henrichsen to PUR's board of directors adds significant breadth and depth of experience in advancing the flagship Cebolleta in New Mexico, Cyclone in Wyoming and the Uravan properties in Colorado.

Jon Indall和Michael Henrichsen加入PUR董事會,爲推進新墨西哥州的Cebolleta、Wyoming的Cyclone和科羅拉多州的Uravan物業積累了豐富的經驗和深度。

Jon Indall's experience as an attorney specializing in uranium mining in New Mexico, his success in lobbying for the uranium industry in the US and his foundational involvement with Uranium Producers of America, positions him as a key pathfinder in successfully navigating the various regulatory processes and guiding approaches to ESG across the portfolio.

Jon Indall作爲一名專門從事新墨西哥鈾礦業律師的經驗,他在爲美國鈾工業遊說方面的成功以及與Uranium Producers of America的基礎性參與方面的經驗,使他成爲成功地導航各種監管流程和指導ESG方法的關鍵開路人。

The PUR technical and regulatory advisory group led by Ted Wilton and Mike Neumann bring new strength to the team that has advanced Cebolleta to the recently announced MRE. As the Company shifts its focus to exploration and resource growth, the bolstered team, with their previous involvement with the asset, is expected to maximize PUR's opportunity to add pounds and advance Cebolleta toward a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the project.

由Ted Wilton和Mike Neumann領導的PUR技術和監管諮詢小組爲將Cebolleta推向最近宣佈的MRE的團隊帶來了新的實力。隨着公司將重點轉向勘探和資源增長,增強的團隊,以及他們以前與資產的參與,預計將最大程度地利用PUR的機會,增加產量並將Cebolleta推進項目的初步經濟評估(PEA)。

Strong Uranium Fundamentals to Drive Continued Success


The US continues to position itself for a resurgence in nuclear power. Home to the world's largest civil nuclear reactor fleet, which provides about 20% of domestic baseload energy, the US, alongside 21 other countries, has recently committed to triple nuclear power by 2050 to meet emissions targets. The US remains highly reliant on foreign suppliers to fuel its reactor fleet, with uranium production falling to almost nothing in the post Fukushima era, and critical domestic conversion and enrichment capacity well below domestic needs, the US is now taking decisive action to reestablish civil nuclear energy leadership on all fronts. With the recent passage into law of the ban on the import of Russian-produced low-enriched uranium (LEU), the US unlocked US$2.7 billion in funding, which, along with Canada, France, Japan and the U.K., have committed a total of US$4.2 billion to invest in the development of a secure and reliable global nuclear energy supply chain3. In addition, we have just seen a separate US$2.7 billion RFP issued by the US Department of Energy ("DOE") for the purchase of LEU from domestic sources, specifically designed to jumpstart domestic nuclear fuel production, with the goal of displacing reliance on foreign sources. The DOE intends to sell the purchased LEU to utilities operating U.S. reactors and sever reliance on Russian imports4. While the US focuses efforts on reestablishing nuclear technology leadership, energy independence and climate goals, the global uranium market currently sits in a substantial supply deficit that requires higher prices for an extended period to ensure the global reactor fleet has access to the fuel it requires. There remains substantial concentration of global uranium supply among a small number of mines and jurisdictions, which itself, is a risk. It is expected that all of these factors create extremely robust uranium sector fundamentals that will exert further upward pressure on uranium price, and we believe that Premier American Uranium is well positioned to provide investors with leverage to this opportunity.

