
Elon Musk Reveals The Staggering Amount Of Nvidia H100 GPUs That Will Be Used To Train XAI Chatbot Grok

Elon Musk Reveals The Staggering Amount Of Nvidia H100 GPUs That Will Be Used To Train XAI Chatbot Grok

埃隆·馬斯克透露,將使用驚人數量的英偉達 H100 GPU 來訓練 XAI 聊天機器人 Grok。
Benzinga ·  07/02 20:54

Tesla Inc. CEO and xAI founder Elon Musk has shared a glimpse of the resources invested in the development of his AI chatbot, Grok.


What Happened: Musk recently disclosed that the upcoming version of his AI chatbot, Grok 3, will be trained on a massive 100,000 Nvidia H100 chips.

最近馬斯克透露,即將推出的他的AI聊天機器人Grok 3將在10萬塊英偉達H100芯片上進行訓練。

The H100 chips, also known as Hopper, are crucial for handling data processing in large language models (LLMs) and are highly sought after in Silicon Valley.


Each Nvidia H100 GPU chip is estimated to cost around $30,000, with some estimates reaching as high as $40,000.

每個英偉達H100 GPU芯片的成本估計約爲30000美元,有些估計甚至高達40000美元。

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This means that the training of Grok 3 could potentially be on AI chips worth $3 billion to $4 billion, which would be nearly three to four times of what Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms Inc. has bet.

這意味着Grok 3的培訓可能潛在地使用了價值30億至40億美元的AI芯片,這幾乎是馬克·扎克伯格的Meta平台公司所押注的三到四倍。

Grok 3 end of year after training on 100k H100s should be really something special

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 1, 2024

Grok 3在使用10萬個H100芯片進行訓練後,到年底時將會非常特殊。

— 馬斯克(@elonmusk)2024年7月1日

It is unclear if these chips were purchased outright by Musk's company or rented from cloud service providers.


Read Also: Microsoft's AI Chief Sparks Controversy, Says Open Web Content Is 'Freeware' Amid Lawsuits For Training AI Using Copyrighted Online Content

閱讀更多: 微軟AI首席引起爭議,稱開放網絡內容就是'免費軟件',與使用受版權保護的在線內容進行培訓的訴訟相牴觸。

In a previous interview, Musk mentioned that Grok 2 required around 20,000 H100s for training.

在先前的一次採訪中,馬斯克提到Grok 2的訓練需要大約2萬個H100芯片。

Musk's AI startup, xAI, has already released Grok-1 and Grok-1.5, with Grok 2 set to launch in August. Musk hinted that Grok 3 will be released by the end of the year.

馬斯克的AI創業公司xAI已經發布了Grok-1和Grok-1.5,並計劃在8月份推出Grok 2。馬斯克暗示Grok 3將於年底發佈。

Why It Matters: The use of AI in various industries is increasing rapidly, leading to a high demand for AI chips.


This has led to a race among tech companies to acquire these chips, as seen in the case of Musk's xAI and Meta, which is also stacking up on a large number of GPUs.


This has also contributed to the fierce competition for top AI talent, as highlighted by Aravind Srinivas, founder and CEO of AI startup Perplexity.

這也導致爲頂級的人工智能人才進行激烈的競爭,正如AI創業公司Perplexity的創始人兼首席執行官Aravind Srinivas所強調的那樣。

The development of AI technology and the resources invested in it are crucial for the future of various industries, including automotive and space exploration, where Musk's companies are major players.


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