
Comerica Releases 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

Comerica Releases 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

聯信銀行 ·  07/01 12:00

DALLAS, July 1, 2024Comerica Incorporated (NYSE: CMA) published its 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report which provides a comprehensive review of its environmental, social and governance initiatives and progress. This marks the 16th edition of the corporate responsibility-related report.


"Much has changed throughout the course of Comerica's nearly 175-year history, but what has remained consistent is our determination to make a positive impact in the markets we serve," said Wendy Bridges, Comerica Bank Executive Vice President, Corporate Responsibility. "This report highlights our efforts around capital access, products, diversity, financial education and climate that benefit our customers, communities and colleagues."

聯信銀行的執行副總裁、企業責任部門的Wendy Bridges表示:“聯信銀行的近175年曆史中,發生了很多變化,但我們始終堅定地決心在我們服務的市場中產生積極的影響。本報告突出了我們在資本准入、產品、多樣化、金融教育以及有益於客戶、社區和同事的氣候方面所做出的努力。”

Capital Access: Comerica exceeded its three-year (2021-2023) goal to lend $5 billion to small businesses. The year also included the introduction of Comerica BusinessHQ to the Southern sector of Dallas, providing entrepreneurs and small businesses with the necessary tools to cultivate, connect and receive access to capital.

資本准入:聯信銀行超額完成了向小型企業貸款50億美元的三年目標(2021-2023年)。該年還推出了針對美國南部地區的Comerica BusinessHQ,爲創業者和小企業提供必要的工具,以培育、聯繫和獲得資本。

ESG Products: By working with companies involved in environmentally beneficial industries and projects, Comerica extended its impact beyond its own footprint to advance support for recycling, renewable energy, green buildings and pollution reduction. In 2023, Comerica saw $2.9 billion in loans and commitments coded to environmentally beneficial (green) businesses and projects – a seven percent increase from 2022.


Diversity: Comerica's strength resides in its diverse and inclusive workforce. The diverse makeup of Comerica colleagues allows it to connect to a wider customer base, enhances community relationships and enriches its engagement with those communities to help them become stronger. In 2023, 63% of U.S colleagues were women; 43% of U.S. colleagues were racial/ethnic minorities; and 53% of Comerica U.S. officials and managers were women.


Financial Education: Financial education and technical assistance training are fundamental to Comerica's programming to help strengthen the economy and empower local communities. The work of volunteers allowed Comerica to educate approximately 106,000 individuals from low- and moderate-income communities as part of the Comerica $ense financial education programs. Additionally, more than 8,000 in-person, virtual and hybrid workshops were held across Comerica's markets in diverse segments and languages, including Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Arabic.

金融教育:金融教育和技術支持培訓是聯信銀行計劃的基本內容,以幫助加強經濟並賦予當地社區權力。志願者的工作使聯信銀行能夠在Comerica $ense金融教育計劃的一部分中,向約106,000名來自低收入和中等收入社區的人們提供教育。此外,聯信銀行在其各個市場上舉辦了超過8,000次面對面、虛擬和混合工作坊,在其多元化領域和語言中,包括西班牙語、粵語、普通話、越南語和阿拉伯語。

Climate: Comerica understands a changing climate is creating conditions that impact the organization and its customers, and is committed to addressing this change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, managing climate risks and supporting its customers. As of 2023, it has achieved a 57% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions against its 2030 goal, which already exceeds its 2025 goal. In addition, it has reduced other environmental impacts, including through an 84% reduction in office copy paper from its 2012 base year; a 39% reduction in waste to landfill from its 2012 base year; and a 37% decrease in metered water use compared to its 2012 base year.


About Comerica


This year, Comerica Bank celebrates its 175th anniversary. A subsidiary of Comerica Incorporated (NYSE: CMA), Comerica Bank is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and is strategically aligned by three business segments: The Commercial Bank, The Retail Bank and Wealth Management. Comerica, one of the 25 largest commercial U.S. financial holding companies, focuses on building relationships and helping people and businesses be successful, providing more than 380 banking centers across the country with locations in Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan and Texas. Founded on Aug. 17, 1849, in Detroit, Michigan, Comerica continues to expand into new regions, most recently in the Southeast, including North Carolina and Mountain West Market in Colorado. Comerica has offices in 17 states and services 14 of the 15 largest U.S. metropolitan areas, as well as Canada and Mexico. Comerica reported total assets of $79.4 billion at March 31, 2024.Learn more about how Comerica is raising expectations of what a bank can be by visiting, and follow us on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn.

今年,聯信銀行慶祝其175週年紀念。聯信銀行是聯信銀行股份有限公司(紐交所:CMA)的子公司,總部位於德克薩斯州達拉斯市,通過三個業務部分進行戰略對齊:商業銀行、零售銀行和财富管理。聯信銀行是美國25家最大的商業持有公司之一,致力於建立關係,幫助人們和企業取得成功,提供超過400個銀行中心,分別位於亞利桑那州、加利福尼亞州、佛羅里達州、密歇根州和德克薩斯州。聯信銀行始建於1849年8月17日,位於密歇根州底特律市,繼續向新的地區擴張,最近包括北卡羅來納州和科羅拉多州的山區市場。聯信銀行在17個州設有辦事處,併爲美國15個最大的城市提供服務,同時也爲加拿大和墨西哥提供服務。截至2024年3月31日,聯信銀行的總資產達794億美元。了解更多有關聯信銀行如何提高銀行的期望,請訪問www.聯信銀行.com,並在Twitter上關注我們。th子公司Comerica Bank是一家總部位於德克薩斯州達拉斯的金融服務公司,通過三個業務部門實現戰略對齊:商業銀行、零售銀行和财富管理。www.聯信銀行.com,並在我們之後的推特上關注我們。Facebook, X (以前稱爲Twitter), Instagram和頁面。LinkedIn.

