
Radico Khaitan Luxury Brands Awarded Best World Whisky and Best Gin at the John Barleycorn Awards 2024

Radico Khaitan Luxury Brands Awarded Best World Whisky and Best Gin at the John Barleycorn Awards 2024

Radico Khaitan豪華品牌在John Barleycorn Awards 2024獲得了最佳世界威士忌和最佳琴酒。
PR Newswire ·  07/03 01:55

Rampur Jugalbandi #3 WINS 'BEST WORLD WHISKY'
Jaisalmer Gin Gold Edition WINS 'BEST GIN'
Rampur Luxury Collection WIN Multiple Accolades

Rampur Jugalbandi #3獲得“BEST WORLD WHISKY”
Jaisalmer Gin Gold Edition獲得“BEST GIN”

NEW YORK, July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Radico Khaitan is delighted to announce that Rampur Jugalbandi #3 has been awarded Best World Whisky and Jaisalmer Gold Indian Craft Gin has been awarded Best Gin at the prestigious John Barleycorn Awards 2024 with 94 points each, in addition to Double Gold medals. Other luxury brands of Radico Khaitan were also awarded top medals with Rampur Jugalbandi #4 and Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin awarded Double Gold medals and Rampur Asava and Rampur Double Cask Indian Single Malt Whiskies and Sangam World Malt Whisky awarded Gold medals. For the first time, Barleycorn took the highest scoring entries from the medals round of the competition and blind tasted them a second time to determine Double Gold evaluations and the best in the category.

2024年7月2日,紐約/ PRNewswire/ - Radico Khaitan很高興宣佈Rampur Jugalbandi #3被授予最佳世界威士忌獎和Jaisalmer Gold Indian Craft Gin被授予最佳琴酒獎,每項獲得94分和雙金獎章。 Radico Khaitan的其他奢侈品牌也獲得了最高獎章,其中Rampur Jugalbandi #4和Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin獲得雙金獎章,Rampur Asava和Rampur Double Cask Indian Single Malt威士忌以及Sangam World Malt Whisky獲得金獎章。首次,Barleycorn從比賽的獎牌環節中選擇了得分最高的作品,對它們進行了盲品評,以確定雙金獎評估和該類別最佳作品。

A toast to the Best World Whisky acclaimed by Barleycorn Awards 2024
爲Barleycorn Awards 2024頒發的最佳世界威士忌乾杯
Raise your glass to the Best Gin acclaimed by Barleycorn Awards 2024
爲Barleycorn Awards 2024頒發的最佳琴酒乾杯

The John Barleycorn Awards, known for rewarding excellence in the spirits industry, has recognised the exceptional quality and unique characteristics of Radico Khaitan's luxury spirits portfolio. Rampur Distillery's innovative approach to the ageing process of its whiskies distinguishes it from other world whiskies. The Himalayas provide opposite climate conditions throughout the year with the flavour of the famous Indian Summer giving Rampur Whiskies an added dimension and depth.

因獎勵中成就卓越的烈酒行業而聞名的John Barleycorn Awards已認可Radico Khaitan的豪華烈酒系列特質和獨特品質。 Rampur蒸餾廠創新的威士忌陳釀方法使其區別於其他世界威士忌。 喜馬拉雅山全年提供相反的氣候條件,印度夏天的味道使Rampur威士忌增添了其他層次和深度。

The Rampur Jugalbandi #3 has garnered significant acclaim, earning the Best World Whisky at Barleycorn Awards for 2024. This expression is part of Rampur's innovative Jugalbandi series, which highlights the ancient Indian musical tradition of duet performances, symbolizing a harmonious blend of different cask influences.

