
Swinging for Success: Ambassador of Golf Fundraiser Expands to Accommodate Larger Crowd in 2024

Swinging for Success: Ambassador of Golf Fundraiser Expands to Accommodate Larger Crowd in 2024

第一能源 ·  07/01 12:00


The Professional Golfers' Association of America's (PGA) annual Kaulig Companies Championship at Firestone Country Club each summer is not just about golf; it's about uplifting northeast Ohio communities. As unrelated as their missions may seem, initiatives like feeding hungry children, inspiring creative minds and empowering those with Parkinson's disease find common ground here.


This year, one of the tournament's annual fundraisers, the Ambassador of Golf (AoG) Award dinner presented by the FirstEnergy Foundation, will move from the country club to a larger venue at House 330 in downtown Akron. Previously known as the Tangier restaurant, House 330, now owned by The LeBron James Family Foundation, symbolizes community service and revitalization.

今年,該錦標賽的年度籌款活動之一,由FirstEnergy基金會主辦的高爾夫大使(AoG)頒獎晚宴將從鄉村俱樂部遷至位於阿克倫市中心330號樓的更大場地。House 330以前被稱爲丹吉爾餐廳,現在歸勒布朗·詹姆斯家族基金會所有,象徵着社區服務和振興。

Approximately 350 guests will gather at House Three Thirty on July 11 to witness Pro Football Hall of Famer Peyton Manning accept the 2024 AoG award. Manning joins a prestigious list of past recipients who champion not only the game of golf but also humanitarian causes.

大約 350 位嘉賓將於 7 月 11 日聚集在 House Three Three 30,見證職業足球名人堂成員佩頓·曼寧接受 2024 年 AoG 獎項。曼寧加入了久負盛名的過去獲獎者名單,他們不僅支持高爾夫比賽,還支持人道主義事業。

The money raised at the AoG event goes to the Northern Ohio Golf Charities and Foundation and is then dispersed to deserving nonprofit organizations across northeast Ohio.


"Not only are we showcasing a great new venue in Akron, but House Three Thirty is also a beneficiary of the AoG event," said Lorna Wisham, President of the FirstEnergy Foundation. "The ability to host more people at this year's event allows us to raise even more funds for nonprofits that have shown an exceptional commitment to improving lives in our region."

FirstEnergy基金會主席洛娜·威沙姆說:“我們不僅在阿克倫展示了一個很棒的新場地,而且House Three Three Three Three Three Thrist也是Aog活動的受益者。”“能夠在今年的活動中接待更多人使我們能夠爲非營利組織籌集更多資金,這些非營利組織對改善我們地區的生活表現出了非凡的承諾。”

The hundreds of organizations that have been awarded funding throughout the years provide a wide range of services. Some support the sport of golf while others focus on meeting basic health and human care needs in the local community.


A total of 47 northeast Ohio nonprofit organizations received grants this year from the money raised at last year's AoG event. Some of the projects completed with the funding include:


  • Feed Kids First, based in Stark County, purchased two new refrigerators for their food pantries located in 12 Canton City Schools.

  • 總部位於斯塔克縣的Feed Kids First爲位於坎頓市12所學校的食品儲藏室購買了兩臺新冰箱。

  • Beat the Streets Cleveland bought a new treadmill and spin bike for its wrestling gym, which serves as an outlet for underprivileged youth.

  • Beat the Streets Cleveland爲其摔跤館購買了一臺新的跑步機和旋轉自行車,該體育館是弱勢青年的出路。

  • InMotion purchased new mats, weights and other exercise equipment for their facility in Beachwood that empowers people with Parkinson's disease.

  • InMotion爲其位於比奇伍德的設施購買了新的墊子、舉重器和其他健身器材,以增強帕金森氏病患者的能力。

  • The Canton Museum of Art installed new, energy-efficient LED lighting, providing long-term cost-savings and an upgraded experience for visitors.

  • 廣州藝術博物館安裝了新的節能LED照明,爲遊客提供了長期成本節約和升級體驗。

Libby Doss, Development Director for the Canton Museum of Art, praises the fundraiser's broad support for local organizations and its lasting impact well into the future.


"We can have a more vibrant, thriving community when we all work together for the greater good," said Doss. "Like many of the projects completed with AoG funding this year, the upgrade to energy-efficient lighting at our facility will continue to positively impact our organization for years to come."


MEDIA CONTACT: Hannah Catlett


