
Top Apple Executive Phil Schiller To Join OpenAI Board As Observer, Giving iPhone Maker Equal Status With Microsoft After Landmark AI Agreement Reached: Report

Top Apple Executive Phil Schiller To Join OpenAI Board As Observer, Giving iPhone Maker Equal Status With Microsoft After Landmark AI Agreement Reached: Report

Benzinga ·  09:58

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is reportedly set to secure an observer role on the board of ChatGPT-parent OpenAI, matching the position of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT).

據報道,蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)計劃在ChatGPT母公司OpenAI的董事會上獲得觀察員角色,與微軟公司(NASDAQ:MSFT)一樣。匿名人士告訴彭博社,蘋果前市場營銷主管Phil Schiller已被選爲觀察員,這是上月宣佈的具有里程碑意義的協議的一部分。

What Happened: Cupertino's former marketing chief, Phil Schiller, has been chosen for this role, which is part of a landmark agreement announced last month, reported Bloomberg, citing people familiar with the situation.

發生了什麼:彭博社援引知情人士報道,庫比蒂諾前市場營銷主管Phil Schiller被選爲這一角色,他將獲得對蘋果公司決策過程的深入了解,但不會擔任全職董事。儘管他並沒有領導蘋果的人工智能項目,但作爲公司的管理者,他的經驗使他成爲觀察員的合適人選。

Schiller, who is currently leading Apple's App Store, will not serve as a full director but will gain insights into the company's decision-making process. Despite not leading Apple's AI initiatives, his experience as a company steward makes him a suitable choice for the observer role.

除了監督App Store,Schiller還管理着這家科技巨頭的產品發佈活動,並擔任醫療技術公司Illumina Inc.的董事。這位64歲的老人在2020年辭去了市場營銷主管的職務,現在擔任蘋果會士的頭銜。

In addition to overseeing the App Store, Schiller manages the tech giant's product launch events and serves as a director at medical technology company Illumina Inc. The 64-year-old stepped down from his role as head of marketing in 2020 and now holds the title of Apple Fellow.


Apple and OpenAI did not immediately respond to Benzinga's request for comments.


The announcement follows Apple's decision in June to integrate ChatGPT into its suite of artificial intelligence features on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. The board arrangement is expected to take effect later this year.


This role will put Apple on par with Microsoft, OpenAI's primary AI technology provider and largest supporter. The observer role allows attendance at board meetings without voting rights or other directorial powers.


However, having both Microsoft and Apple present at board meetings could lead to complications, given their history as both rivals and partners. Some OpenAI board meetings may discuss future AI initiatives between OpenAI and Microsoft, discussions from which Microsoft may prefer Schiller to be excluded, the report noted.


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Why It Matters: The partnership between Apple and OpenAI has been a topic of interest since earlier this year.

5月份,有報道稱微軟CEO Satya Nadella與OpenAI CEO Sam Altman會面,就與蘋果達成潛在協議表達了公司的擔憂。微軟的擔憂主要是潛在協議對其產品野心的影響。

In May, it was reported that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella met OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to express the company's concerns about the potential agreement with Apple. Microsoft's concerns were primarily about the potential impact on its product ambitions.


Last month, it was reported Apple and OpenAI's partnership did not involve any cash payments. Instead, Cupertino reportedly believed that the exposure of OpenAI's brand and technology to its extensive user base was of equal or greater value than monetary transactions.


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