
Fourth Of July Hot Dog Eating Contest: Betting Odds Favor New Champion As Joey Chestnut Sits Out

Fourth Of July Hot Dog Eating Contest: Betting Odds Favor New Champion As Joey Chestnut Sits Out

Benzinga ·  04:00
One of the great American traditions, the Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest, will have a different feel in 2024 as Joey Chestnut will not participate for the first time in years.
作爲美國的一個重要傳統,納森食品(Nathan's Famous)國際熱狗大賽,將在2024年有所不同,這是多年來Joey Chestnut首次沒有參加。
With Chestnut out, the betting odds look significantly different.
What Happened: Sixteen-time champ Chestnut won't compete in this year's Fourth of July event due to a dispute over his sponsorship by plant-based food company Impossible Foods.
事件經過:十六次奪冠者瑟納特(Joey Chestnut)由於與植物性食品公司Impossible Foods的贊助產生爭議,將不參加今年的四月四日的比賽。
The contest, which is sponsored by Nathan's Famous (NASDAQ:NATH), will be very different in 2024 with Chestnut sitting out. This could lead to lower viewership for...
由納森食品(Nathan's Famous)贊助的比賽...

