
ViTrox Downgraded Amid Challenging Environment

ViTrox Downgraded Amid Challenging Environment

Business Today ·  07/04 11:32

ViTrox Corp has achieved significant milestones amid challenging industry dynamics, culminating in a commendable expansion of its educational initiatives with the announcement of the RM46 million VIT research and training facility. Scheduled for completion by January 2026, the company aims to double its annual student intake capacity from 200 to 450, addressing critical talent shortages in the semiconductor sector.

VitroX Corp 在充滿挑戰的行業動態中取得了重要的里程碑,最終宣佈了耗資4600萬令吉的VIT研究和培訓設施,其教育計劃得到了值得稱道的擴展。該公司計劃於2026年1月竣工,目標是將其年招生人數翻一番,從200人增加到450人,以解決半導體行業的關鍵人才短缺問題。

Despite these advancements, it faces a cautious outlook as highlighted by Maybank Investment Bank's (Maybank) recent downgrade to SELL and a lowered target price (TP) of RM3.40, reflecting a 14% downside from previous levels. This adjustment comes amidst persistent industry headwinds, prompting Maybank to revise down earnings forecasts by 20% for Fiscal Year 2024 to End 2026 (FY24-26E) despite an anticipated sequential earnings improvement in 2Q24E driven by order backlogs.

儘管取得了這些進展,但它仍面臨着謹慎的前景,馬來亞銀行投資銀行(Maybank)最近下調了賣出評級,並將目標價格(TP)下調至3.40令吉,反映出較先前水平下跌14%。這一調整是在持續的行業不利因素下進行的,促使馬來亞銀行將2024財年至2026年底(FY24-26E)的收益預測下調了20%,儘管受訂單積壓的推動,2Q24E 的收益預期將連續增長。

The anticipated improvement in VITRO's 2Q24E earnings is expected primarily from enhanced delivery efficiencies within its MVS-T/S segments, with turnover forecasted to rise by 65% and 60% Quarter-over-Quarter (QoQ) respectively. However, challenges loom ahead beyond the second quarter, including capacity constraints in material sourcing, extended lead-times, and a slower-than-expected recovery in key end-markets such as automotive, industrials, and telecommunications.

預計 VITRO 2Q24E 收益的預期改善主要來自其MVS-T/S細分市場的交付效率的提高,預計營業額將分別同比增長65%和60%(QoQ)。但是,第二季度之後的挑戰依然存在,包括材料採購的產能限制、交貨期的延長,以及汽車、工業和電信等關鍵終端市場的復甦低於預期。

Maybank's analysis underscores the evolving dynamics in the Chinese ATE market, where VITRO faces increased competition from domestically subsidised players striving for technological self-sufficiency. This competitive landscape poses risks of market share erosion and margin pressures, necessitating intensified investments in R&D and marketing to defend VITRO's position.


While VITRO continues to innovate and expand its educational footprint with VIT, investors are advised to approach cautiously in light of Maybank's revised rating. Despite VITRO's robust management and diversified exposure to high-growth sectors like 5G, electric vehicles (EVs), and artificial intelligence (AI), the current valuation at 46x 12-month forward price-to-earnings ratio (PER) suggests a potentially limited upside amid challenging industry conditions.


