
TransPerfect Urges Governor Carney to Immediately Sign SB 313, Formalizing Chancery Court Restraints

TransPerfect Urges Governor Carney to Immediately Sign SB 313, Formalizing Chancery Court Restraints

TransPerfect敦促卡尼州長立即簽署SB 313,正式制定總務法庭的限制措施。
PR Newswire ·  07/03 23:00

"Critical Reform for Overreaching Court Starts with Delaware's Governor"


NEW YORK, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the wake of a string of high-profile cases in recent years, and amid record scrutiny for Delaware's Chancery Court, TransPerfect Founder Phil Shawe has released the following statement on SB 313, a new law passed by the Delaware Legislature that provides some disruption to the court's runaway train of unchecked power:

紐約,2024年7月3日 /PRNewswire/-- 針對近年來一系列備受關注的高調案件,以及特拉華州繼續受到審查的情況下,TransPerfect創始人Phil Shawe就SB 313發佈了以下聲明——這是一項由特拉華州立法機構通過的新法律,該法律爲法院不受限制的權力提供了某些干涉。

"SB 313 doesn't recoup the detriment caused to our company, nor our tens of thousands of team members, but it is an assertion that change is not only needed, but imminent, for a court that has exhibited rampant overreach in recent years. To have multiple members of the court actively working to influence the legislature—a body that is meant to be distinctly independent from the judiciary—epitomizes the desire for dominance the Chancery Court flaunts.

“SB 313不能彌補我們公司及其數萬名團隊成員所遭受的損失,但它肯定表明,在近年來表現出猖獗過度的法庭中,變革不僅是必要的,而且是迫在眉睫的。法院內多名法官積極工作以影響立法機構——這個應該與司法明確分開的機構——完美地詮釋了庇佛法庭炫耀優勢的願望。”

"The proposed amendments in SB 313, written by the Corporate Law Council—the group responsible for reviewing, recommending, and developing changes to Delaware's corporate law—allow corporations to enter into stockholder contracts even if provisions are not set forth at incorporation. The law reins in the Chancery Court's recent rulings that exhibit absolute authority as opposed to the fair arbiter of business law attracting millions of incorporations to the state.

“SB 313中提出的修正案,由公司法委員會——這個負責審查、推薦和制定特拉華州公司法變更的團體——編寫,允許企業參與股東合同,即使規定未在公司章程中列明。該法律收緊了庇佛法庭最近的裁決,這些裁決表現出絕對的權威,而不是商業法的公正仲裁者,吸引了數百萬家公司註冊特拉華州。”

"I strongly urge Governor Carney to sign SB 313 and contest Chancery's flagrant power grab immediately."

“我強烈呼籲卡尼州長簽署SB 313,並立即反對庇佛的明目張膽的權力奪取。”

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