
NX Germany Bratislava Branch Transports Cherry Blossom Drawings by Japanese Elementary School Students to Slovakia

NX Germany Bratislava Branch Transports Cherry Blossom Drawings by Japanese Elementary School Students to Slovakia

PR Newswire ·  07/03 14:00

TOKYO, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nippon Express (Deutschland) GmbH (hereinafter "NX Germany"), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., transported 25 cherry blossom drawings by elementary school students in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, for display at the "Sakura in my eyes" exhibition held in Bratislava, Slovakia from June 10 to 22.

2024年7月3日,日本快遞控股株式會社(以下簡稱日本快遞)的集團公司德國Nippon Express GmbH(以下簡稱NX Deutschland)爲展示於斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉發的“我眼中的櫻花”展覽運輸了25份岐阜縣小學生櫻花畫。



Photos from the event:


Approximately 450 cherry trees were planted in Slovakia in 2020 to commemorate 100 years of bilateral exchange with Japan. The planting of these trees led to the commencement of the Sakura and Art Festival in parts of Slovakia in 2023, and both cherry blossom-themed events and events introducing Japanese culture were held this year.


As part of this year's Sakura and Art Festival, an exhibition of cherry blossom drawings by children from Slovakia and Japan was held from June 10 to 22. On display at this event were cherry blossom pictures drawn by children from both countries, among which were 25 pictures by elementary school students in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, delivered to the venue by NX Germany's Bratislava Branch. Gifu Prefecture has close ties with Slovakia, having been a host town for Slovak athletes taking part in the 2021 Tokyo Paralympics.

作爲今年櫻花藝術節的一部分,斯洛伐克和日本兒童的櫻花畫展覽於6月10至22日舉行。該活動展出了兩國兒童繪製的櫻花畫,在這些畫中,有25幅來自日本中部岐阜縣的小學生繪製的畫作,由NX Deutschland布拉迪斯拉發分部運送至展館。岐阜縣與斯洛伐克有着密切的聯繫,曾是2021年東京殘奧會斯洛伐克運動員的東道主城市。

An opening ceremony for the exhibition was attended by Ambassador of Japan to the Slovak Republic Yasuhiro Kawakami and other dignitaries, and many people came to see the drawings by Japanese elementary school students, making the exhibition a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange.


The NX Group will continue engaging in social contribution activities to actively help deepen exchange between Japan and the rest of the world.


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