美國仍在爲核電復興而定位自己。美國擁有全球最大的民用核反應堆,爲國內基礎負荷能源提供約20%的能量,與其他21個國家一起最近承諾到2050年將核電擴大三倍以達到減排目標。美國仍然高度依賴國外供應商爲其反應堆提供燃料,隨着福島核事故後鈾生產幾乎消失和關鍵的國內轉化和濃縮能力遠低於國內需求,美國現在正在採取決定性行動,在各個方面重新確立民用核能領導權。隨着禁止進口俄羅斯生產的低濃縮鈾(LEU)的法案最近獲得批准,美國解開了270億美元的資金,加上加拿大,法國,日本和英國已承諾投資42億美元以發展安全可靠的全球核能供應鏈,在美國能源部(“DOE”)發佈了一個獨立的270億美元RFP,以從國內來源購買LEU,旨在啓動國內核燃料生產,以實現替代對國外供應商的依賴。 DOE打算將購買的LEU銷售給運營美國反應堆的公用事業公司並斷開對俄羅斯進口的依賴關係。雖然美國集中精力重新確立核技術領導地位,能源獨立和氣候目標,而全球鈾市場目前處於相當大的供應赤字狀態,需要持續一段時間的更高價格,以確保全球反應堆群體有訪問所需燃料的能力。全球鈾供應量仍然集中在少數幾個礦山和司法管轄區中,本身就是一種風險。預計所有這些因素將創造極爲強大的鈾板塊基礎,這將對鈾價產生進一步上漲壓力,我們認爲Premier American Uranium很好地利用了這一機會,爲投資者提供了槓桿作用。3此外,我們剛剛看到美國能源部(“DOE”)發佈了一個單獨的270億美元RFP,以從國內來源購買LEU,旨在啓動國內核燃料生產,以實現替代對國外供應商的依賴。 DOE打算將購買的LEU銷售給運營美國反應堆的公用事業公司並斷開對俄羅斯進口的依賴關係。雖然美國集中精力重新確立核技術領導地位,能源獨立和氣候目標,而全球鈾市場目前處於相當大的供應赤字狀態,需要持續一段時間的更高價格,以確保全球反應堆群體有訪問所需燃料的能力。全球鈾供應量仍然集中在少數幾個礦山和司法管轄區中,本身就是一種風險。預計所有這些因素將創造極爲強大的鈾板塊基礎,這將對鈾價產生進一步上漲壓力,我們認爲Premier American Uranium很好地利用了這一機會,爲投資者提供了槓桿作用。4雖然美國集中精力重新確立核技術領導地位,能源獨立和氣候目標,而全球鈾市場目前處於相當大的供應赤字狀態,需要持續一段時間的更高價格,以確保全球反應堆群體有訪問所需燃料的能力。全球鈾供應量仍然集中在少數幾個礦山和司法管轄區中,本身就是一種風險。預計所有這些因素將創造極爲強大的鈾板塊基礎,這將對鈾價產生進一步上漲壓力,我們認爲Premier American Uranium很好地利用了這一機會,爲投資者提供了槓桿作用。

In closing, we believe PUR presents a strong investment case, providing the following:


  • PUR has an unparalleled team, which together boasts decades of uranium, M&A, exploration, and development experience within the US
  • PUR has strong backing and offers an opportunity to invest alongside known uranium corporate and institutional investors, including Sachem Cove Partners, IsoEnergy Ltd., Mega Uranium Ltd., and EnCore Energy, among others
  • PUR has a demonstrated track record and has successfully executed its consolidation strategy with its first M&A transaction within six months of going public and continues to adopt an opportunistic approach
  • PUR is ready to explore and develop its assets with two work programs anticipated at the Cyclone Project in Wyoming and Cebolleta Project in New Mexico
  • PUR擁有一支無與倫比的團隊,他們在美國境內擁有數十年的鈾礦業,M&A,勘探和開發經驗
  • PUR得到了強大支持,並提供了與已知鈾企業和機構投資者一起投資的機會,包括Sachem Cove Partners,IsoEnergy Ltd.,Mega Uranium Ltd.和EnCore Energy等
  • PUR已經證明了自己,並已成功地執行了其在上市後六個月內的第一筆M&A交易,並繼續採用機會主義的方法
  • PUR準備在Wyoming的Cyclone項目和New Mexico的Cebolleta項目中進行勘探和開發的工作計劃

Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dean T. Wilton, PG, CPG, MAIG, a consultant of PUR who is a "Qualified Person" (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects). Data verification related to certain scientific and technical information with respect to the Cebolleta Project can be found in the Company's technical report entitled "Technical Report on the Cebolleta Uranium Project, Cibola County, New Mexico, USA" dated June 17, 2024, which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由PUR的顧問Dean t. Wilton,PG,CPG,MAIG審查並獲得批准,他是符合43-101號全國規定的“合格人士”(NI)。與Cebolleta項目相關的某些科學和技術信息的數據驗證可以在公司的技術報告中找到,該技術報告名爲“美國新墨西哥州Cibola縣Cebolleta鈾項目的技術報告”,日期爲2024年6月17日,在SEDAR+的公司概要下提供。遵守礦業項目披露標準("NI 43-101")後,在SEDAAR+上對Bilboes硫化物金項目("項目")的單階段開發進行了初步經濟評估報告。PEA的拷貝題爲"Bilboes Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment",有效日期爲2024年5月30日,由DRA Projects(Pty)Ltd("DRA")編制,反映本公告中所包含的摘要信息,同時也將在公司的網站上提供。所有金額均以美元計算。關於Cebolleta項目的某些科學和技術信息的數據驗證可在該公司名爲“新墨西哥州西博洛塔鈾項目技術報告”的技術報告中找到,日期爲2024年6月17日,可在SEDAR+上的該公司簡介中找到。

About Premier American Uranium
Premier American Uranium Inc. is focused on the consolidation, exploration, and development of uranium projects in the United States. One of PUR's key strengths is the extensive land holdings in three prominent uranium-producing regions in the United States: the Grants Mineral Belt of New Mexico, the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming and the Uravan Mineral Belt of Colorado. With a rich history of past production and both current and historic uranium mineral resources, PUR has work programs underway to advance its portfolio.

