
Specialty Food Ingredients Market Size to Worth $155.2 Billion by 2031, Growing at a CAGR of 5.4%, Says Coherent Market Insights

Specialty Food Ingredients Market Size to Worth $155.2 Billion by 2031, Growing at a CAGR of 5.4%, Says Coherent Market Insights

PR Newswire ·  17:45

BURLINGAME, Calif., July 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The global Specialty Food Ingredients Market, valued at $107.4 billion in 2024, is on a trajectory of rapid expansion, with projections indicating it will soar to $155.2 billion by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4% from 2024 to 2031, as per a recent report by Coherent Market Insights. Consumers are increasingly preferring food and beverages that are seen as healthy and clean label. This is driving up demand for specialty ingredients that appeal to health-conscious consumers and support claims related to non-GMO, organic, gluten-free etc. Ingredients such as prebiotics, plant-based proteins and other specialty ingredients are seeing strong demand as they allow food brands to formulate products aligned with consumer interest in wellness.

全球1074億美元的特殊食品配料市場2024年將迎來快速擴張,預計到2031年將飆升至1552億美元,從2024年到2031年以5.4%的複合年增長率增長,據Coherent Market Insights最近的報告顯示。消費者越來越傾向於健康和乾淨標籤的食品和飲料。這推動對吸引健康意識消費者並支持與非轉基因,有機,無麩質等有關的聲明的特殊成分的需求增加。像益生元,植物蛋白和其他特殊成分這樣的配料因允許食品品牌制定符合消費者對健康興趣的產品而需求旺盛。

Specialty Food Ingredients Market

