
AI Coding Startup Magic Seeks To Triple Its Valuation To $1.5B In New Funding Round: Report

AI Coding Startup Magic Seeks To Triple Its Valuation To $1.5B In New Funding Round: Report

Benzinga ·  07/03 18:47

AI coding startup Magic AI Inc. is reportedly in discussions to secure over $200 million in a funding round, potentially tripling its valuation to $1.5 billion. This comes just a few months after its previous capital raise.

人工智能編碼初創公司Magic AI Inc.正在商討籌集超過2億美元的融資,可能將其估值上漲到15億美元,即上次估值的三倍。此前僅數月之後。

What Happened: Magic, a U.S.-based startup that specializes in developing AI models to write software, is in the process of raising more than $200 million in a new funding round, Reuters reported, citing three sources. This would value the company at $1.5 billion, a threefold increase from its last valuation.


Despite having no revenue and no product for sale, Magic's valuation is expected to soar in this new funding round. Investors, including Jane Street, are anticipated to take part in the round.

雖然Magic沒有營業收入和銷售產品,但預計這一輪融資將推高其估值。投資者包括Jane Street在內預計將參與該輪融資。

The startup, which currently has about 20 employees, was last valued at $500 million after its previous fundraising in February. Since its establishment in 2022, Magic has raised $140 million from backers such as Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross' NFDG Ventures, as well as Alphabet Inc.'s CapitalG.

這家初創公司目前有大約20名員工,上次籌集資金是在2022年2月,估值達到5億美元。自成立以來,Magic已從諸如Nat Friedman和Daniel Gross的NFDG Ventures以及Alphabet Inc.的CapitalG等支持者那裏籌集了1.4億美元。

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Jim Cramer有一個市場策略:利率上升,買Mag 7;利率下降,買所有股票

Magic's new round is part of a larger trend in the AI industry. The success of Microsoft Corp.'s GitHub has further fueled investors' interest in AI technologies. Other startups in this space, such as Augment and Cognition, have also seen significant funding rounds.

Magic的新融資輪是人工智能行業的一個更大趨勢的一部分。Microsoft Corp.的GitHub的成功進一步燃起了投資者對人工智能技術的興趣。這個領域的其他初創公司,如Augment和Cognition,也獲得了重大的資金支持。

Investors believe that the market for AI code assistants is substantial, as evidenced by GitHub Copilot's success, which has 1.3 million paid subscribers. Magic and a few other startups are working on training their large language models for coding-specific tasks, a costly endeavor that requires significant investment in data, chips, and electricity."

投資者認爲AI代碼助手的市場非常大,這一點可以從GitHub Copilot的成功看出,後者擁有130萬付費訂閱用戶。Magic和其他幾家初創公司正在爲針對編程特定任務進行大型語言模型的訓練,這需要在數據、芯片和電力方面進行重大投資。

Magic AI Inc. did not immediately respond to a Benzinga request for a statement.

Magic AI Inc.未立即回覆Benzinga的請求。

Why It Matters: The AI industry is witnessing a surge in funding rounds and valuations. Recently, Abnormal Security, an AI-powered cybersecurity startup, was reported to be valued at $5 billion in a new funding round. This valuation represents a significant increase from its previous valuation.

爲什麼重要:人工智能行業正在見證其估值和融資輪次的激增。最近,一家AI動力的網絡安全初創公司Abnormal Security被報道在新一輪融資中的估值達到了50億美元。這一估值較其上次估值有了重大提高。

In June, Microsoft announced a $100 million investment in Touchcast Inc., a startup specializing in caching generative artificial intelligence queries. This move aimed to reduce computational and energy requirements for models like OpenAI's GPT-4.

今年6月,微軟宣佈投資1億美元,支持以緩存生成式人工智能查詢爲專長的初創公司Touchcast Inc。此舉旨在降低像OpenAI的GPT-4等模型的計算和能源要求。

In another development, Lambda Labs, a Silicon Valley startup, is in discussions to raise an additional $800 million to expand its AI infrastructure, driven by the surging demand for AI computing.

另一方面,硅谷初創企業Lambda Labs正在商討籌集額外8億美元,以擴大其人工智能基礎設施。這一舉措是由對人工智能計算需求的激增所驅動的。

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

