
Reported Earlier, CIBC Announces 4-for-1 Split of Nvidia Canadian Depositary Receipts Starting July 10, 2024

Reported Earlier, CIBC Announces 4-for-1 Split of Nvidia Canadian Depositary Receipts Starting July 10, 2024

Benzinga ·  15:07

CIBC today announced a split (the "CDR Split") of its Nvidia Canadian Depositary Receipts (CAD Hedged) ("Nvidia CDRs"), as indicated in the table below.

CIBC今天宣佈其英偉達加拿大存託憑證(加元對沖)的拆分(“CDR Split”),如下表所示。

Cboe Canada
Ticker Symbol

CDR Series

Closing Price

(July 2, 2024)

Forward Split


Nvidia Canadian Depositary Receipts (CAD Hedged)



Cboe Canada

CDR 系列





NVIDIA 加拿大存託憑證 (加元套匯)



The CDR Split will take effect by way of a subdivision of all Nvidia CDRs that are outstanding after the close of trading on July 9, 2024, each outstanding Nvidia CDR automatically being split into the number of post-split Nvidia CDRs as indicated in the table above.

CDR Split 將於2024年7月9日收盤後進行,其中,每個未平倉的 Nvidia CDR 將自動進行拆分,拆分後的 Nvidia CDR 數量由上表指定。

The Nvidia CDRs will begin trading on a split-adjusted basis on July 10, 2024.

Nvidia CDRs 於2024年7月10日開始以拆分後的比例進行交易。

CIBC confirms that the product of the CDR Ratio for the Nvidia CDRs and the number of Nvidia CDRs outstanding will be unchanged by the CDR Split. Accordingly, the CDR Split is not expected to have any economic impact on the value of investors' Nvidia CDR positions.

CIBC 確定 Nvidia CDRs 的 CDR Ratio 與 Nvidia CDRs 的未平倉數量的乘積將不會因 CDR Split 而改變。因此,CDR Split 不應對投資者 Nvidia CDR 倉位的價值產生任何經濟影響。

CIBC has obtained an opinion from Torys LLP that the CDR Split would not have any material adverse consequences under Canadian federal income tax laws to holders of Nvidia CDRs resident in Canada.

CIBC 已獲得 Torys LLP 的意見,認爲 CDR Split 不會對持有加拿大居民 Nvidia CDRs 的持有人在加拿大聯邦所得稅法下造成任何重大不利後果。

Previously, the Nvidia CDRs were subject to a ratio adjustment event effective June 10, 2024 related to the ten-for-one split of the common stock of Nvidia Corporation, as outlined in the Final Announcement of Ratio Adjustment for Ten-to-One Stock Split, found here.

以前,Nvidia CDRs 曾受到與 Nvidia 公司普通股 10 股合併有關的比率調整事件的影響,詳見此處的最終比率調整公告。