分析師團隊剛剛選出他們認爲投資者現在可以買入的10只最佳股票……而超微電腦不在其中。有可能這10只被選出的股票未來幾年會產生巨大回報。Rampur Jugalbandi #3在Barleycorn Awards 2024中,他榮獲了重大讚譽,並獲得了最佳世界威士忌獎。 該酒款是Rampur創新的Jugalbandi系列的一部分,該系列突出了古老的印度音樂傳統,表現了不同桶影響的和諧融合。

The Rampur Jugalbandi #3 is a limited-edition Indian single malt whisky matured in American Bourbon barrels and Port wine casks. This combination creates a rich profile with intense tropical fruit notes, hints of mango and lychee, with spices, and a velvety finish with flavors of sweet plum cake, prunes, and vanilla.

Rampur Jugalbandi#3是一種限量版的印度單一麥芽威士忌,該威士忌在美國波旁酒桶和波特酒橡木桶中陳釀。 此組合創造了濃郁的特色,具有強烈的熱帶水果味道,芒果和荔枝的提示,並帶有香料和柔滑的口感,口感帶有甜李子蛋糕,李子和香草的味道。

Sanjeev Banga, President of International Business at Radico Khaitan Ltd says: "We are delighted to have been awarded the top medals across our portfolio of luxury spirits. We are particularly delighted with the Best World Whisky award for Rampur. Rampur is currently present in 40+ countries and demand is across nationalities. It is also one of the most popular and best-selling Indian malts in the Global Travel retail channel and results at the John Barleycorn Awards 2024 underscores the quality of our products."

Radico Khaitan股份有限公司國際商務總裁Sanjeev Banga表示:"我們很高興在我們的豪華烈酒產品組合中獲得最高獎牌。我們特別高興Rampur獲得最佳世界威士忌獎。 Rampur目前在40個以上國家/地區存在,並且需要跨國。 它也是全球旅遊零售渠道中最受歡迎和暢銷的印度威士忌之一,而Barleycorn Awards 2024的結果強調了我們產品的質量。"

The Jaisalmer Gold Gin has been recognized as the Best Gin at the 2024 Barleycorn Awards. This prestigious accolade highlights the quality and craftsmanship of the gin. The gin is noted for its luxurious blend of 18 botanicals sourced from various parts of India, combined with juniper berries and angelica root from Europe.

分析師團隊剛剛選出他們認爲投資者現在可以買入的10只最佳股票……而超微電腦不在其中。有可能這10只被選出的股票未來幾年會產生巨大回報。Jaisalmer Gold Gin 在2024年的Barleycorn Awards中被評爲最佳琴酒。 這個聲望很高的榮譽突出了琴酒的品質和工藝。 改琴酒因其豪華的混合18種從印度不同地區採購的植物以及來自歐洲的杜松子和歐洲茴香根而聞名。"贏得2024 Barleycorn Awards的'Best Gin',Jaisalmer Gin Gold Edition在飲料市場上取得了顯着的成功。 我們琴酒精湛的植物配方和精確的蒸餾技術在烈酒業界設立了新的基準。 這個聲譽不僅提高了我們的品牌聲譽,而且還鞏固了我們致力於向全球琴酒愛好者提供無與倫比的口感和創新的承諾。 "-Radico Khaitan國際業務副總裁Mr. Kunal Madan

"Winning the 'Best Gin' at the 2024 Barleycorn Awards, the Jaisalmer Gin Gold Edition has made a significant mark in the beverage market. Our gin's exquisite blend of botanicals and precise distillation techniques have set a new benchmark in the spirits industry. This recognition not only enhances our brand reputation but also solidifies our dedication to delivering unparalleled taste and innovation to gin enthusiasts worldwide." - Mr. Kunal Madan, the Vice President of Radico Khaitan's international business

“在2024年Barleycorn Awards中贏得“最佳琴酒”稱號,傑塞爾黃金版琴酒在飲料市場上留下了重要的印記。我們琴酒精選精美的植物原料,採用精確的蒸餾技術,樹立了烈酒行業的新基準。這種認可不僅增強了我們的品牌聲譽,還鞏固了我們致力於爲全球琴酒愛好者帶來無與倫比的口感和創新的承諾。”——Radico Khaitan國際業務副總裁 Kunal Madan先生

About Radico Khaitan:

關於Radico Khaitan:

