
EQT and Kühne Holding Invest in Flix, the Global Travel Company

EQT and Kühne Holding Invest in Flix, the Global Travel Company

EQt和Kühne Holding投資於Flix,全球旅行公司。
PR Newswire ·  07/04 22:21
  • EQT Future and Kühne Holding to acquire a 35% stake in Flix
  • Investment is part of a long-term strategic partnership built on a common vision for Flix's next phase of profitable growth across new and existing markets and offerings
  • EQT is investing through EQT Future, its impact-driven, longer-hold fund, and will support Flix's ambition to expand the offering of sustainable and affordable travel options
  • EqT Future 和 Kuhne Holding 將收購 Flix 35% 的股份
  • 投資是長期戰略合作伙伴關係的一部分,該夥伴關係建立在共同願景之上,即Flix在新市場和現有市場及產品中實現下一階段的盈利增長
  • EqT正在通過其影響力驅動的長揸基金EqT Future進行投資,並將支持Flix擴大可持續和負擔得起的旅行選擇範圍的雄心

STOCKHOLM, July 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Flix SE ("Flix" or the "Company"), the global travel tech company, and EQT, the global investment organisation, together with Kühne Holding, representing one of the world's leading logistics entrepreneurs and investors, today announce that a definitive agreement has been reached for EQT Future and Kühne Holding to acquire a 35% minority stake in Flix.

斯德哥爾摩,2024年7月4日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球旅遊科技公司Flix SE(“Flix” 或 “公司”)和全球投資組織EqT以及代表全球領先物流企業家和投資者之一的庫恩控股今天宣佈,已經達成最終協議,讓殷拓未來和Kuöhne Holding收購Flix35%的少數股權。

In addition to a primary investment in Flix, EQT Future and Kühne Holding will acquire shares from existing shareholders to build a long-term anchor shareholding in Flix. This investment will further strengthen Flix's balance sheet and help accelerate the Company's successful trajectory of profitable growth. The closing of the transaction is subject to certain customary conditions and regulatory approvals.

除了對Flix的主要投資外,EqT Future和Kuhne Holding還將從現有股東手中收購股份,以建立Flix的長期主要股權。這項投資將進一步加強Flix的資產負債表,並有助於加快公司成功的盈利增長軌跡。交易的完成取決於某些慣例條件和監管部門的批准。

"We are delighted to welcome EQT Future and Kühne Holding as strong and purpose-driven investors with proven track records of building upon sustainable long-term investment strategies. Their capital and know-how will be a strong asset to our company's overall strategic vision. We couldn't ask for better partners to embark on the next chapter of Flix's journey", commented André Schwämmlein, CEO and Co-Founder of Flix.

“我們很高興歡迎EqT Future和Kuhne Holding成爲強大且以目標爲導向的投資者,在建立可持續長期投資策略方面有着良好的記錄。他們的資本和專業知識將成爲我們公司整體戰略願景的重要資產。我們找不到更好的合作伙伴來開啓Flix旅程的下一個篇章”,評論道 安德烈·施瓦姆萊因,Flix首席執行官兼聯合創始人

"EQT Future backs high-quality, growing companies that have the potential to be sustainability leaders in their fields. Flix is the perfect example of this. We are deeply impressed by what André and his team have built, having developed Flix from a startup into the clear global market leader, operating in 43 countries," said Andreas Aschenbrenner, Founding Partner and Deputy Head of the EQT Future advisory team. "For us at EQT, it is always about providing more than capital. We are proud to partner with Kühne Holding, one of the leading transportation and logistics investors, and together with André and his team, we are excited to support Flix's strategic growth agenda over the long-term. We aim to ensure Flix's low carbon solution to long-distance travel reaches even more people across the world and believe that Flix is on a path to being the category defining player in mass ground transportation, with huge potential to become a household name in the industry and beyond."

“EqT Future支持高質量、成長中的公司,這些公司有可能成爲各自領域的可持續發展領導者。Flix就是一個很好的例子。安德烈和他的團隊將Flix從一家初創公司發展成爲明顯的全球市場領導者,在43個國家開展業務,所取得的成就給我們留下了深刻的印象。” 安德烈亞斯·阿申布倫納,殷拓未來諮詢團隊創始合夥人兼副主管。 “對我們殷拓而言,提供的不僅僅是資本。我們很榮幸能與領先的運輸和物流投資者之一庫恩控股合作,我們很高興能與安德烈及其團隊一起支持Flix的長期戰略增長議程。我們的目標是確保Flix的低碳長途旅行解決方案惠及全球更多的人,並相信Flix正走上成爲大衆地面交通行業的決定性參與者的道路,具有成爲業內及其他領域家喻戶曉的巨大潛力。”

Dominik de Daniel, CEO Kühne Holding AG, commented: "Flix is driving the next generation of collective transport. The Kühne Holding is proud to actively support them as a strategic partner in their next phase of expansion. Over the past few months, we have established a great relationship with the colleagues of EQT Future. We have great confidence in André Schwämmlein and his team and very much look forward to supporting Flix's future in a beneficial partnership."

