
DxFeed Unveils Cboe One Canada Summary Feed, Enhancing Market Insights for Traders

DxFeed Unveils Cboe One Canada Summary Feed, Enhancing Market Insights for Traders

DxFeed發佈Cboe One Canada摘要訂閱,爲交易員增強市場洞察。
PR Newswire ·  07/03 20:31

NEW YORK, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- dxFeed, a leading market data solutions and index management provider for the global financial industry, both traditional and crypto, announces it has added the Cboe One Canada Summary Feed, a real-time Canadian equities market data product from Cboe Global Markets. This latest addition to dxFeed's comprehensive suite of market data solutions further strengthens its commitment to delivering unparalleled insights and analytics to traders and investors.

紐約,2024年7月3日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球傳統和加密金融行業領先的市場數據解決方案和指數管理提供商DxFeed宣佈已增加了Cboe One Canada摘要提要,這是芝加哥期權交易所環球市場的實時加拿大股票市場數據產品。這是DxFeed全面市場數據解決方案套件的最新成員,進一步加強了其向交易者和投資者提供無與倫比的見解和分析的承諾。

dxFeed Unveils Cboe One Canada Summary Feed, Enhancing Market Insights for Traders
DxFeed推出加拿大Cboe One摘要提要,增強交易者的市場洞察力

The Cboe One Canada Summary Feed provides access to essential market data from the Cboe Canada Inc. ("Cboe Canada") equities exchange by aggregating data from all four trading venues operated by Cboe Canada and trading volume from all Canadian markets. Cboe One Canada also includes exclusive coverage of the more than 260 listed and traded securities on Cboe Canada. Cboe Canada is the third most active marketplace in Canada, consistently representing close to 15% of all volume traded in Canadian-listed securities. Offering comprehensive coverage, real-time updates, and powerful analytics, dxFeed empowers traders with the information needed to make informed decisions in today's dynamic financial landscape.

Cboe One Canada摘要彙總了加拿大Cboe運營的所有四個交易場所的數據以及來自所有加拿大市場的交易量,從而提供了從Cboe Canada Inc.(“Cboe Canada”)股票交易所獲得的基本市場數據的機會。加拿大Cboe One還包括對加拿大芝加哥期權交易所260多隻上市和交易證券的獨家報道。加拿大芝加哥期權交易所是加拿大第三活躍的市場,一直佔加拿大上市證券所有交易量的近15%。DxFeed提供全面的覆蓋範圍、實時更新和強大的分析,爲交易者提供了在當今動態金融格局中做出明智決策所需的信息。

Key features of the dxFeed offering include:

DxFeed 產品的主要功能包括:

  • Real-time Market Insights: Access to real-time pricing and trade data, enabling traders to stay ahead of market movements and capitalize on emerging opportunities
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Extensive coverage of Canadian equities, including essential market metrics and statistics, ensuring traders have a complete view of the market
  • Historical Charting and Tick Data Services to empower end user display terminals with a quick and reliable charting service and tick level data for backtesting and issues resolution
  • Reference data for Canadian Market: Fundamental data and corporate actions for Canadian companies
  • Advanced Analytics: Powerful analytical tools, a market screener, alerts, and indicators to help traders identify trends, patterns, and trading opportunities quickly and efficiently
  • Variety of delivery options: Via AWS PrivateLink, cross connects in US, EU, and Asia, IaaS delivery of data directly to end users
  • The total number of traded securities on Cboe Canada is more than 8000
  • 實時市場洞察: 訪問實時定價和交易數據,使交易者能夠領先於市場走勢並利用新興機會
  • 全面保障: 對加拿大股票的廣泛報道,包括基本的市場指標和統計數據,確保交易者對市場有完整的了解
  • 歷史圖表和即時報價數據服務 爲終端用戶顯示終端提供快速可靠的製圖服務和報價級別數據,用於回測和問題解決
  • 加拿大市場的參考數據: 加拿大公司的基本數據和公司行動
  • 高級分析: 強大的分析工具、市場篩選器、警報和指標,可幫助交易者快速有效地識別趨勢、模式和交易機會
  • 多種配送選項: 通過 AWS PrivateLink,在美國、歐盟和亞洲進行交叉連接,IaaS 直接向最終用戶交付數據
  • 已交易證券的總數 加拿大芝加哥期權交易所(Cboe)上超過8000人

"We are thrilled to introduce the Cboe One Canada Summary Feed, further expanding our offerings to meet the evolving needs of traders," said Oleg Solodukhin, CEO of dxFeed. "With this latest addition, dxFeed continues its mission to provide reliable, high-quality market data solutions that empower traders to navigate the markets with confidence."

他說:“我們很高興推出Cboe One Canada摘要提要,進一步擴大我們的產品範圍以滿足交易者不斷變化的需求。” DxFeed首席執行官奧列格·索洛杜欣。“藉助這一最新功能,DxFeed繼續其使命,即提供可靠、高質量的市場數據解決方案,使交易者能夠充滿信心地駕馭市場。”

Adam Inzirillo, Executive Vice President, Head of Data and Access Solutions at Cboe Global Markets, stated: "Cboe is pleased to collaborate with dxFeed and provide our extensive Canadian equities market feed to its clients. We are always striving to find new ways to provide innovative market data solutions, and the launch of the Cboe One Canada Summary Feed on dxFeed underscores our commitment to offering traders timely and comprehensive market data."

亞當·因齊裏洛, 執行副總裁芝加哥期權交易所全球市場數據和訪問解決方案主管,表示:“芝加哥期權交易所很高興與DxFeed合作,爲其客戶提供我們廣泛的加拿大股票市場信息。我們一直在努力尋找新的方法來提供創新的市場數據解決方案,而在DxFeed上推出的Cboe One Canada摘要突顯了我們對爲交易者提供及時、全面的市場數據的承諾。”

dxFeed's commitment to innovation and excellence has established it as a trusted partner for market participants worldwide. The launch of the Cboe One Canada Summary Feed reaffirms dxFeed's position as a leader in the market data industry, delivering cutting-edge solutions that drive success for traders and investors.

DxFeed 對創新和卓越的承諾使其成爲全球市場參與者值得信賴的合作伙伴。Cboe One Canada摘要提要的推出重申了DxFeed作爲市場數據行業領導者的地位,提供尖端的解決方案,推動交易者和投資者取得成功。

About dxFeed
dxFeed is a leading market data services provider and calculation agent for the capital markets industry. According to the WatersTechnology 2024 IMD & IRD awards honors, it's the Best Reference Data Managed Service. The Sell-Side Technology Awards 2023 named the firm the Best Infrastructure Provider. dxFeed focuses primarily on delivering financial information and services to buy- and sell-side institutions in global markets, both traditional and crypto. That includes brokerages, prop traders, exchanges, individuals (traders, quants, and portfolio managers), and academia (educational institutions and researchers).

關於 DxFeed
DxFeed是資本市場行業領先的市場數據服務提供商和計算代理商。根據 WatersTechnology 2024 年 IMD 和 IRD 獎項榮譽,這是 最佳參考數據管理服務。2023 年賣方技術獎將該公司評爲 最佳基礎設施提供者r. dxFeed主要專注於向全球市場的買方和賣方機構提供金融信息和服務,包括傳統和加密市場。這包括經紀公司、自營交易者、交易所、個人(交易者、量化分析師和投資組合經理)和學術界(教育機構和研究人員)。

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