
Ryan Specialty Announces Edward F. McCormack Will Become CEO Of RT Specialty, Effective October 1, 2024

Ryan Specialty Announces Edward F. McCormack Will Become CEO Of RT Specialty, Effective October 1, 2024

Ryan Specialty宣佈Edward F. McCormack將於2024年10月1日成爲RT Specialty的CEO。
Benzinga ·  07/02 20:04

Ryan Specialty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RYAN) ("Ryan Specialty" or "the Company"), a leading international specialty insurance firm, is pleased to announce executive leadership team promotions for Ryan Turner Specialty ("RT Specialty"), the wholesale brokerage division within Ryan Specialty. These executive changes, effective October 1, 2024, reflect the continued growth and evolution of the firm, as well as the depth of talent on the RT Specialty executive leadership team.

領先的國際特別保險公司Ryan Specialty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:RYAN) ("Ryan Specialty"或"公司"),非常高興宣佈,其專業客戶經紀部門Ryan Turner Specialty ("RT Specialty")的高管團隊晉升。這些高管變更將於2024年10月1日生效,反映了公司不斷增長和發展以及RT Specialty高管領導團隊的人才儲備深度。

  • Edward F. McCormack will become Chief Executive Officer of RT Specialty. Ed has been President of RT Specialty since 2016 and previously served as Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel. He joined RT Specialty at its inception in 2010.
  • Brenda (Ballard) Austenfeld and Michael T. VanAcker will become Co-Presidents of RT Specialty.
    • Brenda is currently CEO and President of RT National Property and will continue in this role in addition to becoming Co-President. Brenda joined RT through the acquisition of Westrope in 2013 where she was a partner. Brenda has spent 30+ years in the insurance industry and currently serves as President of the Board of Directors for the Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association (WSIA) as well as a member of the Board of Directors for the Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers (CIAB).
      • Michael is currently Executive Vice President of RT Specialty and previously served as Chief Operating Officer of both RT Specialty and Ryan Specialty and Controller for RT Specialty. Michael has spent his entire career in the insurance industry, starting his career at PwC before moving to Ryan Specialty in 2011. He is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of Illinois.
  • Edward F. McCormack將成爲RT Specialty的首席執行官。Ed自2016年以來一直擔任RT Specialty總裁,之前曾擔任首席運營官和總法律顧問。他於2010年加入RT Specialty。
  • Brenda (Ballard) Austenfeld 和 Michael T. VanAcker 將成爲RT Specialty的共同總裁。
    • Brenda目前是RT National Property的首席執行官和總裁,並將繼續擔任此職務,同時擔任共同總裁。Brenda於2013年通過收購Westrope加入RT,當時她是合作伙伴。Brenda在保險行業工作了30多年,目前擔任Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association (WSIA)董事會主席以及Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers (CIAB)董事會成員。
      • Michael目前是RT Specialty的執行副總裁,曾擔任RT Specialty和Ryan Specialty的首席運營官以及RT Specialty的控制器。Michael在保險行業工作了整整一生,他的職業生涯始於普華永道,之後在2011年加入Ryan Specialty。他是伊利諾伊州持牌的註冊會計師。