Radico Khaitan Limited ("Radico Khaitan" or the Company) is among the oldest and one of the largest manufacturers of IMFL in India. Earlier known as Rampur Distillery Company, Radico Khaitan commenced its operations in 1943 and over the years emerged as a major bulk spirits supplier and bottler to other spirit manufacturers. In 1998 the Company started producing its own brands with the introduction of 8PM Whisky. Radico Khaitan is one of the few companies in India to have developed its entire brand portfolio organically. The Company's brand portfolio includes After Dark Whisky, Contessa Rum, Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin, Kohinoor Reserve Indian Dark Rum, Magic Moments Vodka, Morpheus Brandy, Old Admiral Brandy, Rampur Indian Single Malt Whisky, Royal Ranthambore Heritage Collection-Royal Crafted Whisky, Sangam World Malt Whisky, 1965 The Spirit of Victory Premium XXX Rum, 8PM Premium Black Whisky and 8PM Whisky.

Radico Khaitan Limited(“Radico Khaitan”或公司)是印度最古老和最大的IMFL製造商之一。 以前稱爲Rampur Distillery Company,Radico Khaitan於1943年開始運營,並在多年的發展中成爲了向其他酒類製造商提供主要散裝烈酒供應商和裝瓶機之一。 1998年,該公司開始生產自己的品牌,推出8PM Whisky。 Radico Khaitan是印度少數在本地開發了其整個品牌組合的公司之一。 公司的品牌組合包括After Dark Whisky、Contessa Rum、Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin、Kohinoor Reserve Indian Dark Rum、Magic Moments Vodka、Morpheus Brandy、Old Admiral Brandy、Rampur Indian Single Malt Whisky、Royal Ranthambore Heritage Collection-Royal Crafted Whisky、Sangam World Malt Whisky、1965 The Spirit of Victory Premium XXX Rum、8PM Premium Black Whisky和8PM Whisky。

Currently, the Company has seven millionaire brands including Morpheus Super Premium Brandy, 1965 Spirit of Victory Premium Rum, 8PM Premium Black Whisky, 8PM Whisky, Contessa Rum, Old Admiral Brandy, and Magic Moments Vodka. The Company has distilleries in Rampur and Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, and one in Aurangabad, Maharashtra which is a 36% joint venture. The Company has a total owned capacity of 320 million litres and operates 41 bottling units (5 owned, 28 contract and 8 royalty bottling units) spread across the country.

目前,該公司擁有包括Morpheus超級優質白蘭地、1965年勝利之酒超級朗姆酒、8PM優質黑威士忌、8PM威士忌、Contessa Rum、Old Admiral Brandy和Magic Moments Vodka等在內的七個千禧年品牌。 該公司在Uttar Pradesh的Rampur和Sitapur以及Maharashtra的Aurangabad擁有酒廠(後者是36%的合資企業)。 公司總共擁有320萬升的自有產能,並在全國範圍內運營41家裝瓶廠(5家自有,28家合同和8家特許權裝瓶廠)。

About John Barleycorn Awards


The John Barleycorn Society is an assemblage of the world's top journalists and industry professionals who foster a modern approach to recognising excellence in the spirits industry from seed to glass. Taste, print and digital marketing, package design, public relations, journalism, social media, event production, filmmaking, and bar design are some of the general categories judged by the select panels. The John Barleycorn Society is dedicated to redefining today's spirits awards by acknowledging the entire scope of the industry and revolutionising the process.

John Barleycorn Society是一群來自全球頂級記者和行業專業人士的人組成的組織,他們推動了一個現代化的方法,以從種子到玻璃認可烈酒行業的卓越成就。 選擇的小組對品嚐,印刷和數字營銷,包裝設計,公共關係,新聞業,社交媒體,活動製作,電影製作和酒吧設計等一些一般類別進行了裁判。 約翰·巴利克恩協會致力於通過承認整個行業並改革流程來重新定義當今的烈酒獎項。

SOURCE Rampur Distillery

來源:Rampur Distillery