庫恩控股股份公司首席執行官多米尼克·德丹尼爾評論說:“Flix正在推動下一代集體交通。庫恩控股很榮幸能夠作爲戰略合作伙伴積極支持他們下一階段的擴張。在過去的幾個月中,我們與EqT Future的同事建立了良好的關係。我們對安德烈·施瓦姆萊因及其團隊充滿信心,並非常期待通過有益的夥伴關係支持Flix的未來。”

Karl Gernandt, Chairman Kühne Holding AG, added: "As one of the largest strategic investors in the transport and mobility sector, the Kühne Holding is now taking a further step into the market for collective transport by bus. With Flix's proven asset-light operating model, we see great synergies with our other investments in the transport sector. Furthermore, we want to support the expansion strategy of their international network. We are building on the great successes that Flix has achieved in establishing the bus as the leading sustainable means of transport – for more than a decade in Europe and now also overseas."

庫恩控股股份公司董事長卡爾·格南德補充說: “作爲運輸和出行領域最大的戰略投資者之一,庫恩控股公司現在正在進一步進入公共汽車集體交通市場。憑藉Flix久經考驗的輕資產運營模式,我們看到了與運輸領域其他投資的巨大協同效應。此外,我們希望支持其國際網絡的擴張戰略。十多年來,在歐洲乃至海外,Flix在將公交車確立爲領先的可持續交通工具方面取得的巨大成功,我們正在此基礎上再接再厲。”

Driving profitable growth


The investment comes at a time of continued significant growth momentum and strategic expansion at Flix. The company reported 30 percent total revenue growth in 2023 and thus, for the first time, reached EUR 2 billion in annual total revenue. This comes at an increased profitability with adjusted EBITDA of EUR 104 million in 2023. The strong momentum enables Flix to deliver on strategic targets such as the expansion of its global footprint, transforming the North American bus market and further scaling FlixTrain to respond to the rising demand for alternative rail services in Germany.


Expanding the global footprint


To further strengthen its geographical presence, Flix has recently entered two of the most important bus markets worldwide: Chile and India. The company's global footprint now stretches across 43 countries worldwide. With both FlixBus and FlixTrain, the European expansion is moving forward. FlixBus is significantly expanding its services in UK, Portugal and Ukraine and has launched in Norway and Finland. Flix's clear ambition is to reach market leadership in these markets.


Advancing the North America business


Flix has been operating in the United States since 2018. In 2021, the company acquired Greyhound Lines, an iconic intercity bus service provider, further expanding its reach, including in Canada and Mexico. The transformation and integration of operations into the Flix platform is well underway and increasingly reflected in a growing asset-light share, driving growth and profitability in the market.

自2018年以來,Flix一直在美國運營。2021年,該公司收購了標誌性的城際巴士服務提供商Greyhound Lines,進一步擴大了其業務範圍,包括在加拿大和墨西哥。運營向Flix平台的轉型和整合正在順利進行中,並越來越多地反映在輕資產份額的增長上,推動了市場的增長和盈利能力。

With growth comes responsibility


Flix is on a continuous mission to deliver a great travel experience while constantly reviewing the impact of its business. To underpin the Company's commitment to a responsible business model, Flix recently published its second voluntary ESG report for 2023. With its vision to drive sustainable and affordable travel, Flix aligns strongly with EQT Future's mission to support market leading businesses which improve our planet through the products and services they deliver, while having the potential to shape their industries.

Flix的持續使命是提供出色的旅行體驗,同時不斷審查其業務的影響。爲了鞏固公司對負責任商業模式的承諾,Flix最近發佈了其第二份2023年自願ESG報告。Flix的願景是推動可持續和負擔得起的旅行,與EqT Future的使命非常一致,即支持市場領先的企業,這些企業通過其提供的產品和服務改善我們的地球,同時有可能塑造他們的行業。



EQT: Press Office, [email protected]

EQT:新聞辦公室,[email protected]

Flix: Lara Hesse, [email protected]

Flix:勞拉·黑塞,[email protected]

Kühne Holding: Dominique Nadelhofer, [email protected]

庫恩控股:多米尼克·納德爾霍夫,[email protected]

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