Premier American Uranium Inc.專注於在美國開發鈾項目的整合,勘探和開發。 PUR在美國三個著名的鈾生產區域擁有廣闊的土地持有量:新墨西哥州的Grants Mineral Belt,Wyoming的Great Divide Basin和科羅拉多州的Uravan Mineral Belt。 PUR擁有豐厚的過去生產經驗和當前和歷史鈾礦產資源,正在開展推進其組合的工作計劃。
Premier American Uranium Inc.專注於在美國整合、勘探和開發鈾項目。 PUR的一個關鍵優勢是在美國三個主要鈾生產地區擁有廣泛的土地持有:新墨西哥州的Grants Mineral Belt、懷俄明州的Great Divide Basin和科羅拉多州的Uravan Mineral Belt。憑藉豐富的歷史生產和當前和歷史鈾礦資源,PUR正在進行工作計劃以推進其組合。



3 H.R.1042 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act | | Library of Congress
4 DOE Announces $2.7 Billion From President Biden's Investing in America Agenda to Boost Domestic Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain | Department of Energy

3H.R.1042 - 第118屆國會(2023-2024年):禁止俄羅斯鈾進口法案|國會圖書館|國會圖書館

Backed by Sachem Cove Partners, IsoEnergy Ltd., Mega Uranium Ltd., and additional corporate and institutional investors, and an unparalleled team with U.S. uranium experience, PUR's positioning in the market represents a compelling opportunity, as uranium fundamentals are currently the strongest they have been in more than a decade.
For More Information, Please Contact:

在Sachem Cove Partners,IsoEnergy Ltd.,Mega Uranium Ltd.和其他公司和機構投資者的支持下,並擁有美國鈾體驗的無與倫比的團隊,PUR在市場上的定位代表了一個引人注目的機會,因爲鈾的基本面目前是十多年來最強的。
欲了解更多信息,請聯繫Mehdi Azodi,董事長兼首席執行官。

Premier American Uranium Inc.
Colin Healey, CEO

Premier American Uranium Inc.
Colin Healey,首席執行官
Toll-Free: 1-833-223-4673
Twitter: @PremierAUranium

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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(該術語在TSX Venture Exchange的規定中有定義)不對該新聞稿的充分性或準確性負責。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to, planned exploration activities; the potential for future mineral resource expansion; plans regarding preparation of a Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Cebolleta Project; expectations regarding the resurgence of nuclear power in the US; and other activities, events or developments that are expected, anticipated or may occur in the future. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.


Forward-looking information and statements are based on our current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts about PUR's business and the industry and markets in which it operates. Such forward-information and statements are based on numerous assumptions, including among others, that the results of planned exploration activities are as anticipated, the price of uranium, the anticipated cost of planned exploration activities, that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, that third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct the Company's planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by PUR in providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate.


Forward-looking information and statements also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium to differ materially from any projections of results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or statements, including, among others: limited operating history, negative operating cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional financing, delays or failure to obtain required permits and regulatory approvals, changes in mineral resources, no known mineral reserves, aboriginal title and consultation issues, reliance on key management and other personnel; potential downturns in economic conditions; availability of third party contractors; availability of equipment and supplies; failure of equipment to operate as anticipated; accidents, effects of weather and other natural phenomena and other risks associated with the mineral exploration industry; changes in laws and regulation, competition, and uninsurable risks and the risk factors with respect to Premier American Uranium set out in PUR's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the other documents of PUR filed with the Canadian securities regulators and available under PUR's profile on SEDAR+ at .

前瞻性信息和聲明還涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定性以及其他因素,可能導致Premier American Uranium的實際結果、業績和成就與該前瞻性信息或聲明所表達或暗示的任何結果、表現和成就不同,包括但不限於:有限的經營歷史、負的經營現金流和對第三方融資的依賴、額外融資的不確定性、延遲或未能獲得所需的許可證和監管批准、礦產資源的變化、沒有已知的礦物儲量、原住民所有權和諮詢問題、依賴關鍵管理和其他人員;潛在的經濟衰退;第三方承包商的可用性;設備和供應的可用性;設備未能按預期運行的故障;事故、天氣和其他自然現象以及與礦業勘探業有關的其他風險;法規的變化,競爭以及不能保險的風險以及有關Premier American Uranium的風險因素,這些風險因素在PUR的2023年年度信息表和PUR在加拿大證券監管機構提交的其他文件中列出,並在SEDAR+上公開可獲取的PUR簡介下進行了說明。.

Although PUR has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. PUR undertakes no obligation to update or reissue forward-looking information as a result of new information or events except as required by applicable securities laws.


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